Mayhem Transformers Discussion: United We Shelfwarm


Somehow still sane
Don't give other third parties ideas.
I’m sure the people who made the squishy chest replacement for MP Arcee are already on it. Only the finest silicone so that the Constructicons will be anything but inferior.

Jokes aside I wish they’d colored the combiner toes purple/green for the Scavenger and Bonecusher legs respectively.
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Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
I can confirm that, for some reason DeviantArt has been recommending me this person's fan art of female versions of the G1 Constructicons.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
It's nice to see a redesign that makes a thoughtful attempt to improve things instead of just doing it worse and calling it stylized.


Somehow still sane
I want it in yellow as the new improved G2 Devastator. Mixmaster was wasted as a leg since he’s got chemicals and stuff to use in arm mode. IDK what Scrapper would contribute as an arm but can’t be any worse than Scavenger or Bonecrusher.

It's nice to see a redesign that makes a thoughtful attempt to improve things instead of just doing it worse and calling it stylized.
The team who made Gravity Builder split up and both are doing Devastator. That set had some neat design ideas but seemed to be indecisive if it wanted to be a pre-stege Generations remake, geewun or greebly modern mecha-aesthetic. I think I can tell how things happened since other dudes ended up making this.

They’re so into the real mecha aethetic they ditched the lime green and made them metallic pea soup green. At the very least they made it Prowl-compatible if anybody still gives a crap about IDW at this point. Also, Megatron is the combiner kibble lol.

Folding Scrapper’s shovel in half to make a solid foot is pretty smart though, have to admit.
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Somehow still sane
Every once in a while, I go over to TFW to see what's up, mainly with 3P toys since they don't really get discussed here. There's always that one guy trying to make the term "Cheap Hollow Plastic Syndrome" happen for years now and it's just not. I applaud the determination, if nothing else.


Exhausted, but still standing.
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Council of Elders
I remember when people over there kept using Photobucket after it became paid only, and somehow could not be made to understand that no one could see the images they thought they were posting. They are nothing if not determined.


Somehow still sane
Energon toys haven't aged well but kudos to these guys for making Wing Saber even uglier in all three modes. I swear those shoulders were purposely made that way as a parody of that shoulder design.


Exhausted, but still standing.
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Council of Elders
These guys had some good ideas with their Energon Prime but I've soured on it. Their stuff is just too ugly.

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
The Energon Autobots were mostly pretty ugly to begin with. They had an uphill battle trying to make those designs look halfway decent. I mean, I kinda think they look like improvements over the originals, but polishing turds and all that.


Somehow still sane
I think their Energon Optimus is their best work and is a legitimate improvement in every way and keeps all of the gimmickry of the original on top of an option to make him look less fat. I'd have liked to buy it but missed the boat on the original and the reissue. The only hand-on experience I had with them is their MP RID Scourge which was adequate but the truck mode still had the forearms sticking out of the sides, articulation wasn't great and the sword was absurdly long.
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Somehow still sane
Two hundred and fifty dollars, everybody.
Also it can’t transform to leg mode by itself despite all the tiny parts stuck all over.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
FT fans don't transform their stuff anyway, so they'll say this is fine.


Somehow still sane
couldn’t wait for a yellow version, so I bought the torso since that’s where combiners falter. Call me impressed. The way Hook turns into the head and chest is completely new if a little finicky. Long Haul manages to be a bulky bruiser-looking robot and alright truck even if his truck bed is a little gappy. I love when transformers have detail from their other modes and this set has that in spades. Hook’s chest is the rear bumper of his truck and his abs are Devastator’s upside down forehead.


Devastator mode is impressive. The thighs can’t close together very well but the integrated chestplate and stability are decent trade. Hook’s transformation isn’t splitting in half anymore but him doing the splits and having his shins engulf his body. It’s also really insane how many points of precise locking there are between long Haul and Hook. This is one combiner that’s never coming apart without you meaning to. All in on this set now.



Somehow still sane
I like this company’s idea of giving Roller and the turret thing robot modes. Only thing left to do now is figure out the origami of giving the trailer a robot mode.


That said, should Hasbro or a 3P do a weaponizer Combat Deck, I’d be all over it. Studio Series has a disappointingly small turret. Bonus points for an orange canopy.

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