Transformers: Age of the Primes toyline discussion || update: Toy Fair 2025: Vortex, Onyx Prime, Alchemist Prime, Excellion, Sideways, oh my


Another babka?
Yes, we need more FFoD bots. I would absolutely love it if we got a U-haul robot out of this line, and/or Trannis.
There was a rumour floating about that AotP's later waves would have a Sentinel Prime. I've seen people speculating that he could be another stab at the IDW design by repainting/remoulding Siege Astrotrain, or maybe a Missing Link-inspired repaint of Legacy G1 Optimus, but call me crazy but...

You could do a Sunbow U-Haul Robot/Sentinel Prime out of this AotP Prima, right? Like the base skeleton looks pretty compatible. Just needs some different shelling...


Staff member
Council of Elders
As nice as the Alpha Trizer colors look on the Thundertron body -- and as much as I still am waiting for a color scheme I like better on Legacy Thundertron -- I'd prefer Alpha Trion as a Vector Prime retool.

I'm actually still a bit thrown by Prima being a wheeled vehicle. Rather that also be a starship type.


Another babka?
I'm actually still a bit thrown by Prima being a wheeled vehicle. Rather that also be a starship type.
On the other hand...
Nova Prime- truck
Sentinel Prime- truck (sometimes)
Optimus Prime- truck
Rodimus Prime- (kind of a) truck

There are outliers (sometimes Sentinel is a a jet and/or train, Nominus is a jet) but there does seem to be a very consistent "Primes are tucks" theme going, so having the first of that lineage set the tone works well.


Continuity Nutcase
If this isn't the only one and we're actually getting the FFOD bots I will be very interested. It's always been surprising to me how little influence that sequence has had.
Early internet fandom: "Oh, but see, that flashback sequence is all about the Quintesson creation origin and nobody like that origin. Primus all the way, baby!"


Another babka?
As nice as the Alpha Trizer colors look on the Thundertron body -- and as much as I still am waiting for a color scheme I like better on Legacy Thundertron -- I'd prefer Alpha Trion as a Vector Prime retool.
I don't hate Alpha Trion as a lion, and like with the Thirteen as a whole TFO really sold me on the idea...

...but it is kinda weird that one unproduced BotCon exclusive has just become the default reference point for Alpha Trion.

I liked his TR toy well enough, and I like the Legacy Thundertron mould so I'm sure a version of that as A3 will work well. But I donno... it's just weird. I think I'm content with my Legacy Alpha Trion from SS '86 Scourge.
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Staff member
Council of Elders
On the other hand...
Nova Prime- truck
Sentinel Prime- truck (sometimes)
Optimus Prime- truck
Rodimus Prime- (kind of a) truck

There are outliers (sometimes Sentinel is a a jet and/or train, Nominus is a jet) but there does seem to be a very consistent "Primes are tucks" theme going, so having the first of that lineage set the tone works well.

Ehh. THOSE Primes are trucks.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Well, there's also the long standing bias of "most autobots do not fly" and it open up the possibility of another titan in the line to cart their legendary asses around.


Another babka?
If this isn't the only one and we're actually getting the FFOD bots I will be very interested. It's always been surprising to me how little influence that sequence has had.
I think it's a combination of a few things.
First, a lot of those guys are clearly cobbled together designs from some Sunbow artist at 4:50 on a Friday. Zeta Prime is just a miscoloured Optimus. Guardian Prime is just Eastern European KO Rodimus. Prima is just "change up the answers so it's not super obvious you copied my homework" Cyclonus. Sentinel Prime, by being a weird rhino/dinosaur truck, actually comes out ahead in that crowd, and even he's very clearly weird in that weird 80s Sunbow BS sort of way. It's hard to explain but it's certainly a vibe.

Secondly the names I just used? They were applied to those characters decades later by FunPub. For the longest time those characters, though supposedly important past Autobot leaders, were just nameless dudes even the script referred to in generic terms, adding to the "cobbled together late on a Friday" feel.
Like... around the same time Marvel gave us "We are Prima, we are Prime Nova, we are Sentinel Prime, we are Optimus Prime."
Now they didn't do anything with that, but it certainly seems more fertile ground to grow something than a bunch of nameless generics from FFoD.

Finally, as @Sabrblade said, FFoD was tied to the Quintesson origin which, in the formative years of the fandom, was not nearly as popular as the Primus origin.

Now with all that said.... they could do an entire Generations subline called "Sunbow Mooks" that had all of the FFoD guys along with every bats**t generic and I'd buy them all 😅

Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
Prima isn't supposed to turn into anything, so I'm guessing since he's the ur-Prime, they just made him a similar vehicle to Optimus. I imagine we'll find out more with the inevitable behind the scenes.


Another babka?
Well, there's also the long standing bias of "most autobots do not fly" and it open up the possibility of another titan in the line to cart their legendary asses around.
"I am Prima! First born of Primus, wielder of the Star Sabre and Matrix of Leadership! I also need a ride!"

Prima isn't supposed to turn into anything, so I'm guessing since he's the ur-Prime, they just made him a similar vehicle to Optimus. I imagine we'll find out more with the inevitable behind the scenes.
Most of the Thirteen didn't have specified alt modes, and their Aligned/Covenant art didn't give much in the way of kibble to infer. But it is a Transformers toyline so it's gotta be something, and I think you're right. Prima's alt mode has a trailer stripe very clearly based on Optimus', so I think the implication is that he's the starting point for the "(most) Primes are trucks" trend.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Zeta Prime is just a miscoloured Optimus. Guardian Prime is just Eastern European KO Rodimus. Prima is just "change up the answers so it's not super obvious you copied my homework" Cyclonus. Sentinel Prime, by being a weird rhino/dinosaur truck, actually comes out ahead in that crowd, and even he's very clearly weird in that weird 80s Sunbow BS sort of way. It's hard to explain but it's certainly a vibe.

You have no idea how much those words speak to me.


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
As nice as the Alpha Trizer colors look on the Thundertron body -- and as much as I still am waiting for a color scheme I like better on Legacy Thundertron -- I'd prefer Alpha Trion as a Vector Prime retool.

I'm actually still a bit thrown by Prima being a wheeled vehicle. Rather that also be a starship type.

Same really. I think this go around I would prefer a starship Alpha. It would also help differentiate him from TFOne Alpha. And save Thundertron for an Alpha Trizer style redeco.

Speaking of, I chose mainline Thundertron over boxset Thundertron, mainky because I kinda like the darker blue better. Still tempted by hook hand Prime style Thundertron though.


NOT a New Member.

No one summons…MEGATRONUS! Yes! The Fallen shall RISE again!! Kicking off a collection I’ve had fever dreams about for many years now. The 13 primes will be coming to life in the AGE OF THE PRIMES! Here is our first installment at leader class, none other than Megatronus, the coolest, the most powerful, and the one thats constantly a blaze !
Worked on this lovely leader with the one and only Yuya san who sets the bar higher then the purple griffin fortress can fly.

All of the 13 primes have never been made as a cohesive toy collection in all of the 40 years of Transformers. They constantly come up in animations, comics, and even movies! This collection is one of my biggest and most bad ass achievements as a designer at Hasbro. The best part of the next 2 years is, you’ll not only collect the 13 primes but theres an amazing plethora of bots that are all descendents of the primes, you can collect them all, finish mini collections, and guess their energon bloodline.

The 13 gods gave birth to all of cybertronian life through uniting their 13 artifacts together to create the well of sparks on planet Cybertron! Here you get Megatronus’s requiem blaster weapon, an essential component due to its enormous amount of power. He also comes with his spark fuser staff, energon machete blade, removeable flame effects, and a removable missile launcher.
Flaming Bot Weapons.jpg

Tank Gun.jpg

Megatron vs Megatronus.jpg

(Source: - Instagram)

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