Post Pictures of your Transformers, Let's see 40 years worth of Transformers!

Fenix Twilight

Well-known member
You know i always thought he turned into a car, but looking at the unpainted detail I can see how his head would sink down, become flush with the chest detailing and his pink forehead becoming a headlight, what makes me still think he's a car is his big green bumper.


Continuity Nutcase
I got that G1 toy from Walmart in Geneva, AL after a particularly hard dentist visit on one of the rare occasion my Dad surprised me with a toy during that era.
Lucky. I only ever got new toothbrushes from dentist appointments.


Continuity Nutcase
What model year are those bikes? Since Axer was released in 1990, we'd have to look at bikes that existed back then.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders

There were plenty of Motorcycles back in the 1980s that didn't have the one single headlight in the middle.

Still, I think that collective we have put more thought into this over the last 24 hours than the designer did when the made the toy.


Wondering bot
Man... that armada prime does look good...

He AWESOME, handled much better than the G2 desgin, not sure what they were thinking desgining those shoulders, it was a unnessary change, Armada Prime is one of the best mainline OPs to date, the person desgining him stayed true to the original cab look but also improved upon some of the joint movements, thou I wish they had used the Jetfire hand gimmick for the Super mode robot!

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