Transformers: Age of the Primes toyline discussion || update: Toy Fair 2025: Vortex, Onyx Prime, Alchemist Prime, Excellion, Sideways, oh my


Somehow still sane
Screwholes can be whatever size really but this has 5mm ports and we can use those to estimate the size.


Olde-Timey Member
Staff member
Council of Elders
Screwholes can be whatever size really but this has 5mm ports and we can use those to estimate the size.

Rough estimate counting pixels and assuming that the hex is 0.227" point-to-point (based on holding a 5mm cylinder), I'm getting the car to be around 4-1/4" to 4-1/2" long. Small for a Voyager, but it looks like they're going for the "high parts count / complexity" pricing scheme, which isn't unreasonable.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
It's possible that this is a smallish vehicle but a solidly Voyager sized robot. If they're going for something closer to show accurate proportions they'll need to scale the chest down, and the only way to do that without fake kibble would be to scale the rest of the robot up.


Wondering bot
Ideally, the price also includes Mincion Longarm, too.

Don't count on it, after all Armada Wheeljack is coming without his Minicon despite the fact the SG verison got his Minicon, so its likely it will be the robot and transformation to vehicle with a copy of the gimmick that doesn't need the Minicon to trigger, but they might do what they did with Hotshot and release the Powerlynx verison with the Minicon partner!


Another babka?
Screwholes can be whatever size really but this has 5mm ports and we can use those to estimate the size.
The size still doesn't make this a Skids remould.

And I'm not really willing to make a final judgement on the size until I see this thing next to a figure that's already out for comparison. Preferably in both vehicle and robot mode.


Continuity Nutcase
I remember back when the name "Mini-Con" was first unveiled, and Aaron Archer legit did not understand the discourse over the use of "-Con" in the name, since that suffix traditionally denotes something Decepticon-affiliated, when the little guys were supposed to be a neutral third party.

IMHO, the Japanese name of "Micron" gets that point across better, using neither "-Bot" nor "-Con" in the name, and even ties them back to there creator Unicron with their using the same "-cron" suffix.
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Continuity Nutcase
Aaron Archer didn't get a lot of things 🙃
He told me himself at BotCon: He had little love or regard for G1 and the traditions it established for the brand.


Staff member
Council of Elders
I didn't agree with a lot of his brand running principles or ones that were attributed to him (no interest in Sky Lynx, Wheeljack must be a bad guy name) but others made sense to me or didn't get in the way much (avoiding too much of one color across a wave or on a shelf).

But I'd love some more concerted non-G1 innovation here and there these days, especially since the lines indelibly have so much slavish G1 going anyway.


Well-known member
Why is that bad? Don't we constantly complain that there's too much G1 worship? I believe creating a good product does not require a reverence of the source material.

You have to remember the era it was said in. Back then, we WANTED g1 Worship, becuase we'd just came off of the Beast Era, and had RiD as a return to vehicles. Nowadays, we're tired of it all being G1 or looking too much like G1.


Continuity Nutcase
The discourse from back then that I brought up was over the use of the Decepticon-leaning "-Con" suffix for a faction that was supposed to be neither Decepticon nor Autobot, ignoring the longstanding tradition of "-Con" denoting Decepticon-aligned and "-Bot" denoting Autobot-aligned.

It then continued into Energon with an Autobot subgroup called "Omnicons", which not only shared the same suffix as the Decepticons, but also their Decepticon counterpart subgroup, the Terrorcons.

Archer simply didn't understand how everyone sounds evil when they're all being called "-Cons".

Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
Micron is actually a normal word, so it's much harder to trademark. -bot is too generic, but -con is pretty well in Transformers wheelhouse, so I see why they went with it. Micron is absolutely so much better, though.

My head canon is that "mini-con" is short for "miniature converter" as the mini-cons are hyper efficient power converters that allow a larger transformer to run their systems at maximum levels for extended periods of time (i.e. it allows them to power up all of their weapon or utility systems without potentially exhausting their internal energon supplies).

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