Jim worked with FP and would have known when Hasbro gave them the ok to name the FFoD guys. If he was working on The Allspark Almanac II when that permission was given he could have easily worked it in to beat FP to the punch.
I wanna be clear that I don't know that for sure, but I do know a few people involved in FP who had insider knowledge, and they all seem to be pretty annoyed at Jim in general for how it went down.
Granted I haven't heard Jim's side of the story but my admittedly brief interactions with him haven't exactly been... positive?
AFAIK they never got that far. At least not far enough to have any concrete plan. Hasbro passed permission down and then Jim worked his version into the Almanac and Hasbro just said "
that's what it is, tough" and any plans FP had got scuttled.
I'm sure someone had some ideas but noting got that far along. I can try to ask around.