Post Pictures of your Transformers, Let's see 40 years worth of Transformers!


Well-known member
As I don't like the AOP Aerialbots being a frame job, I hunted down a CW Superion; since I'd lost mine in a move years ago.


Still need to find a CW Slingshot, but its nice to have reclaimed a part of my old collection.


Well-known member
View attachment 25012

"Stop! You gotta listen! We were framed! We didn't do anything!"

"I don't care!"

Well I guess I have my explaination for lacking Slingshot :p

Another recent acquisition: POTP OpOP, was waiting to post till I got the upgrade kit


"My, you've grown. Yes..."

I suppose since Gary just uploaded his Christmas thing this year, this counts as timely?

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