IDW G5 Maretime Mysteries #3


Well-known member
Previously, on My Little Pony...

On that day, the superhero Net-Head was born! Avenger of avalone, crusader for crustaceans! With his trusty sidekick Bucky the Buck-toothed Bucket, he fights to free all fishy friends from fishy foes!

What's Black and White and Red and Blue and Yellow and....okay, this riddle doesn't work with comic books. The answer is...

So, how is it?

Yeah, it's fine. This is a solid comic. It's not blowing my socks off, but it's a fun time. I have no great complaints with this book.

Art-wise this is still really good. The artwork is VERY faithful to the Tell Your Tale artstyle. It's expressive. It's on model. It's good. No complaints about the art.

Writing wise, this isn't the most complex story we've ever had. And, it does feel a little padded, here and there. Though, that's just the nature of the treasure hunt they're on. Still, it's not terribly witty, and the plot kind of just feels like it's there to go from point A to point B. It's more hijinks than plot this issue. It's not bad, it's just a little plain. Mostly because this kind of feels like a 2-parter that got stretched into a full mini. And I really shouldn't feel this way, because this issue actually has a pretty neat little set-piece for the location. There is action in this issue. I'm just not feeling it for whatever reason. It's fun, it's just not very substantial, I guess.

This is still better than not, though. A lot is going to ride on how good the finale is. But, for right now, it's a fine time. I'm still enjoying it JUST enough to keep going with it.

I was 100% correct last time. The answer to the ghost's riddle WAS going to the local library! I successfully guessed a riddle from a children's comic! Go me!

The Ghost turns out to have a tragic past! Who could have guessed? Ghosts always have nothing but the happiest backstories, usually.

Sparky almost destroys the magic Fire Gem artifact they just got last issue. But, it does give them a clue to where they need to go next. *I* didn't need a clue. Just sayin'.

Somewhere Twilight's ghost is rolling in her grave with how this magic spell is treating these books. Turning the books into a giant Labryrinth...oh, the re-shelving those poor librarians are going to have to do later. The horror...the horror...

Revolving bookcases feels more "Scooby Doo" than "Labyrinth" but you do you, comic.

Is this comic written by a Librarian? Because a lot of this comic is revolving about learning about history. And the way they depict librarians as spartan warriors, defenders of knowledge, feels a little like a librarian wrote this with something to prove.

"Little Fillies" gets a cameo appearance in this issue! I guess someone's a fan. So, wait...if the "Little Fillies" comic is a actual book in G5's that where the G4 Mane 6 disappeared to? Was Twilight and everyone literally trapped inside a book by Discord while the world outside collapsed?

*Sparky burps out flowers* This is probably the most help we can expect from a baby in a plot centered around libraries and reading.

"You must ask your questions in the form of the Dewey Decimal System!"

The curved stairway down to the catacombs of the library are actually kind of cool.

Why would you say the spell from the cursed book out loud? Why?

Turns out the ghost...was some sort of Champion of Maretime Bay back in the bay. And he's always had that weird, green, goopy look to him. I figured that was just because he was a ghost, but he's just always looked like a melted army soldier, I guess. He just got black eyes from that curse he unleashed on himself and the town.

And we STILL don't know the Ghost's name! *SIGH* I guess they're probably saving it for a touching moment in the finale, but still. It's slightly annoying.
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