Post Pictures of your Transformers, Let's see 40 years worth of Transformers!


Not dead
Some are even starting to doubt and question Walky's claim about that.
Walky is usually a fairly smart guy, but he's wrong on this one. I work with factories producing plastic products in China professionally; excess mold release can look like a milky white film on areas of plastic; its residue is never fibrous. We also discovered a mold issue recently on a product that affected both cardboard and select plastic components and it looked much like the pics of Nacelle that I've seen.

It's rare, but it is an issue that can pop up on occasion even from some of the best factories, unfortunately. Humidity is a helluva thing to try and combat in a factory and with the amount of materials coming and going all the time it's a fool's errand to attempt factory-wide air filtration. We made the call recently to start including silica gel desiccant packs in everything as a precaution.


Continuity Nutcase
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Taking the current thread theme as literally as possible.
Cybertron Jolt could also apply since he was possessed as a vessel for Primus to speak through.

All we still need now is a Core class Emirate Xaaron.


NOT a New Member.
I did some minor paint detailing to Legacy Shrapnel, such as black and silver "wheels" on his legs, yellow paint on his rear legs, metallic blue detailing on his torso, black paint on the back of his torso and silver paint on his mandibles and head cover.

Pictured below are both my version and the original G1 toy, for comparison. I noticed that his robot head covers in the Legacy version have the "piping" (or blasters?) details the wrong way round compared to the G1 version. The G1 version has the smaller part facing"outward" and the longer part facing "inward".

I might paint the forearms partially black and add red stripes at a later date.

Shrapnel (Bug Mode).png

Shrapnel (Bot Mode).png
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