Good thing it says Steve on the box then innit.

Good thing it says Steve on the box then innit.
So kinda been pondering names for these guys; what I came up with so far, mostly repurposing non-G1 names:
Lunar Rover - Payload (?)
Satellite - Astroscope
Space Shuttle - Starburst
Satellite Dish - Sonar
Booster Rocket - Jump Drive
Combined name: Constellation? I'm sure there is a good name to be made outta it, but it seems fitting that a space themed combiner would have a name based on Constellation, or a constellation, since its a group of stars that make up a single "image"
Well, you could add Shockwave, Scorponok, and Bludgeon to that roster, if you wanted.We need more decepticon leaders.
I never bought Siege SW for some reason. Scorpy (G1 version) is in a box and I didn’t want to dig him out.Well, you could add Shockwave, Scorponok, and Bludgeon to that roster, if you wanted.
I never bought Siege SW for some reason. Scorpy (G1 version) is in a box and I didn’t want to dig him out.
Draculus as that leader is my own headcannon; and yeah I prefer 'Draculus' to 'Bloodron' as a name.
Also Straxus/Darkmount, Coronation Starscream (his 30 second reign was short but memorable)
We need more decepticon leaders.
Combiner Wars Leader Megs? He even comes in UT flavouring!I never bought Siege SW for some reason. Scorpy (G1 version) is in a box and I didn’t want to dig him out.