Post Pictures of your Transformers, Let's see 40 years worth of Transformers!


Well-known member
As I don't like the AOP Aerialbots being a frame job, I hunted down a CW Superion; since I'd lost mine in a move years ago.


Still need to find a CW Slingshot, but its nice to have reclaimed a part of my old collection.


Well-known member
View attachment 25012

"Stop! You gotta listen! We were framed! We didn't do anything!"

"I don't care!"

Well I guess I have my explaination for lacking Slingshot :p

Another recent acquisition: POTP OpOP, was waiting to post till I got the upgrade kit


"My, you've grown. Yes..."

I suppose since Gary just uploaded his Christmas thing this year, this counts as timely?

Platypus Prime

Well-known member
Merry Christmas everyone! As we begin the traditional holiday activities, such as the preparation of egg nog. Due to bird flu there are no eggs this year, just nogs. No one knows what a nog is but they brew up REAL good, he claims...


Remember when preparing the Yule Log to let things air afterwards.


And soon, QuinteSanta will start his trip! Traditionally his team starts at eight, but the rampant cannibalism cuts their numbers pretty quick...


Happy Holidays!


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Lol what a piece of crap.


I cannot believe how bad the transformation is. I've handled plenty of transformations where some parts get in each other's way at some point. I don't think I've ever before handled a transformation where one particular part manages to hit absolutely everything like a pinball player going for a record. The armature connecting the spider abdomen is just too short for it to get out of anything else's way.

Both modes do look great though, and I finally have closure on not being able to find this deco in stores almost 30 years ago.


Staff member
Council of Elders
I have this experience half the time transforming this, and a completely different and smooth one the rest of the time. Idk how that happens.

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual




Is this it? Am I done now? I mean I'm obviously not done collecting figures but like...I just feel like, at least as far as what we can get out of a standard retail product, this is like...just PEAK G1 toon Optimus Prime toy. Not gonna say it's flawless but like I dunno it just feels like any future G1 toon-based Optimus toys would just be lateral moves from this one and not really an upgrade?


Well-known member
There's always ways to improve, but it is hard to see how they could make something more perfectly g1 cartoon then this. About the only way would be able to find a way to streamline this as this this as much as this is MP-44 streamlined.

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