Here's my Walmart haul for today.
Rod...but I couldn't get some of the parts flush with each other. I'll probably keep it in robot mode anyway. Now you know what this means right? Time for a trip down memory lane of every Hot Rod toy I've ever owned.
This is actually not a vintage Hotrod. It was some time in the double-aughts when TRU was doing re-releases of a lot of the G1 toys. I was able to nab this one.
Ditto with this one. Not a vintage, but a TRU re-issue.
I honestly don't know what line this one's from. But I see Hotrod, I buy Hotrod.
Here's another Rodimus Prime. This was from the Titanium line. At the time, some fans bemoaned that "die cast construction, it's a lost art." Well, we got our diecast back for a short spell...and it was crap. Still, we got War Within Grimlock, so I guess there's that.
Again, I have no idea what line this one's from. But it's another
To be honest, I can't find the transformation instructions and I don't really care to try it and get it stuck in some in-between monstrosity. So I don't honestly even know if it's Hotrod or Rodimus.
Rod...but I couldn't get some of the parts flush with each other. I'll probably keep it in robot mode anyway. Now you know what this means right? Time for a trip down memory lane of every Hot Rod toy I've ever owned.
This is actually not a vintage Hotrod. It was some time in the double-aughts when TRU was doing re-releases of a lot of the G1 toys. I was able to nab this one.
Ditto with this one. Not a vintage, but a TRU re-issue.
I honestly don't know what line this one's from. But I see Hotrod, I buy Hotrod.
Here's another Rodimus Prime. This was from the Titanium line. At the time, some fans bemoaned that "die cast construction, it's a lost art." Well, we got our diecast back for a short spell...and it was crap. Still, we got War Within Grimlock, so I guess there's that.
Again, I have no idea what line this one's from. But it's another
To be honest, I can't find the transformation instructions and I don't really care to try it and get it stuck in some in-between monstrosity. So I don't honestly even know if it's Hotrod or Rodimus.