Post Pictures of your Transformers, Let's see 40 years worth of Transformers!


Somehow still sane
...Welp, now I'm dreading what I'm going to see when I check the local toy stores out tomorrow. o_o;;;
TBH, it’s a relatively small premium over the regular releases. Of course, this is on top of the price hike going into Legacy but less than I expected given previous exclusives


Staff member
Council of Elders
I think I see what you mean (as in regular retail Deluxe vs US store-exclusive Deluxe) but we're at a (price) point where it's somewhat cold comfort.

It's the "on top of the price hike for Legacy" that gets me. That local price hike was already enough to cement my decision to be much pickier with Legacy, and another handful of bucks on top of THAT (for a subline where more of the releases interest me, frustratingly) takes it to the very edge of what I can talk myself into.

Edit: turns out the Velocitron Deluxes are the same (raised) price as the Legacy ones. I think the Voyagers get an extra $10 or so slapped on though.
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Somehow still sane
The local Legacy price hike was terrible no doubt, but it was so terrible that I was expecting the worst for the “exclusive” mark up.

At least some specialty stores are selling the things at less egregious prices, though we don't know for how much longer.
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Agent X

Kreon Bastard
My best Bud was cleaning out his closet and traded me these for the outrageous price of an Arizona tea and a Reese's Fast Break. King Size.


And of course I can't not mention how (then) Reprolabels could create a whole new "upgrade set" and LITERALLY give them away, but recreating the original stickers for G2 Laser Prime for sale "wouldn't be practical".


Continuity Nutcase
Truly outrageous.

Demovere Xeno

TBH, it’s a relatively small premium over the regular releases. Of course, this is on top of the price hike going into Legacy but less than I expected given previous exclusives

I think I see what you mean (as in regular retail Deluxe vs US store-exclusive Deluxe) but we're at a (price) point where it's somewhat cold comfort.

It's the "on top of the price hike for Legacy" that gets me. That local price hike was already enough to cement my decision to be much pickier with Legacy, and another handful of bucks on top of THAT (for a subline where more of the releases interest me, frustratingly) takes it to the very edge of what I can talk myself into.
I guess I'm still pining for the time when the price on Transformers here somehow stayed mostly the same for the better part of two decades: P800 - P1,000 for a Deluxe, P1,500 for a Voyager, etc., even as their prices in the US slowly rose to match (like how Deluxes went from $10 to $20).

All of this is a moot point for now, anyways; I saw a lone Override at TRU last Sunday, the only one of the Speedia collection I actually want... and I decided not to get her. She just doesn't look worth the cost anymore - FYI for non-Philippines residents, the Speedia Voyagers are being sold for P2,700, which is a whopping $50 when converted with current exchange rates. I went and got one of those Micro Machines Transformers blind boxes instead. =P

Apologies for venting in a thread not really meant for that, but this feels like one of the things I've been dreading come to life: being priced out of Transformers, the 'main' collection of my hoard for the past two decades. =( The massive price increase across the board, along with Hasbro's current obsession with slavish recreations and exclusives/limited runs, is seriously making me consider stopping buying Transformers altogether - or at the very least, cutting my TF purchases down to the bare minimum. I know that can be a good thing in terms of saving money, but there's still something sad about possibly not being able to enjoy anymore the aspect of this franchise that I fell in love with: the creativity of the toy designs. T_T


How did we get so dark?
Yeah, I feel the pain, too. I started collecting again when Universe 2.0 started up. Deluxes at the time were $14.99 CDN, and often went on sale for around $10. At those kind of prices, it was fun to grab random figures as well as the characters that I was into, and it was that way all the way through the Prime Wars Trilogy. But, yeah, at $36 CDN for a deluxe (nearly $50 for a voyager, $80 for a leader), I have to be really picky about what I'm getting, and now I'm starting to skip (what I consider to be) important characters (we'll see if I finish the Dinobots now at these prices), and unimportant ones aren't even getting a second look (though I lament the experiences I'm likely missing out on).

Transformers is basically my main side hobby. I don't collect anything else, so I'm not sure what I would do if/when I get completely priced out. I can still enjoy what I have, at least. :)


NOT a New Member.
Here's my wip custom Broadside. The main jet mode can be achieved via a fan-mode and swapping over the tailfins. I painted the tailfins silver (like the toy), the stabilizer red (which can act as a third tailfin if desired), added Legacy Skids' axe and painted it to represent Broadside's (toy version) vibro-axe, added two autobot symbols to his wings, painted his feet fully red (and added black "jet thrusters"). I might fill-in the sides of the legs and paint some blue/yellow/silver details to the leg sides too, to emulate the toy decals later on.

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All Hail Galvatron!!!
Some pictures from my collection. Sorry about their location, but I am trying to get a cool place to put them. The pictures are mostly of my g1, g1 related and some Diaclone and Takara I owned as a child, as well as some k.o.'s from the 80's I owned. I would like to take cool pictures as most of you, but somedays I hardly have time to transform one or two


...even Team Whirl.
Some pictures from my collection. Sorry about their location, but I am trying to get a cool place to put them. The pictures are mostly of my g1, g1 related and some Diaclone and Takara I owned as a child, as well as some k.o.'s from the 80's I owned. I would like to take cool pictures as most of you, but somedays I hardly have time to transform one or twoView attachment 8673

Those are fun. Scrolling down going "yeah, I recognize these," and then this quaint little sculpture appears - love this Grimlock.


All Hail Galvatron!!!
Those are fun. Scrolling down going "yeah, I recognize these," and then this quaint little sculpture appears - love this Grimlock.
I never get rid of them. To be honest, when I got the actual Topspin and the actual Optimus as a kid a thought of trade, but never happened. Maybe because I was and still am attached to them, they were gift from my parents. And about the Grimmy, as soon as a saw the figure I fell in love, and talked the guy who made it to sell it to me after the convention was finised.

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