The Kaiju Thread of Building-Smashing, Flame-Breathing, and Slam-Dunking


i cant take it anymore im at my limit
I said five years ago that hiring the Netflix Death Note guy to do Godzilla movies was a mistake.

I was absolutely right.


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
I saw it; it's no Minus 1, but it's an okay movie.
I agree, its still pretty Kong-centric, and Skar King Louie is not an "A" level threat, IMO (if you didn't either hear "I Wanna Be Like You" and/or have to fight the urge to say "right turn, Clyde" every time he appeared on-screen...), although he makes a decent rival for Kong to de-throne.
I feel like Kong's little buddy (Suko?) should have been albino as a nod to the original Son of Kong.
Did Kong's glove have a shock attack? If so, that might have been a nice reference to the original King Kong vs Godzilla. Kinda want a Monsterverse Mechanikong, now, too.
Godzilla had a couple decent moments in the film, but definitely wasn't the star of the show.
Still waiting for Monsterverse Godzilla to use eye lasers; it would amuse me to no end if they made a subtle connection to the Hanna-Barbera Godzilla series.
I'm not sure how I feel about the slimming down of Godzilla Evolved; sorta reminds me of '98's Ferris Zilla's Day Off, and not the good bits. At least it's not super noticeable during the fights.
It does seem like Godzilla finally accepts Kong as an ally. If they make a third Kong and Godzilla buddy film, hopefully they can skip right to the team up.
IDK, I don't hate it, in fact I rather enjoyed the movie overall, but it's not the best Monsterverse film ever, just decidedly okay.

Ultra Magnus13

Active member
Surprised there isn't more activity on this movie.

Saw it last night. Gave me exactly what I look for in movies like this kenetic easy to follow giant monster fights, with the human story being just enough to stitch those fights together.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Just saw Minus One.

I usually roll my eyes at the lowest common denominator of human relatability but, gosh darn, it still got me. It always gets me in the end, gosh darn.

It's been hyped as super awesome so I'm semi grudgingly going with minus the super on it. But I'll still capitalize it as AWESOME! Watch it watch it!

Somehow, the first scene was more terrifying that the others. Cuz of the size and proximity?

Have to ask but where has Godzilla and King Kong canonical actually eaten a person?


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
King Kong chewed on a few people in his very first movie, both when he busts through the wall on Skull Island, and when he rampages in New York. Not sure if he truly eats anyone, but he definitely bites them.

I don't know that the movies really show it, but in the novella of the first Godzilla movie, Godzilla is stalking and eating people on Odo Island when he first appears.


Well-known member
We have some covers and solicitations for a couple of the Godzilla vs Marvel one-shots!

Written by JOE KELLY
Art and Cover by NICK BRADSHAW
Versus Variant Cover by LEE GARBETT
Variant Cover by GREG LAND
On Sale 4/30
Fresh from the original Secret Wars, Peter Parker A.K.A. the Amazing Spider-Man returns to Earth with a spiffy new (alien) costume without a care in the world except for a complicated love triangle with MJ and Black Cat…and unbelievable pressure at the Daily Bugle…rent…bills…super villains…oh, and GODZILLA IS IN NEW YORK CITY with all its destructive power aimed squarely at the wall-crawler! Don't miss the two most popular characters in pop culture history absolutely going at it in this kaiju-sized slugfest for the ages! "The second I heard that there was going to be a Godzilla x Spidey crossover set in the '80s, I almost leapt across the table to claim it, This book is a chance to go nuts and have a blast with two iconic characters and channel the chaos of the time period that I was actively collecting Spider-Man." – Joe Kelly

Versus Variant Cover by LEE GARBETT
Monster Homage Variant Cover by NICK BRADSHAW
On Sale 4/16
General Ross has no tolerance for monsters in any form. With the Thunderbolts, his anti-kaiju taskforce, he's taken down or imprisoned the biggest and baddest monsters on the planet: Fin Fang Foom, Mothra, Kumonga, even the Hulk. Now all that's left is his biggest hunt of all…GODZILLA. But the Thunderbolts' efforts to bring their last monster to heel may just result in the most destructive battle royale to ever rock the earth. It's time to figure out who's really the strongest there is!
"I grew up loving Godzilla movies and Marvel Comics, and it's a thrill to be able to collaborate with Giuseppe Camuncoli on the absolute craziest comic I think I've ever been a part of, and I worked on over a hundred issues of Deadpool and once wrote a comic about Conan killing a zombie with a call girl's leg," – Gerry Duggan

I feel like Spider-Man is pretty well outmatched here. But, the possibility of a Venom-Godzilla has me intrigued. We better get that!

Hulk, on the other hand, could actually put up a pretty decent fight. Since both Godzilla and Hulk have various levels of "radiation-absorption" powers, there could be some decent back and forth, both of them getting pushed to their limits. Maybe. I feel like Hulk actually has the edge on this one, since he has more planet-shattering feats. But, if they bring in a little bit of Godzilla's "Planet of the Monsters" powers, Godzilla may be able to take this one. The entire planet might end up getting destroyed, though.


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
The funny thing is, Godzilla was once part of the Marvel Universe. Fought the Fantastic Four and The Champions, and the West Coast Avengers, and SHIELD, but then when Marvel lost the license, Godzilla was 'mutated' by Dr Demonicus and wound up crossing paths with Iron Man.
The cover for Godzilla vs Hulk is giving me serious Shin Godzilla vibes, but looks more like MosuGoji or MegaloGoji in design.


Well-known member
Given the solicitations, I kind of wonder if they're setting these stories in the "past" just so that they kind of continue on from where they left off with the Godzilla license all those years ago. They might be specifically referencing their old Godzilla run, just by virtue of setting these in the past. Maybe.

And actually, it'd be kind of neat if Godzilla mutated into a few different designs as the fight with the Hulk went on. As Godzilla absorbs more of the Hulk's radiation and it causes mutations. Starting with his more "kid friendly" 70s design, then turning into his more serious 90s design, and ending off by going full Shin. You could actually do the same thing with the Hulk and all his various changes throughout comics history. Going from "Green", to "Grey", to "Kluh" or "Maestro" or "Titan" or "Devil" Hulk. You could have Godzilla Earth versus Cosmic Immortal Hulk for the finale. I'm expecting too much out of this Hulk fight, but it would be neat if they did that.
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Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
New Toys! Tiamat has actually been out for a while, but One-Eye and Drownviper have only just started showing up. Oddly, while I have One-Eye in the GxK: New Empire packaging, I've also seen him in the Monsterverse packaging that Drownviper comes in. Maybe this means some Monsterverse Titans from other shows will be incoming soon?


Well-known member
Poor Tiamat. Her only crime was having a nest in a radiation rich area.

Ironbite-and Godzilla wanted it to power up.


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
Poor Tiamat. Her only crime was having a nest in a radiation rich area.

Ironbite-and Godzilla wanted it to power up.

There does seem to be an incongruity between Godzilla: King of the Monsters and Godzilla x Kong. At the end of KotM, Godzilla seems willing to coexist with the other Titans that don't challenge him (including the humbled Rodan), yet at the beginning of GxK, it seems like Godzilla's gone on a rampage taking out almost all the other Titans. Either I've missed some crucial piece of fiction that bridges those movies, or that's a vestige from an earlier version of the script that didn't get written out? (Personally, I often thought that maybe Apex was meant to be intentionally goading Godzilla to attack to sway public opinion against him in favor of Apex's Titan 'solution'.)


Active member
Apparently, fighting the gorillas takes priority over peaceful coexistence with other Titans.

In Godzilla versus Kong the other Titans have apparently gone dormant again, and Godzilla only takes a poke at Kong when he leaves Skull Island. Then he takes another swing when Kong picks up the Godzilla-killing axe made and used by the ancient gorilla civilization, which... Not unreasonable to consider that a threat.

In GXK... Tiamat was sitting on an energy stockpile. Did he go after any other Titans that weren't part of the gorilla civilization? I remember him going after a nuclear reactor, but I don't recall him going after a big hit list of Titans.


Well-known member
Big G takes out Scylla in Rome then takes a nap in the Colosseum and it's not really established by Scylla was getting stomped.


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
See, maybe I misunderstood the opening of GvsK (need to rewatch with one finger on the pause button), but it seemed like the opening sequence implied Godzilla was eliminating those other Titans, rather than just forcing their submission like the end of KotM, and it just seems like there's a bit of a disconnect between those movies to explain why.

But, yeah, Scylla and Tiamat get pretty savagely dealt with in New Empire with very little provokation.


Well-known member
Apparently in a tie in novel, Scylla was tricked into eating a bunch of radiation sources and Big G was giving her what for.

Ironbite-while the other Titans just...stayed asleep.


Well-known member
IDW is going ALL IN with Godzilla in the future. They're launching a new comic universe with three new interconnected titles planned.

The main Godzilla comic featuring a new form for Godzilla, "Enter the Deadzone" featuring a human/kaiju hybrid, and "Spaceship Godzilla" featuring MechaGodzilla...IN SPACE!

Color me intrigued. I'm willing to give this push a chance. Godzilla comics can be a bit hit or miss, but I'm always glad they exist.
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