I want it in yellow as the new improved G2 Devastator. Mixmaster was wasted as a leg since he’s got chemicals and stuff to use in arm mode. IDK what Scrapper would contribute as an arm but can’t be any worse than Scavenger or Bonecrusher.
It's nice to see a redesign that makes a thoughtful attempt to improve things instead of just doing it worse and calling it stylized.
The team who made Gravity Builder split up and both are doing Devastator. That set had some neat design ideas but seemed to be indecisive if it wanted to be a pre-stege Generations remake, geewun or greebly modern mecha-aesthetic. I think I can tell how things happened since other dudes ended up making this.
They’re so into the real mecha aethetic they ditched the lime green and made them metallic pea soup green. At the very least they made it Prowl-compatible if anybody still gives a crap about IDW at this point. Also, Megatron is the combiner kibble lol.
Folding Scrapper’s shovel in half to make a solid foot is pretty smart though, have to admit.