Samurai Pizza Cats: Blast from the Past

M. Virion

Bent but unbroken
I don't feel like it often, but I really feel like this HAS to be labor of love.

It's incredibly niche, by both a new developer and a new publisher (Red Dunes and Blast Zero) - but they went ALL out on new hand drawn animation and getting both the original English and Japanese voice casts?

This could have been a simple cash in, but it feels the exact opposite.

I adore SPC, I saw every episode at least twice when it ran locally when I was a kid. I can sing most, if not all of the theme song and I am STOKED. Literally made my day. I'm buying it day one, and I'm hoping for some kind of special edition.


An interview with the CEO of Blast Zero (formerly the Jitsu Squad devs, apparently ) basically confirms it as a passion project. They learned cel animation to make it and got back the original artists and writer.
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Well-known member
I loved Samurai Pizza Cats growing up, and would tape as many episodes as I could. I just ate it all up. That Blast Zero shot for the moon on a lark and got a response of "hold on, I know a guy..." that led to this is just crazy in its own way. That they aren't just sidelining the Japanese side of things either is a nice-- That they made a trailer for Kyatto Ninden Teyandee as well really shows care and commitment most wouldn't even consider. And while the franchise is very niche in Japan in comparison to its cult classic status it has in the West, there's still plenty of responses I've seen that are glad to see this and feeling that nostalgic love.

Heck, in the last (non clip show) episode, Yattero even said goodbye to the audience with the hope that he'd see them again some day!

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
I never got into it, but at the same time, I don't know if I was able to give it a proper chance. I seem to recall it coming on at like, 7am, as I was getting ready for school.

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