The Simplified History of Andross Darkheart

Andross Darkheart

God Emperor of Hell
Andross Darkheart is a Prime God imprisoned in an immortal soul and sentenced to live out an infinite amount of reincarnations as punishment for his crimes. This cycle was broken when his lost children, the Void Gods, tricked the Dark Hunters, who were hunting him down in every one of his lives, to perform a ritual that would bound his soul to Hell instead. Each time he is killed, he is sent to Hell and the energy that would have reincarnated him instead strengthens him, each death makes him slightly stronger then before. After suffering a thousand deaths in Hell, he become strong enough to conqueror it and built an empire in Hell called the Darkheart Empire, or just the Hell Empire for those in the mortal realm. From Hell, he sent his demonic hordes to conqueror every universe they could reach.

Andross' ultimate goal is to end reality. From Andross' perspective, what we comprehend as reality, is a simulation to him. He wants to escape this simulation by turning it off, which would mean the end of existence as we know it. For him, what evil and immortal things he does in this simulation would be the same as committing evil acts in a video game, it has no real consequence for him once he leaves the simulate. People aren't real, just artificial constructs that can only experience existence through limited sensory input, chemical machines that can only feel programmed love and pain. Andross can destroy countless universes instantly, but such actions would be pointless given their are an infinite amount of them. Instead, he sends his forces to scourer universes to look for clues about the Source in order to destroy all existence at once and escape the Circle.

Most of his forces comes from his slain victims. The corpses of his victims are forged into undead called nercross. Necross are like zombies that will eventually mutate into insect-like monstrosities that will create hive colonies. The necross reproduce through spores that makes copies of themselves. This eliminates the need for a constant supply of corpses to produce more necross and provides Andross with an endless supply of cannon fodder to through at his enemies. Some necross can retain their intellect and become vampire-like creatures called revenants that can command other necross and their hive a mind. The souls of his victims are crafted into demons called darkspawns, they are reflections of his subconsciousness, and the more souls used in their creation the stronger they become. Many other alien races also willingly joined his ranks, such as the Oroks and Nafari, whom either joined forces for their own survival or their lust for power.

Gaia is the home world of super heroes, an alternate version of Earth. Gaia went through three world wars before being unified under one world government. The first world war invented the serum that created super soldiers with different powers, this allowed the Allies to win the war. The second world war happened when the children of these super soldiers had powers of their own and decided the world would be better off without non-super humans in it. The second world war was won again by the Allies with then invention of power suits that gave normal humans the ability to fight evenly with super humans. People with super powers were outcasts of society after that. Then came a cold war were every nations was researching and stockpiling their own power armor tech which eventually lead to the creation giant war robots. A political assassination triggered world war three. That war came to an end with the invention of the anti-matter bomb that destroyed a quarter eastern continent. After the war, it was decided that if nations kept competing with each other it would lead to the end of the world and no one nation could successfully rule the others. The nations formed the World Government where the former nations become states of that government.

Which catches us up to the present story. Crowned princess Amora, a symbol of the united federal republic, is secretly the super hero Valentine. Under Republic City, archeologists discover an ancient alien ship. When they enter it, the ship activates and awakens an alien princess from status sleep, the alien's body is to badly degenerated so it melds minds with Amora in order to survive. This gives Amora the memories of the alien and the knowledge of the Hell Empire that destroyed its race. When the ship activated, it sent out a beacon that alerted an imperial fleet passing near the sector. Amora tried to warn the council of the approach of the fleet and told them to destroy it become it came. Distrusting of the alien that possessed the princess, they decided not to attack the first alien visitors to their planet. However, the fleet did attack when it arrived, crashing ships into city and releasing swarms of necross to attack civilians. The military had a hard time fighting off the invaders. A group of super human high schoolers decided it was better to expose their powers and save people then stay hidden and let innocent people die. The young heroes were able to repeal the invaders and the last remaining ship of the fleet retreated. Amora told everyone this would not be the last time they would attack, the empire would keep attacking them until they were all destroyed. But, she had a plan, the alien that possessed her knew of a secret weapon that could destroy the emperor, but the empire attacked them before they could activate it and the parts were scattered across the galaxy. Her plan was to repair the alien ship then go into space and recover the weapon. But first, she wanted to recruit as many super humans as possible for the mission. With a strong stigma against super humans, they were allowed to keep their identity a secret for the journey. However, the emperor learned of this plan. He crafted a nefarious scheme of his own, because the identity of the super heroes would remain a secret, he would disguise himself as a super hero and join their ranks to manipulate things from within and learn the secret to their powers. His code name was "Black Dragon".


Nonstop Baaka
I'm guessing this is your own creative universe? I was going to suggest moving it to the Art forum, but it looks like that section hasn't been recreated.


Nonstop Baaka
Hmm, probably not my cup of tea, to be honest. A bit hard to judge from the summary without having an idea of art style/pacing. It's giving me a Power Rangers kinda vibe right now.

Andross Darkheart

God Emperor of Hell
Good, I was going for that kind of vibe. But, I was hoping for a more realistic take. Like what are the chances that of a single planet can defeat an intergalactic military consisting of billions of populated planets? Their only hope for victory is some legendary weapon that can end it all in one strike while they evade capture. Heroes have to deal with the psychological trauma of realizing that aren't going to be able to save most of the people despite their best efforts. Losing most of their close friends. Making questionable sacrifices to escape so they will be able to survive and fight another day. Wondering if the cost is even worth and what kind of people will they be after they win.

Because this isn't a story about the heroes, it is a story about the villain. You know how when all the heroes team up to fight the big bad villain, they talk about how powerful he is, how many worlds he conquered, how many people he killed, but they never show it, they just talk about it then quickly beat the villain? This is a story to show just how powerful and ruthless such a villain can be. How many heroes he has killed, and how powerful they were, before his ultimate take down.


Nonstop Baaka
Yeah, that sounds more interesting. It could be fun if it seems like "he's going to get redeemed at the end" but he doesn't, and/or if it feels uncertain if the heroes will win since he's the focus. Were you thinking of telling it from the villain's point of view, so the readers are in on his deception, or having the readers find out with the heroes?

Andross Darkheart

God Emperor of Hell
We will be telling the story from the villain's perspective. It will help explain some of the reasons why he secretly joined the heroes. One of the reasons is political, after conquering mostly this entire universe, he has ran out of enemies to fight and needs a reason to justify his military complex, so he aids the heroes with insider knowledge to make them seem like a more creditable terrorist threat. It really isn't much of a loss for the empire if the heroes ''liberate'' a couple of backwater planets that can be easily recaptured at any time. It also gives Andross the opportunity to personally test the strength of his warriors and kaiju without needing to restrain himself. Then the empire can give some patriotic propaganda about avenging the soldiers lost in the most recent terrorist attack.

It also explains why the empire just doesn't send an overwhelming force to crush the heroes, unlike every other story of similar nature. And why the most powerful "hero" isn't always around to save the day, he is off running his empire. Black Dragon will often make the excuse that he was off gathering intel, which is technically true, because despite being the emperor, he doesn't have first hand knowledge of local infrastructure or vulnerable targets and needs to go get it. He usually comes back with easy to attack targets like supply depots, reactors or secret research bases. Just to give the heroes some small victories and to make them seem like dangerous terrorists.

It will also be fun to give some insight into why some people think imperial rule is good and why not everyone wants to be liberated from it. Despite being tyrannical, he does keep the trains running.

Andross Darkheart

God Emperor of Hell
The heroes start optimistic about freeing the universe from tyrannical imperial rule but their enthusiasm dwindles as they are not always greeted as the liberators they thought they would be.

The universe was never peaceful and people think it is foolish to think anything peaceful can result from the power vacuum that would be created if the empire is toppled.

Wannabe warlords and petty dictators plagued the universe. War and civil unrest were common. Parasitic aliens could wipe out entire civilizations overnight. Andross put an end to all that. He forced order and discipline on an unruly the universe.

After Andross' demons ravages a planet, his commander S.C.I., a collection of all the rogue A.I.s from all the worlds he conquered, comes in and rebuilds everything and terraforms the planet to house the maximum amount of live. She then gathers up all the survives and puts them into a zoo. Where, depending on their species, if they are not capable of breeding, working or prove useful to the empire in some way, are purged by a certain age and used to fuel the infernal war machine.

It is cruel, but at the same time it makes everyone equal, everyone contributes and dead weight is cut off. Starving slaves before the empire became slaves with full bellies after the empire. While not best for everyone, it was an improvement for some.

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