Tabletop Games The World of Dragonlance Humble Bundle Available Now


Wizards of the Coast and Penguin Random House are partnering with Humble Bundle to offer a massive hoard of ebooks from the popular Dragonlance series.

For those who haven't checked out Humble Bundle yet, the concept is simple. You pay what you want. That's it. The bundle is broken up into multiple tiers, and you pay for as much or as little as you want, and I mean little. The lowest tier can be had for as little as a Dollar. A portion of the proceeds will go to Room to Read, a nonprofit dedicated to supporting children’s literacy and education. The size of that portion is, again, what you want. You choose how you want your payment to be divided between the publisher and Room to Read. You pay what you want, and you decide where the money goes.

The tiers are simple. For $1 or more you'll receive the following ebooks:
  • Dragons of a Fallen Sun
  • Dragons of a Lost Star
  • Dragons of a Vanished Moon

For $10 or more you'll receive all of the above plus a further 4 ebooks:
  • Amber and Iron
  • Amber and Blood
  • The Soulforge
  • Brothers in Arms

For $18 or more you'll receive all of the above plus a further 18 ebooks:
  • Dragons of Winter Night
  • Dragons of Spring Dawning
  • Dragons of Summer Flame
  • The Legend of Huma
  • Weasel's Luck
  • Kaz the Minotaur
  • The Gates of Thorbardin
  • Galen Beknighted
  • Time of the Twins
  • War of the Twins
  • Test of the Twins
  • Dragons of the Dwarven Depths
  • Dragons of the Highlord Skies
  • Dragons of the Hourglass Mage
  • Darkness & Light
  • Kendermore
  • Brothers Majere
  • Amber and Ashes

That's 26 ebooks -a $207 value- for $18.


This Humble Bundle is available now until April 5. Check it out. The World of Dragonlance awaits.

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