Mayhem Transformers Discussion: United We Shelfwarm


Somehow still sane
The Constructicons all have various levels of iffy and are MP-scaled despite the greeble coating so they’re always going to stand out. That said all the combiner parts are contained in the constructicons so I’ll cut them some slack. The mess on top of long Haul’s cab is the chestplate and his pecs are Devastator’s hipskirts. Looks like his chest is also mostly made up of the hip ratchets.

That said, I get why you’d 3D print a bunch of boxes Mixmaster for Devy to stand on but the PS1 render botmode is just superfluous and hilarious.

edit: they also called it Disastrous lol

Destron D-69

at Journey's end
its an easy pass for me, the maketoys one from over a decade ago still looks better to me than anything that's come out since. hmm? has it been that long? anywho, maybe the next notconstrutocons set will thrill me, still half tempted by those tiny cube ones tbh


Somehow still sane
The Long Haul and Bonecrusher from Giant are bizarrely out of place next to the other four dudes who were more or less G1. I get why Long Haul would be compromised but the bulldozer dude seemed to actively avoid looking anything like G1 Bonecrusher. Long Haul was a mess of panels regardless. Scrapper had the odd design choice of the partsforming engine thing that didn’t really do anything in all three modes. Hook had the Devastator head growing off his foot like some kind of hugged up tumor and speaking of the head, I dunno what they were on with the weirdass fanged face. The combiner elbows were also weirdly long.

Mixmaster and Scavenger were alright.

Some of it was early 3P jank but overall, glad I sold mine off before Takara’s, Gravity Builder and the several dozen Gravity Builder knockoffs completely tanked its value. Got the Gravity Builder boxset with the proper purple for about as much as I sold Giant and it does everything Giant did but better.
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Somehow still sane


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Devastator's forearms are Scavenger's and Bonecrusher's torsos. You can also see the arm as the rear part of the the bulldozer that makes it longer than a usual bulldozer would be. The forearm might be between the treads in Scavenger's excavator mode.

I'm also intrigued by how the treads split in half and somehow act as the connector to hook.
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Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
It's possible the engineering is still being worked on. I don't think these prototypes actually transform. Bonecrusher and Scavenger seem to be missing some joints the combined mode implies they should have.


Somehow still sane
Definitely in the case of the vehicle modes and Hook is noticeably less finished than the other guys but they probably have the combination more or less worked out by this stage. Or at least the final product's appearance.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
I don't get it, but I am glad companies are doing their own thing again instead of just going for the Masterpiece market.

Now if only they'd move away from Masterpiece scale as well.


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
I assume they've already done Prowlstator?

Just got my G2 Cybertronian troopers in from eBay and with all these ports and pegs, it looks like you can really mix things up if you want to! Two wasn't enough either, I ended up ordering two more tonight so I can at least have a little squad for Jhiaxus to command. This also makes me want some Cybertronian air troopers to go with them, and a Mindset and Rook to act as generals. Also found out you can swap the horns between the heads, which I'm totally doing on the two new guys I just ordered.

I also need to find a tiny chain now, so I can string the extra heads up and hang them around my G2 Sideswipe's neck as war trophies.


Somehow still sane
No, they’re a new company that just showed up to a Chinese convention with a Grimlock torso and Constructicons with swapped limb positions, refused to elaborate and left. That said, the poster has Long Haul on it so I assume that they eventually intend to have some kind of a Devastator torso. Prowl’s not particularly likely IMO since the comics never released there.

Having the beastly feet and smokestacks on Grimlock kinda helps the disparate parts flow together a little better, i guess. Kind of like one of the less cohesively themed sentai megazords.
I don't get it, but I am glad companies are doing their own thing again instead of just going for the Masterpiece market.

Now if only they'd move away from Masterpiece scale as well.
If the hands on the render are 5mm the limbs are around voyager size.
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Somehow still sane






Looks great and it has the proper primal head unlike the real deal, even if I did have to do some repainting to fix the colors. That said, this is definitely a knockoff and I had to spend time to disassemble and tighten joints.


Somehow still sane
The official toy vehicle modes don't look very good but they're generally just the beast mode with a few extra parts flipped out. Optimal Optimus' are just the robot mode doing a faceplant with the arms in different positions. This one has a bunch of complicated steps but still result in Optimal Optimus' vehicle modes.

Destron D-69

at Journey's end
I wonder if any 3p will ever do this design in the transmetal's colours ... because the original ape Primal colours aren't really selling me on this mold either.

did they do a Primal Prime?

felt the same way when hasbro did this to the potp mold as well... Maybe Optimal Optimus was just one of those 1-and-done designs for me.


Somehow still sane
The original Perfect Effect release had a Primal Prime but the knockoff has not so far. That said, the original mold has a problem with disintegrating joints, so I would not recommend it.


Somehow still sane
















This is the best toy HasTak have put out in a while. Mke me wonder what happened with the majority of the Legacy line.

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