MYM - Chap5, Ep6: "Nightmare on Mane Street"...................(SPOILERS)

Guardian Prime

Veteran Allsparker

The final chap-5 ep is upon us!
And Nightmare Night is being celebrated.
What might everypony dress up as?
And will there be an uninvited guest?

The episode is now available on Netflix


Nightmare on Mane Street

On Nightmare Night, the ponies busy themselves
planning their favorite spooky traditions.
But there's one scary guest they weren't expecting.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
This is Halloween. This is Halloween.

This town needs a mayor or something.

When all else fails, appeal to their greed.

We're 5 minutes in. Stop planning your plans and go do one of them.

Opaline has discovered a teleporter. And our heroes have a way to accidentally fill her lair with junk.

Please writers. I am begging you. Leave Misty stuck there for the rest of the episode. It would be the perfect way to end the chapter.

Aha! I told you guys Sunny's cooking has been a quiet running joke.

Costumes! Zipp's tiny fangs are perfect.

10 minutes tops. Leaning on the 4th wall there, Izzy.

The villain is in Maretime Bay. It's happening.

This episode is going to torture Opaline. Or she's going to finally realize that she's been wildly overthinking her plan to conquer these docile ponies.

Let me guess. The heroes are going to spend the entire episode planning and never notice that Opaline was in town.

Pipp is a fan of Townsends.

Now kiss.

Sprout sighting. Disappointing costume. It's just his hard hat.

Opaline can do that?

You drank all three of those, didn't you, Sprout?

Misty has had such a traumatic life that nothing scares her anymore.

They're calling this a total bust, but this really isn't any more disastrous then when they do literally anything.

Wishday callback.

G5 dragons.

So it's over and Posey is the only one affected by Opaline's Maretime Bay debut. Posey's rage is justified.

I've been really liking Make Your mark but this chapter was largely a snooze. The last episode dump built up to Misty's decision and a climactic Alicorn battle, and this one didn't build up to anything. It's mostly planting seeds for the next chapter.

I strongly suspect it's not actually the writers' fault. This show can't have been written to be broken up and released quite the way it's been. I mean, this chapter has a two-parter that is neither a chapter opener nor a finale. That might have been intended as a 44 minute special, or an opener for a chapter that wasn't written to end right here. We know there was some rearranging with the last batch and the Bridlewood special, so there might have been more rearranging here.

Notably, we did finally get a followup on that tree from all the way back in Chapter 2. They didn't forget. These writers just planned things way ahead. This show might be vastly improved when we finally have the whole thing.

Final score for the chapter: Sprout didn't get any lines / 10


This is how a unicorn comments
So how exactly does the connection work? Why is it randomly sending pumpkins to Opaline?

I did figure they'd never figure out Opaline was in town. Kinda annoyed they went that direction.

Why did Opaline stop with just that one cutie mark?

Some nice set up for next part. I'm running late now, so can't comment much more. Maybe later.

One last thing however:

Please writers. I am begging you. Leave Misty stuck there for the rest of the episode. It would be the perfect way to end the chapter.

Oh boy I did NOT realize just how different I think when I read that but holy hell I realize that would have pissed me off if they did that.

In fact when I was watching the episode and she got stuck there, my very first thought was: "Please don't do the stupid thing of leaving her there all episode."

There's no way she wouldn't be noticed by SOMEPONY the entire episode, and would have just been abuse to the character. That's not funny.

If you tell me Misty abuse IS funny. No. I disagree. At least not something like that. It's complicated.

That aside, I personally found this to be the best chapter so far! A lot of it has to do with the Misty focus though, but I really enjoyed it. The only dull episode was the Mane Smelity one. Otherwise I found this to be pretty solid.


Well-known member
I think Father of the Bridlewood is a good way 'abuse' Misty at this point. She's really not used to good or nice things happening; and a proud overeager father wantign desperately to reconnect with her and her trying to pretend like its working; thats fun to watch. Randomly sticking her in spider web for no reason all episode? not so much.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
This is why I must never be allowed to write cartoons. I like 'forgot something' endings better than 'everypony laughs' endings, though I'll say G5 really doesn't do the latter much. That's something I've been enjoying.

I do agree it wouldn't have worked here. Part of my thinking there was that I expected the episode to get more chaotic than it ultimately did. The 'forgot something' ending can work if the audience can be tricked into forgetting it as well. But both the party and Opaline's visit ended up being more mellow than I expected. We wouldn't have forgotten.


Well-known member
This is why I must never be allowed to write cartoons. I like 'forgot something' endings better than 'everypony laughs' endings, though I'll say G5 really doesn't do the latter much. That's something I've been enjoying.

I do agree it wouldn't have worked here. Part of my thinking there was that I expected the episode to get more chaotic than it ultimately did. The 'forgot something' ending can work if the audience can be tricked into forgetting it as well. But both the party and Opaline's visit ended up being more mellow than I expected. We wouldn't have forgotten.

It might work in a TYT episode but I don't think it could really work in a MYM episode.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
I could see TYT making it work. And I really like TYT, so maybe that's why my mind went there.


Well-known member
Episode 6 Nightmare on Mane Street:

A Unity Crystal jack o lantern. Fitting, since it is the greatest villain of them all.

Oh no Hitch…not a big mystery prize that you have to scramble to figure out at the last minute. *SIGH*

So is Opaline going to hear about this Golden Pumpkin and think it’s some sort of ancient magical artifact?

So, Hitch has to hide the pumpkin AND figure out a prize? Or are we not even going to focus on the prize at all?

Pipp continues to love spooky stuff. It’s just a nice character detail.

At least Misty seems to like her old stuffed animal.

Of COURSE Hitch did Sparky’s costume before his own.

Uhh..random disappearing pumpkins? That’s something.

C’mon Izzy, it’s not like this is a cake-ghost. Now, then you’d have reason to be afraid.

“So you ponies LIKE being scared?” “Ah…duh!”

Hm…skeleton pony. Seems a little dark for this show.

The Crystal Frighthouse…nice.

Jazz and Rocky have a little rivalry going. Okay.

Posey’s having fun. That’s nice to see. It won’t last long.

Oh, so Opaline isn’t taking the pumpkins on purpose?

OOOH…the Together Trees are connected together…which means they create a magical pathway underground that Opaline can use since she has one in her own castle…alright, that’s actually kind of clever. I didn’t see that coming.

SENIOR BUTTERSCOTCH! The reference that just keeps on giving!

*Misty stuck in a web* Well, this is her life now. Hopefully, someone will bring her food from time to time.

Hitch looks good with a mustache. We were all thinking it.

So many apples…Applejack would be proud.

Oh, Opaline’s Together Tree even has a door in it like the one in Bridlewood. The writers actually thought this plot point through.

Opaline is FINALLY FREE! And…she wasn’t expecting compliments.

Pipp likes bats.

Pipp wants to make Misty scream…that can be taken in a couple different ways.

*Jazz and Rocky’s competition continues* Is this a flirting? I can’t tell if they’re flirting with each other or not.

Okay, the Puppy and Kitten costumed couple are cute.

HA HA HA. Everyone geeking out about Opaline’s “costume” is great.

Oh…Opaline is meeting Posey…New besties?

Posey gets her cutie mark stolen. Posey’s rage is justified count…1.

So, is Opaline actually going to…eat the cutie mark magic or just carry it around all night? Because if she absorbed it as she goes, she could probably level up faster. Oh, well.

The pony trying to eat the candy apple stick is just…dumb, I guess. What is this? Why did they animate his lips so well?

Of course Sprout’s a litterbug. And he’s just wearing his work uniform. That’s not a REAL costume at all!

Yeah, parties when you have to clean them up afterwards just aren’t as much fun when you’re a adult. Sorry, Sunny.

Okay, Misty just gave Pipp her pity scream.

So, Opaline’s giving the cutie mark magic to…her Together Tree? Huh…I guess to power it up so she can go to the dragon lands? Posey's not getting her cutie mark back. Posey's rage is justified count...INFINITE!

And we actually get to SEE a couple of dragons! Finally! With the hair they kind of look more like the ones from the IDW comics. The greatest twist of all…the comics were ALWAYS canon!

Eww…I guess they have to use Sparky’s snotrag to find the Dragonlands of Scalie. I assume it’s a reference to the Seelie Court from Celtic mythology?

So, for my overall thoughts about this “season”? This is probably the best drop yet.

And a LARGE part of that is because of Misty. There was a BIG focus on Misty this “season” and it made things really special. Loved everything about her story.

And…there were actually a few surprises! I didn’t see Misty’s dad coming! Or the Together Trees! Things WERE well thought out. It just took time to get there.

Mind you, I didn’t really care for “Mane Smelody” that much. And “Nightmare on Mane Street” felt like it needed a little extra punch of something. But, hey, 4 good episodes out of 6 isn’t too bad.

The show continues to tease Dragons and I feel like they hired George RR Martin to write this part of the story.

But, yeah, I enjoyed this drop more than any previous part of Make Your Mark. There was some actual payoff here. Good stuff.

So how exactly does the connection work? Why is it randomly sending pumpkins to Opaline?

My best guess is that Opaline's Together Tree had JUST connected to the "magical wi fi network" that included the other trees. Either the one in Opaline's castle is just so far away that it took a LONG time for their roots to connect together, or it's only able to connect now due to magic returning. And it started sending pumpkins over's like a fast travel point in a video game? Or a Krakoan Gate in current X-Men comics? *Shrugs* I'm just impressed that they set this up since basically the first set of episodes, where the Mane 5 grew that tree in Bridlewood to stop that giant berry (Growing Pains).
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This is how a unicorn comments
My best guess is that Opaline's Together Tree had JUST connected to the "magical wi fi network" that included the other trees. Either the one in Opaline's castle is just so far away that it took a LONG time for their roots to connect together, or it's only able to connect now due to magic returning. And it started sending pumpkins over's like a fast travel point in a video game? Or a Krakoan Gate in current X-Men comics? *Shrugs* I'm just impressed that they set this up since basically the first set of episodes, where the Mane 5 grew that tree in Bridlewood to stop that giant berry (Growing Pains).
I imagine part of the magic of those trees involves some more positive energy. So maybe her's was stunted in growth because of how she is?

I had a thought it'd be neat if turned out the reason was Opaline's tree was so far away from all the others that it's roots couldn't connect to the others. Until Misty grew that one in Zepher Heights and it's roots acted as a bridge for it to connect to them all, buuuuuuuut with how Misty would always go from Opaline's lair to Maretime Bay and back. There is no way the tree there isn't the closest. So yeah my best guess is it's growth of roots was just stunted thanks to Opaline's bad attitude. Maybe we'll find out that it can only connect to that tree?

I have a feeling though this is something that the writers will just wave off.

Lastly a bit more on the Misty in web thing.

Yeah I can see the angle of it working in a TYT episode, but in my opinion they'd have to do it a specific way to work. Like at the end of a chaotic episode, Zip goes: "But I can't help but think we're forgetting something... OH NO!" Cue them running back to the Lighthouse before they cut back to Misty still stuck in her web.

It flat out wouldn't work in the episode we were given simply for the fact it happened too early in the episode. Even if a MYM episode got chaotic. I still can't see them not noticing Misty in the web. Especially since you know. The point was they were decorating the place to be a haunted house. In no context does it make sense for no one to notice Misty being stuck.

Which brings us to the REAL question.

It's a fake web! Why did you make it sticky in the first place!?


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
It flat out wouldn't work in the episode we were given simply for the fact it happened too early in the episode. Even if a MYM episode got chaotic. I still can't see them not noticing Misty in the web. Especially since you know. The point was they were decorating the place to be a haunted house. In no context does it make sense for no one to notice Misty being stuck.

Well, if they noticed the final boss walking around in town that might have been distracting enough for them and the audience.


Well-known member
I do agree it wouldn't have worked here. Part of my thinking there was that I expected the episode to get more chaotic than it ultimately did.
Could easily have ended it with Pipp still stuck in the closet from trying to prank Misty.

Maybe someone opens the closet to put things away and Pipp tumbles out, and that's what gets Misty to scream.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
That is a lot funnier than my idea. Even without rewriting the rest of the episode to be more chaotic, it could work because we would expect Pipp to be offscreen waiting to surprise Misty from somewhere. Just not the last place we saw her.

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