This is a thread for us to share any news or articles relating to, or benefiting the LGBQT+ community.
It was created in lieu of posting such content in the main LGBQT+ thread, which possibly has a more personal/pastoral vibe.
Disclaimer below (spoiler tags)
(Please note: - This thread is not designed to share derogatory or offensive content/themes, unless it is considered by the admin/community to be relevant or beneficial, such as in the case of sharing informative news of anti-LGBQT+ laws, famous bigots' public statements, etc. It is also not designed to debate or call into question people, issues, etc relating to the LGBQT+ community, unless it adheres to the site's rules, is relevant to the topic/news item and/or allowed by the site staff/admin)
Also, here are some sources for LGBQT+ news (and if you know of some other sources, please let us know and we can add them to this main/first post) :
- LGBQT+ RIGHTS (The Guardian)
- LGBT (BBC News)
- Pink News
- LGBTQ Nation
Also, for anyone who is unaware of what the acronyms associated with LGBQT+ are, you can check here.
Thanks for your understanding and enjoy the thread!
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