Transformers: Age of the Primes toyline discussion || update: Toy Fair 2025: Vortex, Onyx Prime, Alchemist Prime, Excellion, Sideways, oh my

Destron D-69

at Journey's end
the Aerialbots might not be "primes" but we need a few of them to make Nexus Prime.. so that's likely why we're getting combaticons and aerialbots


Another babka?
also, age of the primes and no mention of pyro, the one guy with prime apotheosis?
I'll only accept this if he comes with a voice box that goes "SENPAI NOTICE ME!" any time it's in the vicinity of an Optimus Prime figure.


Active member
look, all i want is commander class thunderclash. i'll settle for leader if they want to make it financially easier and make an optimus repaint.

also, age of the primes and no mention of pyro, the one guy with prime apotheosis?
If we can get a Commander Magmatron, they can't say no to Thunderclash!

Destron D-69

at Journey's end
they did a whole series involving Micromasters and didn't do a new Erector... they can for sure do a line about the 13 primes and not do Pyro and Thunderclash

hell they already did a line about the 13 primes and didn't even REALLY do all the 13 primes ...

no guarantees of anything ever.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Four primes (well, three and the fallen.), heatwave and animated wasp? I'm looking forward to this. I hope we actually get all thirteen primes.


Another babka?
I hope we actually get all thirteen primes.
Apparently the plan is to do all Thirteen over the course of the "Age of Primes" trilogy of toylines.

I'm not sure what they'd do about The Arisen though. Aligned said it was Optimus. Later media said it was whoever happened to be holding the Matrix. TF One made it
Zeta Prime

If this was TT "The Arisen" would be a lucky draw translucent version of an Optimus Prime figure 😛 I doubt Hasbro goes that route though.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Ha! I missed onyx prime cause I was thinking of apeling. Cause an old allsparker called onyx prime used the card art for apeling... man, memories.

I'll need to see the figure for alpha trion: as I've got one from earlier in the generations line, and I try not to buy doubles, and I suspect it might be a tweaked mold.


Continuity Nutcase
I'll need to see the figure for alpha trion: as I've got one from earlier in the generations line, and I try not to buy doubles, and I suspect it might be a tweaked mold.
Whatever it is, it hasn't been called either a package refresh or a rerelease.

It might even turn out to be a redeco of Thundertron using his retail head, in homage to both the old 3H concept that was made from Beast Machines Snarl, and to Titans Return Alpha Trion having likewise been a lion.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Whatever it is, it hasn't been called either a package refresh or a rerelease.

It might even turn out to be a redeco of Thundertron using his retail head, in homage to both the old 3H concept that was made from Beast Machines Snarl, and to Titans Return Alpha Trion having likewise been a lion.
I’m still placing even odds on Fallen being an extensive retool of Armada Megatron.

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