My wild hope is that one of the Energon homages is a new Omnicon.
Combining wasn't the only gimmick in that line.
Combining in Energon was Autobot exclusive, none of the Decepticons did any combining outside of Tidalwave, but then he is a partsformer to start with and Energon in terms of story is one of the worst TF shows as it was clearly rushed with no actual story planned out for the whole season! I had completely forgot about the Omnicons until today, which shows how little impact they really had!
If I was to revisit the line for updating, I would kind of do Ironhide but make sure the robot mode head actual can hide in vehicle mode instead of how it was in the show, Optimus I would revisit but for the Drones, would have them be seperate figures, kind of similar to the Bluebolts in the Haslab Omega Prime, but also being able to combine with Optimus and also be the drones, while Megatron I would do as a leader class figure, not some puny scout/legends/core class, whatever they call the smallest size these days