Oh yes...I'm bringing it back. This can be top # lists, grocery lists, recipe lists, hit lists...put your lists here!
Top 10 Video Game Franchises
10. Star Fox
I love the SNES and N64 games. The games since then have had good points and bad points. But none have come close to the level of the 64 game. Star Fox Zero came close, but the controls were just too complicated. I got used to them at the time, but there's no way I even want to try to go back to it. Nintendo can bring this franchise back, but they really need to get back to basics.
9. Mario
Platformers just aren't my jam. But before you get your torches and pitchforks, think of all the other franchises you know for a fact that I love that didn't even make it on this list. I don't like platformers, yet Mario still makes my top 10 over Cyberpunk, Ghost of Tsushima, Pokémon and others. Mario and Duck Hunt were most kids first games to own back in the day. Even I (someone who doesn't care much for platformers) still have to give Mario his due by giving him a place on this list.
8. Tomb Raider
The more classic games, particularly the Legend/Anniversary/Underworld trio would have scored higher. The reboot is still nice and all, but far too serious and stressful for my tastes. But I will always have a soft spot for Lara and though her place may fluctuate, she will always be welcome on this list.
7. Mortal Kombat
Used to be, if you were honest with yourself, the only thing this series had going for it was the blood and gore. It was never a technical, competitive tournament fighter. It was more style than substance. But 9, 10 and 11 have really grown the beard. Yes violence and gore is still very much a focus of the game, but it's also got deeper gameplay than it used to. I don't think it'll ever overtake Street Fighter in my heart, but it'll always have its own place.
6. Smash Brothers
Link vs. Samas? Mario vs. Pikachu? Pit vs. Simon Belmont? Do I really need to say any more? Hell yes I love this series!
5. Street Fighter
You see kids, back in the day there were these things called arcades and this series here was undisputed king. Street Fighter was my first tournament fighter, first game to use more than 2 buttons... and you never forget your first. And its cast was crazy for its tome: Men, woman, white, black, asian, indian, russian, american...hugging nuts! And Chun Li's still hot.
4. Castlevania
Konami used to be best game maker ever. They could be again if they could just get away from those damn pachinko machines. Metroidvania being my most favorite genre ever, and this being the franchise to give that genre the second half of its name, you know I love this gme. I much prefer the 2D over the 3D and the Advance/DS games rule supreme. But I also still love to go all the way back to the original 8-bit NES game, which I do own the cartridge for!
3. Mass Effect
If I have to explain this one then you never knew me.
2. Metroid
This may come in at number 2, but it is a very...VERY...close number 2. I own every single game in the franchise and even rated each one individually in the Metroid thread. Let me put it this way. Back in the 80's you had franchises for boys and franchises for girls. To be a boy and play the part of a woman character, you just don't do that if you didn't want made fun of and have your sexuality called into question (which while not a big deal now, back in the 80's...not getting into politics here, but it was a different culture back then). Yet when it came to Metroid, no one said a damn thing! That's how awesome it was.
1. Zelda
As much as Metroidvania may be my favorite genre, Zelda will always be my number 1 franchise, always. Convoluted timeline notwithstanding, I love the story, I love the characters, I love the game play. If I could only play one franchise from now on and all others ceased to exist, Zelda has to stay. And you know what, I think what's telling that this is the only franchise I can think of where it doesn't matter if it's 2D or 3D. I love all the games...except Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks. Hug those games!
Top 10 Video Game Franchises
10. Star Fox
I love the SNES and N64 games. The games since then have had good points and bad points. But none have come close to the level of the 64 game. Star Fox Zero came close, but the controls were just too complicated. I got used to them at the time, but there's no way I even want to try to go back to it. Nintendo can bring this franchise back, but they really need to get back to basics.
9. Mario
Platformers just aren't my jam. But before you get your torches and pitchforks, think of all the other franchises you know for a fact that I love that didn't even make it on this list. I don't like platformers, yet Mario still makes my top 10 over Cyberpunk, Ghost of Tsushima, Pokémon and others. Mario and Duck Hunt were most kids first games to own back in the day. Even I (someone who doesn't care much for platformers) still have to give Mario his due by giving him a place on this list.
8. Tomb Raider
The more classic games, particularly the Legend/Anniversary/Underworld trio would have scored higher. The reboot is still nice and all, but far too serious and stressful for my tastes. But I will always have a soft spot for Lara and though her place may fluctuate, she will always be welcome on this list.
7. Mortal Kombat
Used to be, if you were honest with yourself, the only thing this series had going for it was the blood and gore. It was never a technical, competitive tournament fighter. It was more style than substance. But 9, 10 and 11 have really grown the beard. Yes violence and gore is still very much a focus of the game, but it's also got deeper gameplay than it used to. I don't think it'll ever overtake Street Fighter in my heart, but it'll always have its own place.
6. Smash Brothers
Link vs. Samas? Mario vs. Pikachu? Pit vs. Simon Belmont? Do I really need to say any more? Hell yes I love this series!
5. Street Fighter
You see kids, back in the day there were these things called arcades and this series here was undisputed king. Street Fighter was my first tournament fighter, first game to use more than 2 buttons... and you never forget your first. And its cast was crazy for its tome: Men, woman, white, black, asian, indian, russian, american...hugging nuts! And Chun Li's still hot.
4. Castlevania
Konami used to be best game maker ever. They could be again if they could just get away from those damn pachinko machines. Metroidvania being my most favorite genre ever, and this being the franchise to give that genre the second half of its name, you know I love this gme. I much prefer the 2D over the 3D and the Advance/DS games rule supreme. But I also still love to go all the way back to the original 8-bit NES game, which I do own the cartridge for!
3. Mass Effect
If I have to explain this one then you never knew me.
2. Metroid
This may come in at number 2, but it is a very...VERY...close number 2. I own every single game in the franchise and even rated each one individually in the Metroid thread. Let me put it this way. Back in the 80's you had franchises for boys and franchises for girls. To be a boy and play the part of a woman character, you just don't do that if you didn't want made fun of and have your sexuality called into question (which while not a big deal now, back in the 80's...not getting into politics here, but it was a different culture back then). Yet when it came to Metroid, no one said a damn thing! That's how awesome it was.
1. Zelda
As much as Metroidvania may be my favorite genre, Zelda will always be my number 1 franchise, always. Convoluted timeline notwithstanding, I love the story, I love the characters, I love the game play. If I could only play one franchise from now on and all others ceased to exist, Zelda has to stay. And you know what, I think what's telling that this is the only franchise I can think of where it doesn't matter if it's 2D or 3D. I love all the games...except Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks. Hug those games!