I don't remember enough about G1 or G3 to be able to include any of them on a list of mine.
Still I'm curious about something. So let me check what my list will look like:
1. Sunset Shimmer
2. Starlight Glimmer
4. Princess Luna
5. Sweetie Belle
6. Twilight Sparkle
7. Tempest Shadow/Fizzlepop Berrytwist
8 Princess Cadance
9. Rarity
10. Pinkie Pie
(Honorable mention: The Sirens.)
Yep, just as I figured. It's flat out DOMINATED by unicorns. Guess I can't deny it. I'm a unicorn person.
I don't know if I have enough for a LEAST favorite list. Well, that is I mean enough for ten, but I have a few.
1. Photo Finish
Seriously bleep her. I hate her attitude, I hate her manner of speech. I HATE HER.
2. Flim and Flam.
More indifferent than anything. I still say they had one of the worst songs in the series, and of course it's a song that everyone loves for some reason. I don't get it.
(To be clear, I get people have different tastes to me. Remember I have trash taste, and it has to be that way, because that song SUUUUUUUUUUUUCKS)
3. Timber Spruce
I just can't get over the idea that he is likely in college and is dating a junior high/ high school girl. That only works when it's Darien and Serena. (Usagi and Mamoru)