lots of green and yellow this week. Think I’ll keep the red mask because the plain green head is boring and Mirage comics. Don’t like the partsforming chest since ninja don’t use shields, there’s already too much stuff hanging off him and the revealed stuff is a block of yellow. Also had to paint the eyes white like a proper Ninja Turtle. The windows are a damn eyesore and I’ll be painting them once i decide what color to use.

Painted the sword blades. I don’t really know or care what color the rotors are supposed to be but the green sword just looked dumb.

Watch outSpringer saw Thor Love and Thunder and got pissed off at the unfunny goat jokes!

the hammer is a shame. It’s covered in detail and has an insignia spot but it’s a solid block of a really lame wasabi mayo color.

Painted the sword blades. I don’t really know or care what color the rotors are supposed to be but the green sword just looked dumb.

Watch outSpringer saw Thor Love and Thunder and got pissed off at the unfunny goat jokes!

the hammer is a shame. It’s covered in detail and has an insignia spot but it’s a solid block of a really lame wasabi mayo color.