Radiant Black Animated Short-"Did you get Batman Beyond to play me?!"


Well-known member
This is actually a lot better than I was expecting. This animation's pretty solid. And, yes, Will Freidle is voicing Radiant Black.

So, this will require some explaining.

The short version? This is basically Doc Savage vs Marvel's Richard Rider Nova.

Long version? In today's issue of Radiant Black #15, they have a fan film being filmed in front of their video store. It's basically a Death Battle-style youtube show, where they set two characters against each other in fights. And it's crossing over COWL and Radiant Black, which are both Kyle Higgins comics. They actually made the fan-film that they talk about in the comic. This is a little crazy. If you haven't at least read one of the books, I don't know if you'll get much out of this, but...they got Will Friedle for this! I can't not post this SOMEWHERE!

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
I don't get it but the animation does look very good.

Also, what are Doc Savage's powers anyway? I know he's a pulp hero but I confuse him with Adam Strange at times.


Well-known member
Doc Savage is just a pulpy, super genius, Olympian, inventor type. Think DC's Michael Holt/Mister Terrific. Or Batman, but with a personality closer to Superman.

Blaze is a army guy who discovered a mysterious technological gauntlet. So, maybe a better comparison would be DC's Golden Age Ted Knight/Starman? If they also worked for the DEO or SHIELD.
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