"Anything you can do I can do better. I can do anything better than you."
Brawn just never looks right to me without his Cylon face and his metal claws for stealing old people's medicine.
"Anything you can do I can do better. I can do anything better than you."
"No you can't!"
"Yes I can."
"No you can't!"
"Yes I can."
"No you can't!"
"Yes I can. Yes I can!"
I hope you have a policy from Old Liberty!Honestly, I don't even know why the scientist even make them!
Honestly, I'm not entirely sure what's wrong with the headsculpt. It comes across (to me) as pretty faithful to the Sunbow cartoon. I think the only thing I wish wasn't done was the outlining around the mouth, which makes it stand out more than it probably should. I find the outline around the eyes actually is a nice touch, though.I am realizing how weird this sentence is as I type it, but: I wish SS86 Brawn's feet were more substantial.
Less-weird thing to say and phrase: man, I am not sold on that face. Forget gap fillers and such, give me a better headsculpt for Brawn as an upgrade kit option.
Actually, I wish more alternate heads were (in) upgrade kits in general. The heads on retail figures tend to be harder to remove of late (glued, with little clearance for the ball joint neck), but it's doable, and these would open up so many possibilities. There's small-batch stuff like Dark-Ism and of course a plethora on Shapeways, but no finished stuff that can be ordered as readily as extra spoilers and filler parts and one-off guns.
Ahhhh they look so good together
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Well, can't unsee that, now.giving us his manly Homer Simpson/five o'clock shadow mouth area that can be offset by recessed sides.
No parking means no PARKING!
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What a load of junk.Rearranged things and gave all my Junkions their own shelf... with a bit of room left for more
I sometimes wonder if an Autobot would just try to transform and sneak away while the driver isn't looking.Tracks "Hey, I was parked legally, I'm waiting for my human buddy to arrive and then we can go clubbing together!"
Towline "You were parked on a double yellow line and there was plenty of signage that said, No parking and No parking, means no parking, we're heading to the impound lot until the pentiy is paid off!" After this, nobody saw Tracks again, as he was impounded and had his wheels chained so that he couldn't drive off and the chains were connected to the other offenders, like Baricade, Prowl, Sideburn, even Megatron!!