Lego announces Optimus Prime and Bumblebee 'Robot & Vehicle' BrickHeadz


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
This is an...interesting release. It's cool to think that more variety of Lego Transformers might be coming down the pipeline, but these share more DNA with Funko Pops than anything else. What would be really cool would be smaller-scale Lego Transformers that actually transform, but this at least means that Transformers aren't just limited to the 18+ range.

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
i still don't know who the market for these damn things are

like funko pops are already fuckin butt ugly but who the hell wants funko pops that you have to build.

(well i guess maybe you can use the bricks to make something not ugly)


Olde-Timey Member
Staff member
Council of Elders
I've never cared for Funkos, but these two do look like something I would probably enjoy building. It's the kind of thing that I probably wouldn't buy myself, but that I could see someone buying me for Christmas or something, and I wouldn't be disappointed.

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