Nintendo vs. Sega (and other lesser console wars)


Eorzean Idiot
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I would just like this time to remind everyone that I'm a Nintendo fanboy. Back in the days of the great Console War, I was team Nintendo all the way and anyone who owned a Genesis was a moron and a sucker.

That being said...anyone for some revenge guac?

I was only team Nintendo because I couldn't afford two systems. I'm pretty sure I did know people with a Genesis, but they would have like four games for the thing.

I swear that's how I first played Toy Story and Home Alone though.

My love for Sonic pretty much came solely from the cartoons.

I played Sonic before I ever played it on my Nintendo/PlayStation consoles, whether it was because friends had a Genesis or stores had one set up or something. Now I was able to get a Genesis cheap on Ebay. Honestly, with only a couple exceptions, I still prefer Nintendo games over Sega. Mario > Sonic. Final Fight > Streets of Rage. Although, Sega Mortal Kombat > Nintendo Mortal Kombat. Sega Robocop vs. Terminator >>> Nintendo Robocop vs Terminator.

Though lets be real, Mari > Sonic, but I still love Sonic. Final Fight > Streets of Rage, but I still love Streets of Rage...3 and IV.

Thanks goodness for growing up...and eBay...and Keanu Reeves as Shadow.

Hah! Brought it back to Sonic!

Genesis guy here. we got a NES literally the summer 1992, right before the SNES was released. So we had that for a long while. However, in the summer of 1995, I wanted to get a new console, mainly for X-men and Shanghai 2 on the Genesis. So we got that instead of a SNES. It was fun, and we got the model 1 console from TRU that came with both Sonic 1 and Sonic 2. Immediately, we got X-men as our third game, then Shanghai, and then a ton of others, as the system had been out for 6 years at that point. I remember my dad getting me Sonic Spinball for Christmas that year. And as a kid, that game rocked.

Eventually we got a SNES bundled with Link to the Past, but we were still a Sega house.

Genesis Shadowrun > SNES Shadowrun

Never played Shadowrun. I'll always be a Nintendo boy at heart. Having gotten a Genesis though, I can see a lot of fun games there. I like Super Castlevania IV more than Bloodlines, but Bloodlines is also a fun game. I like Turtles in Time more that Hyperstone Heist, but Hyperstone Heist is also a fun game (and the main reason I got a Genesis in the first place).

I will say that Genesis does do some games better than Nintendo: Mortal Kombat (if you have the 6-button controller), Robocop vs. Terminator. SNES does some games better than Genesis: Street Fighter II (with or without 6-button controller), Spiderman and the X-Men.

As far as exclusives, let's just say they both have their exclusives and they're both great. I will always love Zelda, Mario, Metroid among others. At the same time, I've also grown to love Sonic, Altered Beast, Shinobi among others.

Over all, good for both of us having given both consoles a try. We're better off for it.

By the way, when I say "SNES Street Fighter > Genesis Street Fighter" or "Genesis Mortal Kombat > SNES Mortal Kombat"...can we both agree that "Arcade>>>>>>>>>>>>>Console" in both cases?

Hmmm so you either got an unofficial bundle that came with a gameboy game (and hopefully a Super Gameboy if you wanted to play that on the SNES) Or you meant to say "A Link to the Past" :p

Possibly shameful thing for me to admit here, but I got into collecting Sonic games after getting a Dreamcast and playing through Sonic Adventure. Which I loved. I thought Sonic Adventure 2 was even better.

Then I went back and tried some of the old 2D games and... Yeah I don't like them...

I'm pretty much a 3D Sonic game fan only.

Yup. To be fair, I played and beat Link's Awakening on the OG Gameboy before we got Link to the Past.

I was a staunch Nintendo fanboy early on. After all, how dare these jerks at that other company try to come in and take my Mario away from me by putting Nintendo out of business? The sheer, unmitigated gall.

But, uh, that Sonic game... that does look kinda neat. But that's like, ONE game. And besides, he's just ripping off Mario, anyway.

Then I move back to my old hometown, and when school starts, I reconnect with an old friend, and... oh, he has a Genesis. He's one of those.

Well, we share other interests. We can probably make it work.

Eventually, I got a Super NES, as God intended. And we'd play SNES games at my place, and Genesis games at his... and occasionally bring our consoles over when we'd go visit.

We had our feuds, though. We'd concede that sure, the other platform had its perks, but ours was the better one.

That is, until 1993. Star Fox. Super Metroid.

1994. Mega Man X. Hell, that was enough to get him to throw the flag right there, even as Sonic 3 came out parallel to it.

And then, of course, the killing blow: Donkey Kong Country.

He'd wind up getting a Super NES of his own.

Me? Well, the Sonic games were cool, but it would take something special, something that really connected with me beyond the usual Mario and Sonic and all that noise before I'd put money down on a SEGA.

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Yeah, that did it.

Each system had their Marios or Sonics, their Castlevanias, their Contras, their TMNT... they'd both have their Mega Man games, but that's another thing entirely.

But Garfield was still red hot at the time, and only one of the two platforms had a game.

I saved my money up with the intention of getting a Nomad and the game, but holy hell, those things were expensive! I figured the price would have come down with the next gen rolling out, but no. Fortunately, prices had come down on Genesis 2 hardware, and so I got a nice bundle featuring Sonic 3, Sonic & Knuckles, and a six button pad... plus Garfield.

Still have 'em all. Just wish I had the box for the Genesis still.

...and that the Sonic games had come with boxes.

Of course, what really put my loyalty to Nintendo to the test wasn't SEGA... it was Sony.

And it wasn't Garfield, but -- as you might have guessed -- Mega Man.

PlayStation had it. All of it. Nintendo did not.

...I did have a Nintendo 64 first, mind, but once it became clear to me that yeah, Mega Man wasn't going to be there, I wasn't about to wait until the end of the generation to break party lines.

From there, I've usually gotten Nintendo platforms around launch (save GBA), but have been less resistant to other platforms.

Aside: Still looking to own a SEGA Saturn one day.

And a Master System.

I just want to say how big of a deal Star Fox was. Like beyond its popularity, its technical abilities were outstanding at the time. It was a huge deal for the SNES.

This right here. Nintendo won the 16-bit console wars with its persistence. DKC was a huge push for them. I think that was the first time that they sent out VHS tapes to people to hype up the game. (On a side note, I just want to say how crazy it was that we all had VCRs in the 90s, and people could just send you VHS tapes and expect you to be able to watch it) I remember getting one in the mail for DKC, and it really made us excited for this game. We got it that Christmas, and had a ton of fun showing it off at the Grandparents' house to all the cousins.

As a huge Garfield fan in the 90s I am surprised that I didn't get this one. Heck, I don't even think I have heard of it.

Me too! I still have my SNES box that my brother saved but my Genesis box is long gone.

I remember we got the PS1 to play Final Fantasy 7. It was such an epic game! I eventually got a N64 from EB Games when I was in college, around 2005. Jungle green with the controller for $20.

Why the hate for the GBA? Granted I didn't get one until 2004.....

I have a Saturn and a few games that I got for helping out my local retro game store. My cousin had one back int he day, and it was a fun system. I haven't ever been tempted by Master system though. Something about the boxart and the games I have seen for it, just makes me ignore it.
Also, someone up there said something about VHS tapes sent by Nintendo...


You know, I should hook up my VCR some time. I don't even remember the Star Fox or the N64 ones.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
I just liked how Sega controllers fit my hands. Nintendo controllers were still bricks back then.


Kaiser Dragon
I've always been Nintendo first, but not really Nintendo exclusive. We had my brother's Colecovision with Atari 2600 attachment growing up, so we were multi-console as early as I can remember. The NES was the first console that was primarily mine, though. I've gotten every Nintendo console since, aside from sidegrade stuff like the Game Boy Pocket and DSi. Even still have my Virtual Boy, which only cost me $25 new.

Speaking of $25, my first non-Nintendo console was a Genesis 3, which was also $25 new. I mainly wanted Castlevania Bloodlines. To this day, that's actually the only game I have for it. I got to the end of the game, the level where the screen splits into a bunch of horizontal slices that scroll at different rates. I was convinced at that point that the Genesis 3 was just a cheap knockoff that clearly implemented something horribly wrong, so never tried to get any other games for it. It was many years later when I finally learned that really was how the level was designed. I still find it baffling.

On the topic of Sega consoles, the Dreamcast is a similar situation. I had bought Soul Reaver for the PS1 when it came out. Compared to the N64, I always found the PS1's 3D graphics underwhelming. With Soul Reaver in particular, I found the initial underwater sequence to be downright nauseating. I had really enjoyed Blood Omen and SR's intro had me hooked, so I started looking into other options to play it. At that point, Sega had fairly recently decided to exit the hardware business, so I was again able to buy a new console dirt cheap. Got the console, SR, and Record of Lodoss War. Still the only two DC games I have.

For Sony, I got the PS1 for Christmas along with the three games I had really wanted and that had convinced me to ask for it. In order of most to least desired, they were FF7, MMX4, and SotN. Ironically, in terms of actual enjoyment and impact on me, they would be ordered exactly the opposite. SotN is still one of my favorite games and easily made the console entirely worth it. MMX4 was good, but I'm still partial to the SNES games, the first one in particular. I quickly decided FF7 was heavily overrated. I mean, it was pretty good and all. But aside from the cutscenes and in-battle graphics being pretty good at the time, I didn't love it.

I've still stayed Nintendo first, mainly for Nintendo exclusives. But I eventually get most of the Sony consoles too. Never got a Vita, though I did eventually get a PSTV. Haven't gotten a PS5 yet, but I will eventually. Might wait until after the Switch 2 though, depending on the game lineup.

Never had any XBox. Microsoft had a demonstration at my school ahead of its launch. I found the controller made my hands hurt. They also leaned heavily on shooters, which I don't enjoy. So I've never had any real desire to get any XBox console. And at this point, with Microsoft seemingly considering going the Sega route, I doubt I ever will get any XBox.


Eorzean Idiot
I played arcade games long before I ever had a Nintendo. That includes Atari games. So I have a lot of love for Atari games. But I never owned an Atari system.

My first console was the 8-bit Nintendo. So I've been team Nintendo exclusively since I was a kid.

But around the Gamecube eraI started to realize that Nintendo wasn't getting all of the games and wasn't getting the best versions even when they did get a game.

The Wii era was when I first went multi-platform. I already had the Wii, of course. Nintendo will always be first. But when I got my tax-return check, I decided to get another platform. I went into Gamestop fully expecting to get an X-Box 360. I was still butt-hurt over the Sony rootkit fiasco since I actually did get burned by that once. So yeah, I went in to get an X-Box.

The thing was, this was also the time when the X-Box was plagued by the Red Ring of Death. Meanwhile the PS3 included Bluray capabilities. Soooooo, the PS3 was my first ever non-Nintendo console. I've gone multi-plat since then with Nintendo and Sony.

I got my first Sega console only a couple years ago with the Dreamcast. My brother had a Dreamcast which he left at my parents house. I would play Soul Calibur whenever I went to my parents house. I don't know what ever happened to that Dreamcast, but it kinda disappeared. So I got the Dreamcast specifically for Soul Calibur. But I was told if I had a Dreamcast, I had to get Crazy Taxi. I also saw Mortal Kombat Gold at the Disc Replay. I got a couple other games since then at Disc Replay.

It wasn't too terribly long after that that I realized I reeeeeally wanted TMNT Hyperstone Heist. Since it was one of the few Turtles games I didn't own. So that's when I got my Genesis Gen 2...just to have the Cowabunga Collection announced a couple months after. But that's okay Because with several Genesis collections that are out on the PS3, PS4 and Switch, I knew there were other games I would soon be getting: Mortal Kombat, Robocop Vs. Terminator, Sonic 1/2, Altered Beast.

Oh yeah, somewhere along the line I got a PS2 for some Final Fantasy games. I also got some other games for it, but I very rarely ever play it. I've said It before in many other threads, but you know how when you buy something used, sometimes it feels just like new and there's no problems with it at all, but other times it just has that used kinda feel. This PS2 had that used kinda feel and I just never had a pleasant time playing it.

So yeah, at this point, I'm a multi-plat kind of guy. But if I ever had to choose one or the other, I'm automatically leaning towards Nintendo. But yeah, during the console wars, I was totally team Nintendo and completely anti-sega.

And lets be honest. I had the opportunity to play Sonic even when I was a hard-core Nintendo only fan. I really enjoyed playing it even then. But of course you'd never hear me say that!


Well-known member
I owned an NES, and played whatever video games on whatever consoles my friends had because my household was too poor to afford anything new until Christmas 1998. Console War doesn't exist to one who is starving.


This is how a unicorn comments
I swear I have a few videogame VHS tapes. I know I had the Donky Kong Country one. (Want a banana?)

Since I don't see them on a shelf, I must have left them in a box in my closet. I'll have to see about digging them out sometime. I think I might have the Majora's Mask VHS. I know I don't have the Star Fox one.

The stuff I can find in my room are a couple of odd VHS tapes, and some random DVDs:

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
I just liked how Sega controllers fit my hands. Nintendo controllers were still bricks back then.
To be fair, the Master system controller, their competitor against the NES< was just as bad as the NES controllers were. It wasn't until the 16 bit era that they stopped to realize that a human being would be holding the controller. :) The SNES controller wasn't that bad.


Kaiser Dragon
I should add, I do eventually want to add a few more consoles to my collection. Switch 2 and PS5 are going to be top of the list, of course. Ultimately, I would really like to get a Master System, a better Genesis, a Saturn, and a TG-16. If I ever reach that point, I'll be completely satisfied, at least in terms of the consoles themselves.

I never cared for Sonic, which is a big part of why I leaned toward Nintendo. I had some exposure to other Genesis games, and loved some of them. Off the top of my head, Shining Force and Herzog Zwei are standouts. But overall, the sort of games I really love have always steered me toward Nintendo consoles for the most part, with Playstations later taking some of my favorites like FF, Castlevania, and Mega Man.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Personally, I think the last, really interesting and meaningful, console war was the 32-bit era. Since the millennium, mainstream consoles have, largely, moved towards more homogenized engineering. And the escalating costs of games have pushed more and more to be full multiplatform releases. And today, Nintendo is basically the only “true gaming console” company left, with Microsoft being increasingly platform-agnostic and PlayStation willing to put their titles out to PC.
But in the 90s, with the N64, Saturn and PlayStation? Each console was so radically different in functional engineering, even the multiplatform titles exhibited notable differences between them. Especially trying to port titles to the cartridge based N64.

But in my “gaming life”? Pretty solidly stayed close to Nintendo, simply because they were (for many years) the dominant player with franchises me and my family enjoyed (SOOO many rounds of Mario Kart on SNES). But I never felt any particular partisanship in the console wars. My neighbors and cousins had Genesis, and I DID enjoy playing on it as it had games SNES didn’t (X-Men and Shinobi 3 being notables).
Ironically, most of my experience with Genesis games came from the PC ports Sega did in the mid-90s

We got an N64 because the parents were buying and it made the most sense as a “family purchase”. And while sad I missed out on stuff on the other consoles (particular the wealth of stuff released on PlayStation), I’d argue my experience with the console was positive. That said, after playing Sega Saturn stuff at Epcot in DisneyWorld (Sega was a HUGE investor in Innoventions in the 90s), I DID have a big desire for a Saturn. But after E3 97? Even as a kid I knew Sega just shot themselves in the foot.
But I did get a Dreamcast, my first self purchased console. Still have great memories (Soul Calibur, Sonic Adventure, DOA2…), and for how short its life was, it burned so gloriously.
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LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
I was convinced at that point that the Genesis 3 was just a cheap knockoff
Well, you weren't wrong, by most accounts...

And today, Nintendo is basically the only “true gaming console” company left, with Microsoft being increasingly platform-agnostic and PlayStation willing to put their titles out to PC.
Ugh, I'm so disappointed at how Xbox has fallen.

More than anything, because I wanted them to be a real rival to PlayStation, because I don't like PlayStation dominating the market. I don't like anyone dominating the market! I want like a Coke/Pepsi thing where there are two market leaders that keep each other on their toes so they can't get complacent...

And I'm not counting Nintendo because I don't think PlayStation sees them as a competitor. I'm not sure many do. Nintendo is over here doing their thing and making bank, PlayStation is over there doing their thing and making bank, and both seem happy that way.

And of course, that means that they can pretty much do whatever they want, because where else are you going to go for the kind of experience they provide?


Eorzean Idiot
That is so true. I've been team Sony when it comes to the "war" between Sony and Microsoft. But in no way would I see it as a good thing if my side "won" by making Microsoft getting out of the console business just because every market needs competition.

I mean, I didn't always think this way. I had been thinking that "I'm team Nintendo and Sony. Microsoft can just go away for all I care." But now it seems I might actually be getting that wish and now I'm starting to think that it was not the way to be thinking. I may be on Sony's side when it comes to Sony vs. Microsoft...but I'm going to be wishing Sony has some kind of competition once they find out they can do just about anything they want.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
Personally, I think the last, really interesting and meaningful, console war was the 32-bit era. Since the millennium, mainstream consoles have, largely, moved towards more homogenized engineering. And the escalating costs of games have pushed more and more to be full multiplatform releases. And today, Nintendo is basically the only “true gaming console” company left, with Microsoft being increasingly platform-agnostic and PlayStation willing to put their titles out to PC.
But in the 90s, with the N64, Saturn and PlayStation? Each console was so radically different in functional engineering, even the multiplatform titles exhibited notable differences between them. Especially trying to port titles to the cartridge based N64.

But in my “gaming life”? Pretty solidly stayed close to Nintendo, simply because they were (for many years) the dominant player with franchises me and my family enjoyed (SOOO many rounds of Mario Kart on SNES). But I never felt any particular partisanship in the console wars. My neighbors and cousins had Genesis, and I DID enjoy playing on it as it had games SNES didn’t (X-Men and Shinobi 3 being notables).
Ironically, most of my experience with Genesis games came from the PC ports Sega did in the mid-90s

We got an N64 because the parents were buying and it made the most sense as a “family purchase”. And while sad I missed out on stuff on the other consoles (particular the wealth of stuff released on PlayStation), I’d argue my experience with the console was positive. That said, after playing Sega Saturn stuff at Epcot in DisneyWorld (Sega was a HUGE investor in Innoventions in the 90s), I DID have a big desire for a Saturn. But after E3 97? Even as a kid I knew Sega just shot themselves in the foot.
But I did get a Dreamcast, my first self purchased console. Still have great memories (Soul Calibur, Sonic Adventure, DOA2…), and for how short its life was, it burned so gloriously.
I think that the 360 PS3 console war was a good one for multiple reasons.

#1, they were fighting it out for second place, as the Wii had totally outsold them both thanks to the casuals.
#2, It was a tight race that only at the end did Sony win due to its persistence and late exclusives, much like the SNES.
#3, All of this happened over a very long time period. From 2005 - 2013 that war waged longer than any of the other console wars.
#4, this all happened with both consoles being massively different, with multiple different versions of them coming out, and Microsoft taking 5 years to make a console that wouldn;t get the RROD.


jumbled pile of person
#5. It dragged on so long that developers had to actually get creative at wringing as much performance as they could out of both systems, unlike now where everything runs on insanely bloated engines and they just tell people to upgrade our consoles to the "Pro" versions—or, for PC players, spend the equivalent of two consoles' worth of hardware—if we want them to actually look any good. Seriously, I'm on the record as saying seventh generation graphics have aged the worst out of all of them, but there are some games from the tail end of that era that still look incredible if you don't look too closely at the texture resolutions. Open-world games like GTA V and Sleeping Dogs make me wonder why the hell we're investing so much in ray tracing when real-time lighting and reflections were that sophisticated over a decade.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Never had any XBox. Microsoft had a demonstration at my school ahead of its launch. I found the controller made my hands hurt. They also leaned heavily on shooters, which I don't enjoy. So I've never had any real desire to get any XBox console. And at this point, with Microsoft seemingly considering going the Sega route, I doubt I ever will get any XBox.
The Duke was, indeed, a big boi. I got used to it, but once the Controller S came out? The Xbox Controller S remains probably one of my all time favorites, though the PS5 controller is the first since I've really liked.

I got an Xbox early on, and a big reason it appealed to me was because it DID feel more "western". Sega gave some big support early on and I think their output on the Xbox was their last creative peak. I grew up on PC, so many of the Xbox games felt familiar to me coming from that background. And I still think Microsoft's push was instrumental in re-establishing the "western perspective" in the wider console market.

There were several factors that caused the Xbox360/PS3 generation to run longer than any before. But part of the reason I don't view it as "meaningful" is because by that point, multiplats were the norm, so the actual libraries didn't vary as much as in prior generations. One version or another might have run a little better or worse, but they were still largely the same game. Unless it was on the Wii, then who knows what you might get (besides a PS2 and PSP port without waggle).

In terms of today? Frankly, the true console war winner ended up being the PC market. Aside from Nintendo off doing their own thing or the (oft ignored or forgotten) legacy titles, there just isn't much coming out that isn't available on PC. And I think Microsoft's Game Pass is probably more reflective of the broader industry direction, or at least what the companies WANT.


This is how a unicorn comments
Hmm going along the rest of my videogame journey. First half in the Sonic thread.

I know I picked up a Gameboy Advance and Metroid Fusion. Remember sitting there with a light on my desk to play it. I do have the GameCube player, but playing Zero Mission on it felt off. Something about using the Gamecube controller for it just didn't feel right.

I got a PS2 first, which is probably the system I own the most games for. All but one of them is a black label.

I bought a Gamecube off of my friend that came with Wind Waker and Metroid Prime 1. I later traded Wind Waker in for a better game.

I was pretty much team Sony here as I have only a moderate collection of Xbox games, and heck my Gamecube game collection might barely scratch the 20 mark.

I don't think I got an Xbox till the 360 was out. (And by that I got the original Xbox after the newer system was on the market. Not that I got a 360 first)

Sometime during all this I got a Gameboy color, but how is lost on me.

Also someone just up and found The Legend of Zelda Faces of Evil for the CDi in a thrift store and gave it to me for a birthday. So I actually have one of the three forbidden Zelda games.

I got the Xbox 360 first. Saved up and got a used version which thankfully did NOT RROD on me. I traded it in a couple of years later to get a 360 that had the HDMI cable port, as the original had I think only composite cables.

Someone ended up selling their Nintendo Wii for around 100 and it came with Brawl. So I jumped on that.

As mentioned before I finally got a PS3 when Tales of Graces F came out.

I picked up a PSP around this time to play MegaMan Powered Up and Maverick Hunter X.

I think I got a DS first for Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow.

Also around this point Gameboy SPs were like 60 bucks in Gamestop and I got me one of the ones that is made to look like the NES.

So in the team Sony or Microsoft time of the 360 and PS3 I was certainly in the 360 camp. Probably the system I have the second largest collection of games for. (Wii might be third)

Meanwhile a friend of mine was helping his currant girlfriend clean out abandoned houses, and they could keep anything they found inside. In one random box was a Virtual Boy in fairly good condition. My brothers gave me what they had of one they had as kids, and combining them I got a fully intact Virtual Boy. I only have Wario for it though.

When it came to PS4, Wii U, and Xbox One, I went PS4 first. Had to play my next Infamous game. (I even got the collector's edition of Infamous Second Son) I pretty much stuck with PS4. I got a Zelda themed Wii U when I had the chance.

Got the Zelda 3DS that came with Ocarina of Time during a Black Friday sale.

Then ended up buying my roommates Quantum Break themed Xbox One off of him. (I later also bought his Gears of War 5 themed Xbox One series X)

Increased my PS4's value by a lot by keeping P.T. on it. Which it's still there to this day.

Got me a Vita during the time it was about to die.

Got a Switch to play Breath of the Wild.

FINALLY got a PS5 after much waiting.

That's been my last new system. I see no point in getting whatever the latest Xbox is called when all the games are on PC, and there isn't a Gears of War game for me to care about.

Okay well I guess technically my last console was an Atari 2600 I found at a convention for a good price. (I think 20 bucks)

Still want some of the more obscure ones. I don't have a 3D0. I don't have a Sega CD at all anymore. I don't have the 32X

I've just never come across a Master System, but I do want to one day add it to my collection. Heck I even have a game for it already as I found Wonderboy 3 in a Thrift store for 3 bucks IN it's case.

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
#2, It was a tight race that only at the end did Sony win due to its persistence and late exclusives, much like the SNES.
I still can't believe they won not only after coming out of the gate the way they did, but also after leaking everyone's data on top of that.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
I still can't believe they won not only after coming out of the gate the way they did, but also after leaking everyone's data on top of that.
To be fair, the Red Ring of Death really shot Microsoft in the foot and was a solid reason why people stayed away from it. By the time that the redesign came out, I think that the PS3 slim was out and was at a competitive price. Then they got their God of War, Uncharted trilogy, Last of Us, and more at the end when Microsoft was pivoting towards the next generation and TV.

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