Okay this is pretty, repetitive coming from me and tj has a bad rep even though he’s a lot better these days. But, ugh, I had to make a post I don’t know how I feel about it anymore where this have gone in modern real world now that we see how Ari is being used. How politics is changing, and how the big tech corporations are becoming. It feels like many people were always just crypto fash and saw the cyberpunk dystopia as the playbook.
For me personally if we could reverse aging allow cures for specific diseases I’d be happy. I maybe one day just want to be allowed to have whatever body I want from scratch and just my brain to be physically maintained. The thing is I always wanted transhumanism to become a more grassroots movement in favour of common people over it being corrupted by large institutions I don’t feel it’s even really worth it anymore under the current political climate and economy. Sometimes I feel like just dying is better then life extension wiTH how things have become. But I always wanted continuitynof consciousness. Not so much fear of aging just if I were to start dying I’d love it if my mind could just be put Into a new body and have a sense of continuity so it isn’t just a copy.
Many peopl will say because there’s too many other issues that matter more transhumanism is irrelevant. But to be honest I think it’s even more relavent because of those issues and it’s why common peopl have to start discussing how futire medical technology, medicine, as and the health care industry will effect their lives. I tend to think more of the practical applications over the more unrealistic stuff that will take a very long time to happen. To me I think arguing for health care and for ethical pricing of medicine is transhumanist in itself. Maybe I just never knew what words to use in the past so people never properly understood my views.
Also, maybe people will accuse me of things, but as a child I was bullied so much that I hated my body and felt inferior to other people. That’s why when I was 11 back in the eighties I’d walk alone with no friends due to bullying and social ostracization and Asperger’s. And I’d think about how comic book characters could get super human strength and other abilities. So I used to think what if science could do that. I don’t think people understand what it’s like to be bullied in school so much for twelve years non stop that all you see is a worthless ugly weak inferior body that doesn’t have the right physical strength or intellect to achieve things that come natural to others. Yet people will think I’m crazy. But they didn’t live my life so what do they know. I have felt like a genetic inferior my entire life and like I was inferior ugly disgusting and worthless. I don’t think anyone has really tried to understand. You even feel like your body is ugly and undesirable looking. That’s why the idea of technology being used to improve human physiology interested me. I also have a tendency to say things that ruin ,Y life that I barely can manage and control. Why wouldn’t you want argumentation when just your lack of filter ruins your entire life and destroys everything.
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