Site issues on Google Chrome


Continuity Nutcase
I'm having to use Edge in order to type this, because I can't do so on Chrome (my primary browser).

When viewing the site on my laptop with Chrome, the message box isn't loading for me at the bottom of any thread page I view, and when trying to view the site's homepage, I just get a black screen with the purple loading circle spinning forever with nothing else loading at all. And when trying to edit a post on my laptop, it sends me to a completely different page with no edit box loading either
And when viewing a post that has quoted a larger post, the quoted post does not have the usual "click to see full post" option at the bottom of its quote box. Here are a couple of shots illustrating some of these problems. The first shows the message box issue and the quoted post issue, the second shows the edit post issue:



Everything works fine on my phone and on Edge, but I use Chrome as my primary browser and would prefer to continue using it.

I also tried clearing my cache and cookies, and tried closing out and restarting Chrome, but neither of those fixed anything.

I'm also not experiencing any problems with Chrome on any other website, just
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Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Something like this happened to me years ago. I had no editor, but I was still able to post attachments. So I just typed my posts somewhere else and attached screenshots.

It just went away on its own. Maybe try restarting your computer. Otherwise, just wait it out.

Haze Arquebus

Cursed Punweaver
Any privacy/adblock-adjacent plugins or settings you might have that could be getting a little too overzealous? I'm not a Chrome user, but that's usually the culprit for me when specific site functionalities break in Firefox.

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