@LBD "Nytetrayn" and I had a conversation starting
here that ended up inspiring me to do a "custom" of sorts. I use quotation marks because most of the changes were done via ToyHax, with me only having to paint a few comparatively small spots.
Anyway... in 2001 Takara had a convention exclusive called "Black Rodimus" that came to be known as
"Dark Hot Rod" in the West. It was a G1 Hot Rod toy moulded in black and grey plastic, with unaltered G1 Hot Rod stickers. I realized, during the above conversation, that you could approximate this look on a modern Generations toy by taking PotP Rodimus Unicronus, peeling off his stickers (and dabbing a few purple bits in black paint), and applying ToyHax's set for PotP Rodimus Prime. Well the sticker set arrived today and here we are...
There was never a Rodimus Prime done up in the "Dark Hot Rod" colour scheme, so that was more of an interpretation. Since the original was the G1 Hot Rod stickers on a black figure though... well I figured the same would work for Rodimus.
I had since sold off my PotP Rodimus Prime, so I contemplated getting a junker for the head, to paint that black. Ultimately I decided that would be too much money spent, and too much work, for what was conceived as a very simple "custom" so I decided to keep the Rodimus Unicronus head. "Dark Hot Rod" was created by the Decepticons but became an Autobot when he was made good thanks to space magic, so in my head the Rodimus Unicronus head is him trying to carve out a distinct identity for himself separate from Rodimus, kinda like how Thomas Riker shaved his beard differently from Will Riker on Star Trek