Transformers for Trading/Selling (Only based in Australia)
The Figures that i have:
Netflix Sideswipe $20
Netflix Elita-1 (No gun and missing wheel) $10
G1 Reissue Swerve $20
CW Motormaster ( Broken sword, but is still wieldable. Morotmasters left hand has a piece of plastic stuck in his left hand, rendering it useless) $25
CW Dead End (Broken Windshield) $10
CW Offroad $ 20
CW Breakdown $ 20
CW Drag Strip $ 20
T30 Jetfire (Missing Missile) $ 40
Not shown: TR Bumblebee $10
I will accept these prices for them or these figures below for trading:
Earthrise Sunstreaker
TR Chromedome
POTP Windcharger
Universe Silverstreak
Siege Spinister
Selects Deep Cover
The Figures that i have:
Netflix Sideswipe $20
Netflix Elita-1 (No gun and missing wheel) $10
G1 Reissue Swerve $20
CW Motormaster ( Broken sword, but is still wieldable. Morotmasters left hand has a piece of plastic stuck in his left hand, rendering it useless) $25
CW Dead End (Broken Windshield) $10
CW Offroad $ 20
CW Breakdown $ 20
CW Drag Strip $ 20
T30 Jetfire (Missing Missile) $ 40
Not shown: TR Bumblebee $10
I will accept these prices for them or these figures below for trading:
Earthrise Sunstreaker
TR Chromedome
POTP Windcharger
Universe Silverstreak
Siege Spinister
Selects Deep Cover