To your point, the writing does him no favors there anyway -- I wouldn't have him screw up THAT badly, and I also wouldn't forget to actually HAVE him redeem himself (rather than just... magically get a convenient glow up and yeet the bad guy into space because we ran out of time).
I take the point of Optimus' spirit going "ARISE.... RODIMUS PRIME" as Optimus basically saying "I don't blame you for my death."
I think Rodimus' main issues are twofold. The first is that season three does him no favours. There's the concept of a plan of a character arc but he never really goes on it in any narratively satisfying way. Most people remember him moping about not being as good as Optimus, and that's the perception. It's not entirely fair, but I can hardly blame people with that outlook. That's most of season three. And frankly? A lot of defence of season three is based on "well the idea is sound" or "there could have been something if X, Y, and Z didn't happen." Which are fair points in the abstract, but when talking about how the character is remembered... they really don't work? Yeah, we can talk about how there's potential for Rodimus' story through season three, but it didn't materialize for one reason or another. I'm not gonna lecture my pal who vaguely remembers Transformers fondly that he didn't construct a mind palace-esque plan for how Rodimus
could have been well written.
The other issue that the backlash to Optimus dying was so severe that they had to plan on bringing him back while season three was in production, which meant that any and all growth Rodimus did get was undone by the Real Hero

coming back in the end to save the day. And again... I can hardly blame Hasbro. They killed Optimus off not knowing how attached the audience had grown to him. The end result, though, is that even for people who didn't stick with the fandom Rodimus comes off as an experiment that didn't work so they changed course.
I have to confess I'm not sure why you were and are being so apologetic about it to begin with. It's not really a debate; you not-inaccurately summed up a few fandom-side sentiments, and shared one observation from outside our bubble. Even Phazer's response echoes some of your within-fandom observations (that there are parts of the mythos that fans picked up on that give Rodimus more of an appeal). I even noted that there are other similar non-fan takes that are interesting and revealing in that way. The other responses don't seem to be defending a sacred cow (and tbh it's kind of funny to hear HOT ROD called that, like how did that happen) or shouting down the outside perspective, so much as echoing other perspectives that are also part of the conversation.
I mean, I'm rarely ever passing up a chance to talk about my boy anyway, but I'm not seeing any side really causing any problems here.
Thank you.
I guess my perspective is this. Rodimus engenders strong feelings. For some people he's irredeemably hated for "causing" Optimus' death and for others he's a totem to be protected at all costs because any negative feelings is indicative of a mindset that can't let the 80s go.
On top of all of that I think everyone in this fandom can relate to some character being "their guy" or "their gal." Some character, maybe a headliner, maybe someone who got a background appearance once.... who we just like and go all in on. And I don't want people who feel that way about Hot Rod/Rodimus to think I'm coming after them or a character they like.
I just found it interesting that the anecdotal evidence I heard didn't fall along the lines of the usual discourse we see in the fandom. Which makes sense, the people giving me these opinions weren't fans. They didn't get into flamewars for years that shaped their opinions. They just saw an animated movie as a kid and have some thoughts on it. And if nothing else I think it's good to get out of the bubble now and then.
But yeah... having people respond to my story about non-fans sharing non-fan thoughts with stories about how as fans THIS and as fans THAT and YOU DIDN'T TAKE MY SEGMENT OF THE FANDOM INTO ACCOUNT and it's like... geeze. The point here was an outside of the fandom perspective. Everyone here, myself included, has had our thoughts on this shaped by years of online discussion. Responding with more of that to a story about what non-fans thought is... I don't know. But it seems like a defensive mechanism. And if that's how people are gonna be... I'll just apologize for raising the issue.
EDIT- The idea of the Prime lineage has always had my fascination, so while I don't love Rodimus as a character, I hardly hate him either. I'd personally love to see more stories depict him as a Prime, seeing how that title and the lineage associated with it informs his character, and so on. "Rodimus as the leader of the Autobots" is untapped potential, and I think there's a lot to explore, that Hasbro just never gets around to for various reasons that have been gone over.
But I do like Rodimus well enough and want to see him get his due as a Prime.