Leak of New Swapticons Gimmick Line


Another babka?
I'm kinda interested in the Bumble Rod set, mostly because the alt mode looks like "What if Bumblebee had gotten the Matrix" lol
Off topic but I've come around to Classics Bumblebee being "Bumblebee as a Prime."
He's bigger than both mainline CHUG Bumblebees today, and he even has a trailer!


Olde-Timey Member
Staff member
Council of Elders
Off topic but I've come around to Classics Bumblebee being "Bumblebee as a Prime."
He's bigger than both mainline CHUG Bumblebees today, and he even has a trailer!

I always kind of envisioned my original Generations War for Cybertron Bumblebee as a "Bumblebee got upgraded by the Matrix back on Cybertron" form. No trailer, but it does seem like an upgraded form for him.

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
I use Netflix Bumblebee and Classics Cliffjumper on my shelf. I feel like Cliff being bigger and beefier makes sense given his personality, and having different molds gives some visual diversity.


Continuity Nutcase
You know, if they decide to add a toy of Optimus Primal to this line, then he really will be a "butt monkey".

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator


Continuity Nutcase
And now we know what the "Wild Jungle Mission 5-pack" is:

Maximals Optimus Primal and Apelinq vs. Decepticons Skullcruncher, Megatron Gator, and Scorponok


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