Post Pictures of your Transformers, Let's see 40 years worth of Transformers!


NOT a New Member.
Surely this crossover?



...even Team Whirl.
Why is he still so cool?

He is seriously cool. I got a replacement Super Mach Alert this year - Japanese packaging and everything. Weird transformation, odd asymmetrical robot mode, and his face is kinda scary, but he's still really cool. The color is part of it. And the car mode looks great.

I've had him, Prowl, and the Universe Inferno side-by-side on my desk a few times since then.



NOT a New Member.
He is seriously cool. I got a replacement Super Mach Alert this year - Japanese packaging and everything. Weird transformation, odd asymmetrical robot mode, and his face is kinda scary, but he's still really cool. The color is part of it. And the car mode looks great.

I've had him, Prowl, and the Universe Inferno side-by-side on my desk a few times since then.

View attachment 17878
I hope I can add a Legacy version of Mach Alert to hang out with Prowl, Autotrooper , Clampdown, Cordon and also a possible Legacy version of Binaltech Red Alert.
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...even Team Whirl.
Nowadays he oddly feels like he could be a movie-verse character. Very much kinda feels like a Movie 1 toy in how he transforms.

I see where you're coming from with that - my only Bay Movie toy is DOTM Bumblebee with the big Mech Tech gun. He fits in well on my CR/RID shelf. (his gun, the viper missiles, and the lambros missile launchers are piled up out of sight at the back of the shelf.)


Well-known member
Personally, unless you're going for something of Alternators level of realism; Clear plastic adds nothing to a figure. Becuase all it does is reveal the folded up robot inside; no interiors no molded details. Just "we have to shove the robot somewhere" leading clear plastic just detracting from the realism rather then adding to it, unless you tint it so dark you can't see through it at all, then why not use just regular plastic for it? Combined further with how costs are nowdays, they can't afford most the time to make clear plastic as part of regular plastic, so if they use it, the whole sprue has to be clear. Leading to things like SS Mirage's transclearent arms, or being used in places where joint friction is gonna make them break in 5-10 years, if that.


Olde-Timey Member
Staff member
Council of Elders
I gotta disagree. I much prefer the look of clear plastic for windows/headlights, etc. on vehicle modes. A bit of tint to make the interior not SUPER visible is all I need to be able to mentally block out any secret robot bits hiding inside. Painted windows are fine for anything below Deluxe scale, but I really think they detract from the figure on anything Deluxe or larger (well, for real-life vehicles anyway. If you turn into some kind of made up sci-fi tank or something, I can easily look past it.)



Well-known member
IMO, when a deco goes super cartoon accurate except for the windows, that looks off. Especially when the windows are a part of the robots main features. Like sometimes the design needs that blue pop. Otherwise, i guess it depends

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