Transformers: Age of the Primes toyline discussion || update: Toy Fair 2025: Vortex, Onyx Prime, Alchemist Prime, Excellion, Sideways, oh my

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
I find that Superion is the CW team I'm least interested in replacing (leaving aside the Stunticons, who I just don't care about owning at all, because I don't care about the Stunticons). Silverbolt made an actually solid torso, and it felt like that team made the fewest compromises to actually exist at a retail price (aside from Alpha Bravo, but they still got the last guy out anyway). So it would have to be truly spectacular to get my attention. Mildly more curious about the Combaticons, because they're my favorite G1 combiner team, but again, it'd take a really great first impression for me to go all in on it again.

Other than that....maybe the Fallen, depending on just how Dreamwavey it is. Not just in the design, but also in the balloonish proportions. Reign that in to make him look powerful and threatening instead of bloated, and I might go for it. Maybe base it more on the Titanium than on a parade float. I'll want to see the Amazon two-packs first, and I can't be bothered to care about Walmart exclusives when none of the Walmarts near me will ever carry them anyway.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
I can't imagine they'll base it on anything other than the comic art. I would be happy to see something based on the Titanium, but this team is too dedicated to accuracy for that.


Another babka?
I find that Superion is the CW team I'm least interested in replacing
Honestly, the only CW team that I found really failed was Menasor/the Stunticons, primarily because the CW Motormaster mould wasn't very good. And hey! Props to Hasbro, they did do another one that wins almost by default. But now that it's done... I really don't feel the need to replace any Combiner teams. So I'm happy to sit that side of things out unless something really wows me.

Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
The Fallen's Dreamwave design is still the only one that matters.

As much as I deride the live action series, he's literally namedropped in the title of the second one and is the central villain. It's a jive movie, but it's also the verison of the fallen that people are most familar with.

I still want Pants-On-Fire Dreamwave Fallen, mind you, so I'm not saying that to be a buzzkill.

I'm actually pretty excited to get the 13, TBH. I know some people aren't keen on the concept, or think they should be things left backstory rather than be a focus, but to me, this is like owning an action figure of Anubis or Thor (Not that one) or Zeus (Also not that one), but for Transformers, and I think that's kind of rad.


Kaiser Dragon
I absolutely adore Combiner Wars and all the combiners that came from the line itself and its engineering. Combiners are by far my favorite TF gimmick, and they really took it to a new level where they were far more functional than they ever were before, at least for the G1 designs. They all have a permanent place in my collection.

Having said all that, I dug out most of that collection recently while setting up my new display cases. And this was right around the same time that I was able to retrieve all my Legacy Stunticons from their various storage locations while recovering from our basement flood. Getting to kind of newly experience all of them alongside each other, I'm now much more open to updates on all of them.

I still prefer the CW approach overall. Even with Menasor, I don't like the frame approach to a combiner. It feels like the worst type of cheat. But in the end, the stability and playability of Legacy Menasor is just SOOOOOOO much greater than any of the non-Titan CW combiners that I would have to go all in on any new ones.

I still have Monstructor and a full Liokaiser as my top wants, followed by an in-scale Predaking. But after them, I'm hoping all the rest will follow too.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
I'm in on all of the Primes, Wasp, Skybyte, Ironfist VS Carnivac, Sideways, and Excellion. Possibly Flatline depending on how he turns out.
I’d guarantee Flatline will be a Red Alert retool. I’m also confident that Carnivac will be a Silverbolt retool. Barring the ballsy move of redecoing Siege Spinister, the inclusion of Vortex into the line makes more sense if both are derived from the same base tooling.

I also think that, for a LOT of this, we need to add the disclaimer that things can and will change. Just since JtPrime posted the listings originally we’ve seen noticeable amount of changes in United’s assortments and roadmaps. The past year has seen Hasbro put a greater emphasis on package refresh/reruns than in prior years, and some of what is posted might get shuffled around. Crasher is on deck, but I’d not be surprised if Needlenose (to go with Quake and the impending Spinister) was rerun, along with Beachcomber (HTF G1 character) and probably Vector Prime to go with the rest of the 13.
I'm going to assume Silverbolt is the Commander class. But I'll wait for confirmation.
Yeah, it is almost certain G1 Silverbolt will be the next Commander figure. But the inclusion of Vortex (replacing Swindle) is also interesting:

I recall a couple years ago, there were rumblings from the “he tell me” crowd that Hasbro was looking to increasing Commanders from one to two per year. That could create a scenario where Onslaught would be a practical “spring 2026” release, with Nexus Prime being fall 2026 with a host of limb bots to use (between the existing Stunticons and their redecos, along with the Aerialbots and Combaticons (plus any exclusive/fan channel alternates using those toolings).

Unless Nexus ends up being a Titan class combiner release or something…
Well. According to Jtprime who provided most of the listings. He was told the Fallen is "DW inspired" when he first got this listing info.
I’m calling it now: The Fallen will be a retooled Armada Megalvatron.


Staff member
Council of Elders
I'm in an odd place with regard to this line, but that might just be for the moment. It's just between finances and space both becoming prohibitive this is as good a distancing point as I'll find. The prices for these things leapt up in recent years, as did the prices for everything else, and my purchasing power is an embarrassing fraction of what it was.

It doesn't help that there's basically a whole other toyline's worth of stuff packaged in exclusive capsules that are inherently pricier here than the main line, every time.

(The "easy" solution is to sell off older stuff to make room and generate cash, but the secondary market tends to be a toilet full of butts.)

Legacy has already been a much slower line for me. I've had to be much pickier as the trilogy wore on, and many good items from its contemporary Studio Series and ROTB lines I've also had to let pass, hoping to snag them later on as good deals if the price is ever right.

Right now the prospect of 13 Primes, AND entire new combiners (still interested in Menasor but haven't started on them, and now the others are coming), AND a second set of five Leader class Dinobots, on top of the individual releases I have my eye on (another aforementioned exclusive capsule has Excellion)... I don't know how I'm going to keep up with all of that. I want to, but this is not a good time to be thinking about that at all.

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
Figured it would be good to break this off into its own thread and get discussion and speculation going.

Age of the Primes was announced at Pulsecon. No product reveals as of yet. But we do know some things via online listings.

Wave 1
Deluxe Solus Prime
Deluxe Air Raid
Deluxe Fireflight
Deluxe Animated Wasp
Voyager Prima
Voyager Armada Red Alert
Leader The Fallen
Leader G2 Grimlock

Wave 2
Deluxe Alchemist Prime
Deluxe Crasher PR
Deluxe Vortex
Deluxe Micronus
Voyager Rescuebots Heatwave
Voyager RID2001 Skybyte
Leader Onyx Prime

Wave 3
Deluxe Venom
Deluxe Slingshot
Deluxe Skydive
Voyager Flatline
Voyager Alpha Trion


Wreckers VS Mayhem
Spinister VS Topspin
Ironfist VS Carnivac

Cybertron Capsule (Walmart)
Deluxe Sideways
Deluxe Excellion
Voyager Skywarp
2 Unknown Deluxe
1 Unknown Leader

Hasbro Pulse/Convention
Hearts of Steel Exclusive (Pulsecon)
Skybound Jetfire with Void Rivals (SDCC)
So, Age of the Primes is just Wave 4 of Legacy incognito?



Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
I think the original Chinese leak for the VS packs had Carnivac as a Weirdwolf retool. But time will tell.
I think my idea is more interesting…

But taking a step back…the big question Is what the “gimmick” will be for the toy line. Budget cuts seem back in season, so I’m not sure if the Primes will be Armorizor/Weaponizers as Hasbro’s developed since Siege.

What I CAN see is that each Prime coming with a “Legendary artifact” that would be a glorified accessory. Solus Prime has her Forge Hammer, Prima has the Star saber, Alchemist might have attachable “elements”, etc.
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Well-known member
I know and probably that yellow one from last year. But. Surprise me! Turqouise or blue redecos or ' one with a bandana and a tatoo reading 'Big Grim' referencing the G2 comic.


Well-known member
How they do Superion will determine if I really want him or not. Menasor was the only one they could really cheat with and it be accurate. The only reason I have any of the Legacy Stunticons is due to their G2 versions.

Also, is it wierd for me to want them to do Alpha Bravo from the new Vortex?


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Council of Elders
There is a Voyager Junkion (Trashmaster), but that's the only one that comes to mind. And idk if they were ever specifically pushed as upgrade bits rather than "they're Junkions, they come apart and stuff".

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