

Another babka?
Hey Disney never auctioned the props off!


Continuity Nutcase
Hey Disney never auctioned the props off!
Yes they did.

Back in 2003, several monster costumes were sold off by ABC Auctions right after Disney first acquired the property.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Hasbro has posted 4th Quarter and Full year 2024 Earnings today. Earnings were largely impacted by the divesture of eOne assets, barring which the company saw a modest 7% decline in revenue to $4.1B (down from $5B the year before). However, "under the hood optimizations" resulted in an operating profit of $838M.

Hasbro's big new "initiative" is "Play to Win"


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
In other words, they're trying to become a video game and licensing company instead of a toy and board game company. TBF, given the play pattern with kids these days, that's probably a smart move. Sounds like any non-collectible toy lines are going to be phased out though, at least in general.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Eh, to me, "Play to Win" is just the usual corporate speak wrapped in a new packaging for the same stuff they've BEEN doing since deciding to divest from the media focus Goldner drug them to.
As is increasingly, common, Magic and digital gaming are making up a lion's share of focus from corporate, with a particular note of a joint publishing partnership with Saber Interactive (recently published Warhammer 40K Space Marine 2). Exodus and the still unseen AAA GI Joe title have either been mentioned or popped up in presentation material.

In the call, Hasbro reported an increased effort in appealing to girls and more "real toys" in the $10-20 range. Which is a welcome indicator offset by the "aging up" metric in their Play to Win material.

We'll see how this year shakes out. But I don't see any major changes in Hasbro's recent MO, just some new spins on talking about it.

Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
Between AotP being a two year line instead of three, and apparently now Studio Series '86 ending in 2026, I'm curious if there's a large shake-up for the TF division coming in 2027.

Platypus Prime

Well-known member
That honestly wouldn't surprise me. Hasbro has NOT been sitting around, contrary to the general impressions they give. They were strategically moving their manufacturing out of China for years now, anticipating a mix of price issues and political problems. No one counted on the general chaos going on in the world in general, but they did try to insulate themselves a bit. They do have a huge advantage in their close partnership with Takara, but I expect they may start outsourcing more of the general design work to them directly. Marketing then becomes a problem, they're still not, as a company, fully social-media savvy, though individuals on the various teams try to make the most of it.

In recent years I've started using Google Translate on my phone for a lot of import toy and model instructions. It's a pain in the neck. I do hope they don't try to go to 'all online' instructions to save a few pennies on paper printing.

Edit: Re: Studio Series ending, I didn't know that, but the contraction of the line with 'three packs' of old molds and new cassettes is rather weird, so I guess I should have expected it. Straight reissuing of older items, sometimes with new colors and sometimes without, is another oddity. I wonder if there is a mandate to get as much use from preexisting molds as possible to support generally fewer new ones in the future?
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Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Between AotP being a two year line instead of three, and apparently now Studio Series '86 ending in 2026, I'm curious if there's a large shake-up for the TF division coming in 2027.

I wouldn't count on it. It's just pointless to predict anything farther out than that, so they're not. And if Studio Series 86 does end in 2026, that just leaves room for a newly branded 40th anniversary TFTM line.

It sounds to me like they're going to keep doing what they've been doing, but they're calling it a different name so it looks more impressive if something good happens soon. It looks more impressive to say the new plan worked quickly than admit the old plan finally worked.


Staff member
Council of Elders
It's a bit of a shame; I liked the cleverness of the "we took number 86 and made a whole pocket universe toyline out of it" angle.

But since they're not even numbering Studio Series anymore, that turned into an artifact rather than ongoing bit. Plus, as CoffeeHorse notes, there's every opportunity to just make the 86 movie stuff its own line.


Kaiser Dragon
First I'd heard of SS86 ending next year, but it immediately calls to mind two thoughts:
  1. There really aren't many more characters to do in SS86. Between the releases already done, leaks for this year, and even some early leaks for next year, who's even left? All that come to mind for me are several bots who would almost certainly be minor redecos of WfC/Legacy/AotP molds. Other than Windcharger, I guess, but I certainly hope his first current-era figure wouldn't be a corpse...
  2. SSGE has already ended, but that isn't preventing more game releases from happening. SS86 could also just be getting rolled into the general SS line for any future releases they might decide to do.


Continuity Nutcase
Do we have a source for this news? Cuz all I've heard is that Hasbro is dropping the ID numbers for their version of Studio Series (while Takara is simply restarting their ID numbers for Studio Studios), meaning there won't be any Hasbro Studio Series toys labeled "86-anything" or any other number.

Likewise, Evan spoke at MegaCon of more video game-based Studio Series releases being on the table, implying that Gamer Edition isn't ending either, just that the Studio Series packaging won't say the words "Gamer Edition" anymore.

Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
To be honest, I have not verified this myself, but Hasbro designer Evan Brooks apparently said in the Triple Takeover podcast several months ago that the plan is to finish up the SS86 cast by 2026. (I'm assuming the end of 2026, not the start.)

I suppose by that wording '86 could continue to exist in some form after that point.


Well-known member
Honestly, at this point about all they are doing is Minor characters, releases, or using the line as an excuse to remake stuff. The only thing I want is maybe a "new" Cyclonus release since the Kingdom one has the yellowing issue. And maybe a re-release of Scourge/Sweep.

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