Transformers: Age of the Primes toyline discussion || update: Toy Fair 2025: Vortex, Onyx Prime, Alchemist Prime, Excellion, Sideways, oh my


Staff member
Council of Elders
Oh, have I got a thread for you to read. ;)

Here's the archive of all the AVP entries from the Almanacs:
Oh, I didn't mean to imply interest. That was more of a "don't know, don't think it's relevant to my own point right now". Thanks, I may have time and inclination to check these down the line, but at the moment, no thank you.


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
Ah Universe 1.0 mammoth Nemesis Prime. A figure I would really really love to own, but likely never will.

The RiD Prime Defensor retool/repaint was cool. Actually looking this up now, I remember that Ultra Trion intriged me.

This new idea of the ‘lineages‘ sounds fun. Pyro would be an interesting descendant. Considering up to now he’s been ‘guy who looks similar to Prime but isn’t’.


Continuity Nutcase
This new idea of the ‘lineages‘ sounds fun. Pyro would be an interesting descendant. Considering up to now he’s been ‘guy who looks similar to Prime but isn’t’.
Checking back over the first post's breakdown of the line's first three waves, the non-Prime characters we know of in this line so far are:
  • G1 Air Raid
  • G1 Fireflight
  • Animated Wasp
  • Armada Red Alert
  • G2 Grimlock
  • A package refresh of the hard-to-find Decepticon Crasher from the Velocitron subline of Legacy
  • G1 Vortex
  • Rescue Bots Heatwave
  • RID2001 Sky-Byte
  • G1 Venom
  • G1 Slingshot
  • G1 Skydive
  • Some version of Flatline (presumably the IDW version)
  • G1 Silverbolt
I'm not counting any of the exclusives or capsule line characters as they may or may not follow this "bloodline descendant" logic of the main retail line.


Well-known member
Any combiner will probably be related to Nexus Prime
Beasts will probably be related to Onyx

Though it will be interesting if they don't be that hardline with them.


NOT a New Member.
Ah Universe 1.0 mammoth Nemesis Prime. A figure I would really really love to own, but likely never will.

The RiD Prime Defensor retool/repaint was cool. Actually looking this up now, I remember that Ultra Trion intriged me.

This new idea of the ‘lineages‘ sounds fun. Pyro would be an interesting descendant. Considering up to now he’s been ‘guy who looks similar to Prime but isn’t’.
Nemesis Prime Mammoth is cool (which is why I didn't bother with the recent gorilla version). The black and gold version is also really nice.
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Well-known member
Other then them both being beast-based Nemesis, I don't see how it matters. Universe Nemesis Prime is an evil/dead/corrupted Optimus Prime; while Nemesis Primal is Primal's Nemesis counterpart. Its like saying you prefer RiD Scourge to TLK Nemesis Prime. They're both black truck Nemesis but they aren't anything alike beyond that.


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
The fact that Hasbro very clearly gave bold soaked tusks is another reason why I’d love to have that Nemesis. The other is actually owning Big Convoy (I got him on eBay for £30 some back, a real deal).

This upcoming G2 Grimlock has me intrigued. Is it going to blue Grimmy, or a repack of Toxitron G2 Grimmy.


Well-known member
I'll likely skip it either way. I got the Toxitron Grimlock for my G2 Shelf, I don't need a Blue/Teal version. Honestly I prefer the Toxitron colors anyway.


Continuity Nutcase
Universe Nemesis Prime is an evil/dead/corrupted Optimus Prime
Universe Nemesis Prime is the clone of a dead Optimus.

The fact that Hasbro very clearly gave bold soaked tusks is another reason why I’d love to have that Nemesis. The other is actually owning Big Convoy (I got him on eBay for £30 some back, a real deal).
I got me a loose complete Nemesis Prime for reasonably cheap back at BotCon two years ago.


NOT a New Member.
The fact that Hasbro very clearly gave bold soaked tusks is another reason why I’d love to have that Nemesis. The other is actually owning Big Convoy (I got him on eBay for £30 some back, a real deal).

This upcoming G2 Grimlock has me intrigued. Is it going to blue Grimmy, or a repack of Toxitron G2 Grimmy.
I got mine from a chap that (used to?) run Tformers I think. I like to think that Nemesis Grimlock is in Nemesis Primal's team.
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Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
How does one distinguish whether or not something is "Fanfic" in this case?

Like, the man was paid to write that stuff and it was approved by whatever loosey-goosy approval process Hasbro had at the time, just like everything else.


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
How does one distinguish whether or not something is "Fanfic" in this case?

Like, the man was paid to write that stuff and it was approved by whatever loosey-goosy approval process Hasbro had at the time, just like everything else.
Easy: Stuff we don't like is Fanfic. Stuff we do like is Canon. Until it isn't. Rinse and repeat.

In all seriousness though, the only reason any of this was an issue was the Wiki. Sorenson wasn't gaming Hasbro's system (which boils down to "this is what the story is right now, but it might change next year so we can sell different toys"), he was gaming the Wiki's system.

Don't get me wrong, I like using the Wiki for reference purposes, but that inherent need to categorize things and decide what is officially what is purely a "fan" issue. As long as it doesn't hurt the image of the brand, Hasbro does not care if a single toy has 2 different, wildly conflicting bios from 2 different sources. As long as the toy sells, they make their money.

Ultimately, the official-ness of any given licensed fiction only really applies to that media at that point in time. Whether Hasbro chooses to reference that later or ignore it (or both!), there is no rule binding them to that direction forever after.


Continuity Nutcase
Wasn't the "Prime lineage" idea part of Aligned already though?
Yeah, it was glimpsed in the one page we got to look at from the Binder of Revelation that was published in thumbnail size in the Transformers Vault book. But, nothing ever came out of the idea in any Aligned media.


Another babka?
Don't get me wrong, I like using the Wiki for reference purposes, but that inherent need to categorize things and decide what is officially what is purely a "fan" issue.
Yes. Star Trek and Star Wars have official rules for how canonicity works for their own purposes but Hasbro just doesn't care because despite their pretences they're not a media company. They're a toy company

That more or less allowed a fan run wiki to become the arbiters of what was and wasn't "canon" and it's not had the best results.

One, I don't think it's necessarily a good thing to have a hyper-active need to categorize everything. I used to be that way, and as I've gotten older I find that it really isn't that important? Just let things be. Getting wound up on continuity snags doesn't make much sense.

Two, it created an easily exploitable system Sorenson targeted (and he admitted to doing it too) to get his own head canon made "official" by the only authority that really cared.

On one hand I don't blame him. If I were in his shoes I probably would have done the same.
On the other hand I've heard some "behind the scenes" stories that don't paint him or how he went about it in the best light so 🤷🏻‍♂️

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