So, a new #1 is out. I feel like this deserves it's own thread.
Overall thoughts: It's a alright beginning. I like the artwork. It's expressive. And the characters don't seem out of character. It didn't blow me away, but it's a solid start.
Detailed spoliers below:
So, right out of the gate we get...this new gate that Twilight made. This...feels like it's probably going to get some backstory. Was she REALLY trying to keep something out? Was it really just a nice-looking ceremonial gate? We'll see.
I feel bad for Izzy, getting left out all issue. They need to create a flying spell for her. In this comic, it seems like she's somewhere between her movie and Tell Your Tale personalities. She's louder and more careless than the movie version, but more thoughtful and considerate than the TYT version. She actually realizes when she screws up, here.
The Earth pony hooves are glowing. I guess they can track critters with their hooves? I'm hoping the special in a couple days explains Earth Pony magic a little.
I guess everyone figured out the whole no magic=pegasi falling from the skies thing.
Sunny's house looks to be a rebuilt version of her original house, rather than the Rainbow Brighthouse from Tell Your Tale or the game. Either this takes place before it was created...or IDW didn't get the memo about the change of main base for the show. PLEASE don't let the comics be incompatible with the show AGAIN, Hasbro...
The thief seems to have specifically stole the Pegasus Crystal...I don't know if I want to get into solicitation spoilers but...this will end in tears.
Zipp is into detective stuff, apparently. She and Hitch should start a book club or something, judging by that one episode of Tell Your Tale.
Pipp WILL cause a riot for the views. Subscribe to her channel if you want the hottest apocalypse survival tips! Seriously, this could be a interesting plotline for Pipp. Her "journalistic integrity" clashing with...causing everyone to cower in constant fear. Having someone on your world-saving team who keeps telling the populace just how bad things are could go VERY wrong.
Pipp, a phone charger wouldn't do you any good anyway. Where would you plug it in? Wait...could you use a Unicorn to charge a phone in this world? ...Huh...I want to see that now.
And we get to see Canterlot. As ruined as the covers for the next issue indicated. Now...why would the thief come HERE, though? There are other places he could go if he wanted the obvious, I think. Was there a final showdown here?
This ending would be seriously MINDBLOWING...if it wasn't for solicitations and cover images and stuff. People would be debating for days if this was really the "real" Canterlot.
I feel bad for Izzy, getting left out all issue. They need to create a flying spell for her. In this comic, it seems like she's somewhere between her movie and Tell Your Tale personalities. She's louder and more careless than the movie version, but more thoughtful and considerate than the TYT version. She actually realizes when she screws up, here.
The Earth pony hooves are glowing. I guess they can track critters with their hooves? I'm hoping the special in a couple days explains Earth Pony magic a little.
I guess everyone figured out the whole no magic=pegasi falling from the skies thing.
Sunny's house looks to be a rebuilt version of her original house, rather than the Rainbow Brighthouse from Tell Your Tale or the game. Either this takes place before it was created...or IDW didn't get the memo about the change of main base for the show. PLEASE don't let the comics be incompatible with the show AGAIN, Hasbro...
The thief seems to have specifically stole the Pegasus Crystal...I don't know if I want to get into solicitation spoilers but...this will end in tears.
Zipp is into detective stuff, apparently. She and Hitch should start a book club or something, judging by that one episode of Tell Your Tale.
Pipp WILL cause a riot for the views. Subscribe to her channel if you want the hottest apocalypse survival tips! Seriously, this could be a interesting plotline for Pipp. Her "journalistic integrity" clashing with...causing everyone to cower in constant fear. Having someone on your world-saving team who keeps telling the populace just how bad things are could go VERY wrong.
Pipp, a phone charger wouldn't do you any good anyway. Where would you plug it in? Wait...could you use a Unicorn to charge a phone in this world? ...Huh...I want to see that now.
And we get to see Canterlot. As ruined as the covers for the next issue indicated. Now...why would the thief come HERE, though? There are other places he could go if he wanted the obvious, I think. Was there a final showdown here?
This ending would be seriously MINDBLOWING...if it wasn't for solicitations and cover images and stuff. People would be debating for days if this was really the "real" Canterlot.
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