Post Pictures of your Transformers, Let's see 40 years worth of Transformers!

Platypus Prime

Well-known member
If I'm honest with myself, I think part of why I don't 'upgrade' other than cost is that I also have a helmet that lets mine be the 'other' Galvatron, and also my mini-Megatron has his tiny canon. Tiny Megatron's tiny cannon is tiny canon, at least for me.

The paint on all this looks a lot better in RL than in pictures...



Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
I still wonder what the hell Hasbro was thinking with TR Galvatron and that godawful mask thing that basically resulted in the toy having no neck articulation at all when you used it.


Wondering bot
I still wonder what the hell Hasbro was thinking with TR Galvatron and that godawful mask thing that basically resulted in the toy having no neck articulation at all when you used it.

He was desgined before they decided on the Headmaster/titan master gimmick for the line and thus he suffered from that poor choice, he been cursed as the TFU got gutted and bumped from voyager to deluxe, then this Galvatron had his head wrecked by poor choices, then the Kingdom figure suffered from the shoulder malfuction, it pretty much took until Legacy in the modern era for Galvatron to NOT have any issues

Platypus Prime

Well-known member
The pre-design would explain why the head has plenty of space to hide away in the torso, but doesn't. Even the add-on helmets I put on it fit inside without trouble. And also why the 'leg' of the cannon mode makes for a very awkward cockpit in whatever sort of starship thing it's supposed to be in the semi-third mode. Transmetal Galvatron...


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Even though it was a design change mid-stream, they still could have done better than that mask. They knew how to make a helmet. They did it for all the Leaders.


Wondering bot
Even though it was a design change mid-stream, they still could have done better than that mask. They knew how to make a helmet. They did it for all the Leaders.

The leaders were larger figures and they didn't really think things through, my guess is that whoever desgined the original verison likely didn't have time to redesgin the figure and it was given over to someone else who just slapped something together and called it a day


Another babka?
It definitely has "4pm on a Friday afternoon" written all over it.
I seem to remember renders of TR Galvatron with a better mask design, before the one we got was finalized. Seemed like they were having trouble with it.
I definitely think he suffered from being an early wave entry though. Had he come out down the line they might have been more confident working a proper helmet into him, like they did with the Leaders.

Either way, I gave him a 3D printed helmet and he makes for a pretty fun IDW Galvatron, with his more stylized design.


Somehow still sane
I just think TR Galvatron is ugly. The detailing in TR in general was almost Stege levels of greeble, the face sculpt isn’t great and the cannon is proportionately gigantic. In addition, having to 3D print or kitbash solutions to the head and the cannon just to have an acceptable toy is ridiculous.

Platypus Prime

Well-known member
Don't misunderstand, I'm not saying I did a good job, I didn't. When my nephew wanted a Galvatron I got him the no-damage Kingdom reissue. But much like my Classics Rodimus with Protector armor, I have something I like and at this point, I can't keep chasing the 'next step'. That being said, I *do* plan to get a new Rodimus Prime when possible, again for the nephew, as he doesn't have one and better options will come.


Staff member
Council of Elders
I rather liked TR Galvatron myself but it was unfeasible to get all the 3d printed upgrades I wanted at the time (full helmet, ungimmicked replacement for the spring loaded neck mechanism). And now I think those are gone.


Somehow still sane
I think the best part of this release is how the port you connect the orange barrel into for cannon mode is now painted blurple to look like Galvatron’s head. Original release had it as silver.


Red trapezoids and belt buckle, clear barrel, light gray tread covers and this is aboot as good as it’ll get.
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Staff member
Council of Elders
This mold continues to be ridiculous. Dating aaaaalll the way back to its first leaks (pleasant Stockholm syndrome 2021 nostalgia) it's always had this weird occasional anti-photogenicness and refusal to look "right" in flattened 2d, with torso proportions and head size/height being all wrong in so many angles. But in person it's like "huh, that's not bad at all?"


Somehow still sane
He does have a touch of skipped leg days but I suspect it also has something to do with phone camera lenses being optimized for faces.

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