Transformers: Age of the Primes toyline discussion || update: Toy Fair 2025: Vortex, Onyx Prime, Alchemist Prime, Excellion, Sideways, oh my


Well-known member
Figured it would be good to break this off into its own thread and get discussion and speculation going.

Age of the Primes was announced at Pulsecon.

These are the most up to date store listings for the line.
These of course, are subject to change.

Wave 1
Deluxe Solus Prime
Deluxe Air Raid
Deluxe Slingshot
Deluxe Fugitive Waspinator
Voyager Prima Prime
Voyager Armada Red Alert
Leader Megatronus the Fallen
Leader G2 Grimlock

Wave 2
Deluxe Alchemist Prime
Deluxe Crasher PR
Deluxe Vortex
Deluxe Micronus
Voyager Rescuebots Heatwave
Voyager RID2001 Skybyte

Wave 3
Deluxe Venom
Deluxe Fireflight
Deluxe Skydive
Voyager Flatline
Voyager Alpha Trion
Leader Onyx Prime

High End Items
Commander Silverbolt
Titan Star Optimus Prime (Star Convoy)


Wreckers VS Mayhem
Spinister VS Topspin
Ironfist VS Carnivac

Target Bullseye
Unknown Voyager
4 Pack: Horri-Bull, Animated Nemesis Prime and 2 more.

Retro Inspired Capsule (Walmart)
Deluxe Gears
Deluxe Bumblebee
Deluxe Seaspray
Deluxe Brawn

Cybertron Capsule (Walmart)
Deluxe Sideways
Deluxe Excellion
Voyager Skywarp
2 Unknown Deluxe
1 Unknown Leader

Selects G2 Slag and Snarl 2 Pack
Selects Animation Deco Trypticon

Hasbro Pulse/Convention
Hearts of Steel Exclusive (Pulsecon)
Skybound Jetfire with Void Rivals (SDCC)

Update: First Images of our leader class Megatronus the Fallen

2024-1027-Transformers-011 (1).jpg
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Another babka?
I'm in on all of the Primes, Wasp, Skybyte, Ironfist VS Carnivac, Sideways, and Excellion. Possibly Flatline depending on how he turns out.


Well-known member
I'm going to assume Silverbolt is the Commander class. But I'll wait for confirmation.

Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
Shame Flatline is probably going probably be based on Armada Red Alert, and not be a hearse.

Decepticon medic that turns into a hearse is just such a great concept and I'm still waiting to add a CHUG scale hearse to my collection. (No, Ectotron doesn't count)

Hearse, Taxi, Bus and Monster Truck are my alt-mode holy grails.


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
With the exception of Solus Prime, depending on the execution, I may skip out on The Primes.

There are some must-haves like Ironfist, Flatline, Heatwave, and Venom, and of course Crasher, because Gobot (in a new box!).

And, again, depending on execution, I may pick up Air Raid due to personal significance, but may skip out on the rest of the Aerialbots unless they get a G2 deco release.

Cautiously optimistic, this line may go easy on my wallet...


too old for this
I've pretty much stopped collecting masterpiece a while ago. The show line, like Earthspark and Cyberverse just feel wrong to me. Like, the plastic is cheaper somehow. My habit has been fed by the mainline generations toyline for several years now and, from the looks of it, this next iteration won't disappoint.

I would like to see more Beasts in the generations line, but I do understand that they aren't as easy to make/sell as vehicles. That said, let's get some BWII and Neo guys. Magmatron was a great start, but I need a clockwork dragon Galvatron!


Continuity Nutcase
Promote a new movie or an old comic book. What oh what will Hasbro do? :p
Hmm, I hadn't considered the thought of this line using the designs seen in TF One (for those that haven't seen it yet, no, that's not a spoiler, we saw the Primes in the movie's first trailer) instead of some of their classic designs.


Another babka?
Hmm, I hadn't considered the thought of this line using the designs seen in TF One (for those that haven't seen it yet, no, that's not a spoiler, we saw the Primes in the movie's first trailer) instead of some of their classic designs.
One would think if they really wanted to, they'd do the TF One Thirteen in Studio Series, but it does seem interesting that a line called Age of the Primes, where they're selling figures based on the Thirteen, came along when Hasbro would have known the particulars of TF One. Could be a nice way to cross promote.

With The Fallen specifically he's been black fire tank man, spindly Egyptian skeleton, weird fire pharaoh, and grey, purple, and black pseudo- Tarn, not counting how he's depicted in TF One. With TF One being the most recent fiction for the character they may just lean into that.


Wondering bot
Promote a new movie or an old comic book. What oh what will Hasbro do? :p

Its unlikely the Fallen going to appear in the movie as its likely only going to make reference to his original idenity and not spend much time on it as D16 becomes a monster named Megatron, besides, this whole 13 business is going to be the focus of the Generations line, we'll see, but TF one is going to be the primary focus for Hasbro marketing


Kaiser Dragon
I think I'm most curious about Megatronus. I think most of the Thirteen have only really been seen in the Covenant of Primus and media derived from their depictions there. But Vector Prime is straight up the Cybertron version. And with Superion and Bruticus apparently coming in the next couple years, it seems very likely that Nexus will be based on the Club version. So even though the CoP is the one cohesive source for them as a group, they seem to be disregarding those versions of them.

Megatronus is one of the only members with multiple non-CoP versions to base him on. Maybe the only one with multiple versions that aren't all largely similar to each other. You've got Dreamwave, RotF, WfC/F2F, and RiD2015 versions. Not having tried to watch much on TF One before I can see the movie, not clear if he's one of those or something different. Will they pick one of those? Try to merge them? Go straight CoP for ease of retooling into Prime Megatron? Something else?

Also makes me wonder about bots that have only been seen in CoP-derived designs. Are they discarding the CoP designs entirely? Or just prioritizing other versions?

With Megatronus, Prima, and Solus in the first wave, we should be able to tell quite a bit from the first reveals.


Well-known member
Well. According to Jtprime who provided most of the listings. He was told the Fallen is "DW inspired" when he first got this listing info.


Another babka?
LordGigaIce has already seen the movie (as have I), so we already know who does and does not appear in the movie.
Thank you for getting my name right. So many people think it's "LordGigalice" :p

Well. According to Jtprime who provided most of the listings. He was told the Fallen is "DW inspired" when he first got this listing info.
In fairness we've seen leaks that have been proven right while leakers extrapolating further details have been incorrect.

That being said I could see them doing a DW-inspired Fallen just packed with a lot of effects parts to recreate the flames, which might be cool.


Well-known member
I am very much looking forward to this line, though I sincerely hope that the guys that were discussed in the leaks for Legacy United that still haven't surfaced yet do at some point.

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