Oh thank you Windows 11 update for screwing up my audio


Maystor missspelur
so some update happen today and my new laptop said hey restart so i can update
I was being a good boy and doing all updates since this is a brand new laptop when when i restarted what i was doing my audio was jacked
I went and uninstalled the update but the damage had been done audio is still messed up
damn it


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
I have had two different sets of speakers fail with Windows 11, but both sets are old enough that they might have just died on their own.

Other than that Windows 11 has been surprisingly smooth for me. Updates are finally quick.


Maystor missspelur
its like the mix it bad now it sounds tin like to much sound in the front and not enough from the L/R side speakers


Continuity Nutcase
Whenever this happened to me, I would go into my sound settings and restore the audio to the settings I had previously had it set to, as the update had simply reverted my audio to the laptop's original default audio settings.

Platypus Prime

Well-known member
I had a similar (and not isolated) problem with my Surface laptop studio and the dock, my external display went all glitchy. I went to Optional Updates and installed both of those (a driver and another update) and the problem was fixed, but the fact that I had to look all over for the issue and then just hope an update fixed the issue the last update caused wasn't great. Other than that, though, as weird as it sounds, getting the laptop directly from Microsoft has been the least problematic one I've ever had. I even got a couple more for family, with similar lack of drama.


Continuity Nutcase
There was another time where, unrelated to any updates, my laptop's audio went bad for reasons I cannot fathom. That time, I had to do a troubleshoot on my audio to try to fix it. What it ended up doing was that it switched my laptop to another built-in audio source, making that one the new default for all sound on my laptop.


jumbled pile of person
For something so simple that has no reason to change much from year to year, audio drivers sure do like to break a lot. I had a stretch of six months where I had to type some complicated command into the terminal every time I rebooted my Linux setup because of a bug that the people at Kubuntu decided wasn't worth fixing until the next major release. Ended up using the sticky-note applet to keep it handy.

Platypus Prime

Well-known member
I've wondered if it has something to do with switching the output (and sometimes input) depending on the system, for both audio and video. Changing headsets, mics, docking with external speakers and monitors, etc, are things I do on a daily basis. Maybe the complexities of that much hardware to plan for causes issues? Then again, any of those considerations don't happen if you just have a normal desktop, so my own conditionals may not apply.


New member
Ugh, that sounds frustrating. I've had similar issues with updates messing things up, especially with audio. Once, I had to dig through all the sound settings to fix it, and even then, it wasn't perfect. If it keeps acting up, you might want to consider doing a full reset. Sometimes, it’s the only way to get things back to normal. I found some helpful info on Operating Systems that covers situations like this. It might be worth checking out if you’re stuck dealing with more issues.
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