Mayhem Transformers Discussion: United We Shelfwarm

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
I feel like Inferno, TM Primal and Megatron, Scavenger, and Cybershark 2 were great at their price point. B'Boom was pretty good too, but really needed more color. Even Transquito wasn't terrible, just really overshipped. I've never had Scorponok, Polar Claw, or Blackarachnia (though, oddly, I seem to have a couple of her spider legs? I have no idea how or why), so I can't comment on them much.

By contrast, the only Ultras I really look back on fondly are Primal, Rampage, and TM2 Megatron. The combiners were fun but a bit janky (and Magnaboss's GPS doesn't help his case), Depth Charge has that giant platform sticking out of his back and can't hold his sword worth a damn, and Megatron and Tigerhawk just feel way too busy with how much stuff they jammed in.

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