I was at that year's Hall of Fame ceremony. They were indeed not very thrilled about it.
I said it back then, and I still think it... they asked for a fan vote and included a write-in option, they get what they get.
Like... the very idea of a Transformers hall of fame is a weird one. If you want to honour actual people who have been instrumental to the brand, that's valid and you can do that, but if that's the plan? Do it. Mixing in real people with fictional characters makes the whole thing unserious from the start.
Additionally... the vast majority of HoF stuff isn't fan voted. The major pro sports Halls have selection committees who vote on this stuff.
In WWE it's become such a joke that it's almost openly acknowledged it's less an elite hall of the GOATs and just sort of an annual collection of whatever vets happen to both be available and willing to sign Legends deals to help move merch, tickets, and subscriptions.
My point is that Hasbro wanting to mix fictional characters in with real people and also allowing a fan vote over the internet with a write-in option was always going to be a problem. Frankly it's naive for them to think there wouldn't have been joke candidates.
And Erector wasn't even the last one. Swindle got a write-in campaign the HoF vote after the FunPub credit card hack.
So my attitude was always "play stupid games, win stupid prizes." Giving the internet a write-in option in a vote and then tut-tuting everyone like a disappointed dad when the joke happens is just eyeroll worthy.