Previously, on My Little Pony...
Gee, I sure hope there's no tragic reveals that could threaten this heartwarming friendship!
Nope! Nosiree! Just good times and happiness here in...
So, how is it?
Well...first of all, I think I have to talk about the art. If you've read my reviews of other My Little Pony comics, you might have noticed that I like it when the ponies are "expressive" and "emotive". Well...this artwork takes that and dials it up to 11! To the point of parody. It's almost like the artist went "You want expressive? Well then you're gonna get 'expressive' until your eyes water!" Some of the expressions of the ponies in this book are downright unhinged. These are ponies that are on the GOOD stuff! Honestly, though, it's not too bad in context. There is a "flow" to it. It's not bad art. It's just off-model in a few panels. It IS meme-worthy, though.
Writing wise, this is a bit of a mixed bag. It's trying to tackle a serious "real world" subject. But, trying to do it in a way that isn't TOO depressing or "scary" for kids. It's a fine line to walk. Honestly, I kind of joked about it before, but it's really not a sad comic. There are some sad moments, but it's really not trying to make you cry. It's actually a little sappy. It goes for a more hopeful outlook than anything else. There's also a bit of a problem with the writer assuming familiarity with characters we haven't met yet. But, that does work better on a second reading, and I think it was done to make the world feel more "real", without giving us a lot of exposition.
This issue also seems to be a bit of a ending for Violette and Skye. Again, not in a tragic way. Just in a way that the author knows that they aren't going to get more time with these characters that they created. With the G5 comics wrapping up, I think this is basically the author letting them ride off into the sunset. At least for now. That part of the comic is actually more touching to me than the "real world" problem they give Skye. Honestly, I might be over-stating this as a "ending", since it's more of a "and the adventure continues" sort of thing.
So...this is an imperfect comic. The art's a little off. The writings a little stiff and forced in some areas. But...I'm a sucker for endings. And this gives us a "see you later" for Violette and Skye that we didn't even get for the G5 Manes. So, for that alone...I think I recommend it. At least if you have any fondness for Violette and Skye from the comics. They didn't get to show up a lot, but they've made a handful of memorable appearances. Violette even got to show up in Tell Your Tale. People really grew to like these characters. And this is a good send off for these two friends.

Gee, I sure hope there's no tragic reveals that could threaten this heartwarming friendship!
Nope! Nosiree! Just good times and happiness here in...

So, how is it?
Well...first of all, I think I have to talk about the art. If you've read my reviews of other My Little Pony comics, you might have noticed that I like it when the ponies are "expressive" and "emotive". Well...this artwork takes that and dials it up to 11! To the point of parody. It's almost like the artist went "You want expressive? Well then you're gonna get 'expressive' until your eyes water!" Some of the expressions of the ponies in this book are downright unhinged. These are ponies that are on the GOOD stuff! Honestly, though, it's not too bad in context. There is a "flow" to it. It's not bad art. It's just off-model in a few panels. It IS meme-worthy, though.
Writing wise, this is a bit of a mixed bag. It's trying to tackle a serious "real world" subject. But, trying to do it in a way that isn't TOO depressing or "scary" for kids. It's a fine line to walk. Honestly, I kind of joked about it before, but it's really not a sad comic. There are some sad moments, but it's really not trying to make you cry. It's actually a little sappy. It goes for a more hopeful outlook than anything else. There's also a bit of a problem with the writer assuming familiarity with characters we haven't met yet. But, that does work better on a second reading, and I think it was done to make the world feel more "real", without giving us a lot of exposition.
This issue also seems to be a bit of a ending for Violette and Skye. Again, not in a tragic way. Just in a way that the author knows that they aren't going to get more time with these characters that they created. With the G5 comics wrapping up, I think this is basically the author letting them ride off into the sunset. At least for now. That part of the comic is actually more touching to me than the "real world" problem they give Skye. Honestly, I might be over-stating this as a "ending", since it's more of a "and the adventure continues" sort of thing.
So...this is an imperfect comic. The art's a little off. The writings a little stiff and forced in some areas. But...I'm a sucker for endings. And this gives us a "see you later" for Violette and Skye that we didn't even get for the G5 Manes. So, for that alone...I think I recommend it. At least if you have any fondness for Violette and Skye from the comics. They didn't get to show up a lot, but they've made a handful of memorable appearances. Violette even got to show up in Tell Your Tale. People really grew to like these characters. And this is a good send off for these two friends.
We begin by Skye's mom talking about Skye's TERRIBLE secret she's keeping from Violette....while Violette is standing not 5 feet away. Parents. What can you do? Dramatic asides don't mean the other characters go deaf, guys.
I honestly don't know why Skye's mom doesn't go with them to Bridlewood if she's worried about them walking there alone. It's not like she's doing anything pressing at the moment. But, this tea won't drink itself.
"Don't let Izzy keep you. You know how she can be." By this afternoon, Izzy will have made them both the most beautiful dresses out of rotten bananas that you've ever seen.
Skye can do a pratfall that would make Jerry Lewis envious.
"Filly, please" She doesn't have time for your nonsense.
"Exuberant" Skye's clearly a fan of the Twilight Sparkle Brand Word of the Day Calendars! On sale now!
Evil laugh is evil. And confused look is confused.
Apparently, you have to go THROUGH Zephyr Heights to make it to Bridlewood? I...don't think that's how it works, but meh, whatever.
"I love it when a plan comes together" And this writer loves A-Team references, apparently. I think these kids are too young to even know what the A-Team is, though.
"Pasturelands Fair" That name feels off in a way I can't put my finger on. And apparently, this story is a riff on Pinocchio, because instead of going to school, they're going to a carnival, instead.
It's the Pippsqueaks! I still don't know ANY of your names! And I NEVER will!
Honestly, this panel with all of Skye's inner voices as her own faces is a good depiction of anxiety. Well done!
The artwork is a little strange. But, the strangeness serves a purpose. Skye's a little in her own head. In a couple of ways. She's a daydreamer. And a worrier. And that IS being expressed through the artwork. It's actually kind of interesting. But, it doesn't always look the best outside of context.
Then Skye blacks out from pain after sprinting. Ouch. Gee. It's honestly a little concerning that Violette doesn't go get a adult to help her out. Especially given that she (or we) know what's going on, exactly.
FLASHBACK TIME! We return to the long ago time of FIVE YEARS AGO. Oh no...I don't think that was intentional, but they probably should have thought about that for a second.
In a time before magic and the races are still separated! But...the Zebras are still living with the Earth Ponies. Weird. G5's worldbuilding always did need a bit of work.
The image of baby Skye grabbing her mom's leg will haunt my nightmares. This is my new sleep paralysis demon.
The squirrel is watching you...and judging you.
Turns out Skye has...the ZEDS! Or "Zebra Ehler-Danlos Syndrome". That's a mouthful. Basically, her wounds don't heal as well as they should. It's based on a real disorder.
"We love you to the moon and back" In this world, is that a threat? Given Nightmare Moon and all?
Also, we confirm that Skye DOES have a father! I'm pretty sure this is the first time we've seen him. I hope that doesn't mean anything tragic for him.
"You looked fabulous wearing that harlequin style that day" That's a interesting way to remember Violette messing around with magic.
Izzy stayed FAR away while Violette administered first aid in Izzy's old house. Also, I guess Izzy kept her old house in Bridlewood? Huh, no one stole it from her. Weird. I guess keeping all that trash around her house keeps the squatters away.
"I love jumping on my couches" Why do they allow Izzy around their children, again?
I guess EVERYONE'S family is showing up. Violette has a baby sister. And both parents! That's how you know she isn't a main character!
Izzy made Skye a special wheelchair. And for a second, I thought Izzy made her a sculpture of a bunch of different versions of herself.
"So I won't be in TOO much pain" But still quite a bit of pain. My life is pain, Violette. I need you to know that.
"Remember...even the SKY isn't the limit" Ugh. I mean, it's such a sweet moment! But...ugh!
"It's Skye-tastic" They're laying it on REAL thick.
Okay, I take it back. The image of Violette looking up and drawing zip-lining Skye with a unhinged grin right out of Invader Zim is my new paralysis demon.
Suddenly...TIMESKIP? It's the end of summer vacation already?
Skye has gone all Fruit-Stripe Gum on us?! What happened? What did we miss?
Apparently, they've been all around Equestria together. Which is more than the Mane 6 can say at this point, I guess.
And now they're going on...THE FRIENDSHIP QUEST!
...Whatever that is. Probably not as good as the Knight Quest, or even the Thumb Quest. But, the Pippsqueaks are joining them. I guess this is our new Mane 5?
...Yeah...this feels like the writer KNOWS that they aren't going to get many (or any) comics continuing this story. So, they kind of wrapped up Violette and Skye's story as best they could. This...feels like an ending. It feels like this writer saying goodbye to the characters they helped create.
...Feels like IDW's time with G5 is ending, at least. Oh, it's going to hurt to see it go. 2 more specials left. Let's see where it leads us.
I honestly don't know why Skye's mom doesn't go with them to Bridlewood if she's worried about them walking there alone. It's not like she's doing anything pressing at the moment. But, this tea won't drink itself.
"Don't let Izzy keep you. You know how she can be." By this afternoon, Izzy will have made them both the most beautiful dresses out of rotten bananas that you've ever seen.
Skye can do a pratfall that would make Jerry Lewis envious.
"Filly, please" She doesn't have time for your nonsense.
"Exuberant" Skye's clearly a fan of the Twilight Sparkle Brand Word of the Day Calendars! On sale now!
Evil laugh is evil. And confused look is confused.
Apparently, you have to go THROUGH Zephyr Heights to make it to Bridlewood? I...don't think that's how it works, but meh, whatever.
"I love it when a plan comes together" And this writer loves A-Team references, apparently. I think these kids are too young to even know what the A-Team is, though.
"Pasturelands Fair" That name feels off in a way I can't put my finger on. And apparently, this story is a riff on Pinocchio, because instead of going to school, they're going to a carnival, instead.
It's the Pippsqueaks! I still don't know ANY of your names! And I NEVER will!
Honestly, this panel with all of Skye's inner voices as her own faces is a good depiction of anxiety. Well done!
The artwork is a little strange. But, the strangeness serves a purpose. Skye's a little in her own head. In a couple of ways. She's a daydreamer. And a worrier. And that IS being expressed through the artwork. It's actually kind of interesting. But, it doesn't always look the best outside of context.
Then Skye blacks out from pain after sprinting. Ouch. Gee. It's honestly a little concerning that Violette doesn't go get a adult to help her out. Especially given that she (or we) know what's going on, exactly.
FLASHBACK TIME! We return to the long ago time of FIVE YEARS AGO. Oh no...I don't think that was intentional, but they probably should have thought about that for a second.
In a time before magic and the races are still separated! But...the Zebras are still living with the Earth Ponies. Weird. G5's worldbuilding always did need a bit of work.
The image of baby Skye grabbing her mom's leg will haunt my nightmares. This is my new sleep paralysis demon.
The squirrel is watching you...and judging you.
Turns out Skye has...the ZEDS! Or "Zebra Ehler-Danlos Syndrome". That's a mouthful. Basically, her wounds don't heal as well as they should. It's based on a real disorder.
"We love you to the moon and back" In this world, is that a threat? Given Nightmare Moon and all?
Also, we confirm that Skye DOES have a father! I'm pretty sure this is the first time we've seen him. I hope that doesn't mean anything tragic for him.
"You looked fabulous wearing that harlequin style that day" That's a interesting way to remember Violette messing around with magic.
Izzy stayed FAR away while Violette administered first aid in Izzy's old house. Also, I guess Izzy kept her old house in Bridlewood? Huh, no one stole it from her. Weird. I guess keeping all that trash around her house keeps the squatters away.
"I love jumping on my couches" Why do they allow Izzy around their children, again?
I guess EVERYONE'S family is showing up. Violette has a baby sister. And both parents! That's how you know she isn't a main character!
Izzy made Skye a special wheelchair. And for a second, I thought Izzy made her a sculpture of a bunch of different versions of herself.
"So I won't be in TOO much pain" But still quite a bit of pain. My life is pain, Violette. I need you to know that.
"Remember...even the SKY isn't the limit" Ugh. I mean, it's such a sweet moment! But...ugh!
"It's Skye-tastic" They're laying it on REAL thick.
Okay, I take it back. The image of Violette looking up and drawing zip-lining Skye with a unhinged grin right out of Invader Zim is my new paralysis demon.
Suddenly...TIMESKIP? It's the end of summer vacation already?
Skye has gone all Fruit-Stripe Gum on us?! What happened? What did we miss?
Apparently, they've been all around Equestria together. Which is more than the Mane 6 can say at this point, I guess.
And now they're going on...THE FRIENDSHIP QUEST!
...Whatever that is. Probably not as good as the Knight Quest, or even the Thumb Quest. But, the Pippsqueaks are joining them. I guess this is our new Mane 5?
...Yeah...this feels like the writer KNOWS that they aren't going to get many (or any) comics continuing this story. So, they kind of wrapped up Violette and Skye's story as best they could. This...feels like an ending. It feels like this writer saying goodbye to the characters they helped create.
...Feels like IDW's time with G5 is ending, at least. Oh, it's going to hurt to see it go. 2 more specials left. Let's see where it leads us.
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