He was the only one Optimus trusted with the Matrix when he went on his sabbatical. When he returned the Matrix had to be surgically removed from Thunderclash, so content was it with its new host.Thunderclash may not have even held the matrix, he was probably an example of an Autobot placed on a pedestal, the product of myth. A jab at the tech specs of him and Clench.
Sadly no. I passed the one time I had a chance to get him and I've been kicking myself ever since.Don't have Seige Slamdance?
"I bet Optimus never had to do this."Two hundred! Two hundred and one..."
Someone just needs to army build Cogs, and call the collective force "The Machine".
And then pose them all in a swarm being fought by Rage.Someone just needs to army build Cogs, and call the collective force "The Machine".
Someone just needs to army build Cogs, and call the collective force "The Machine".
I feel uncomfortable*wiggle wiggle*
Rogg out with your Cog out!So that what we're doing now?
Just whipping out out Cogs for all to see?
Judging their Cog to other's?
Complimenting Bros on their nice Cogs?
View attachment 23564
My Cog!