Transformers: Age of the Primes toyline discussion || update: Toy Fair 2025: Vortex, Onyx Prime, Alchemist Prime, Excellion, Sideways, oh my


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
I kinda hope they drop the whole ‘base’ idea and just focus on the combination angle and Silverbolt himself. The base idea is always compromised.

If they get the proportions right, it could work.

Platypus Prime

Well-known member
I saw the leak pics finally, and I couldn't figure out why someone (other than me, I know I've done it quite a bit and don't have a leg to stand on for complaining) was posting Bigfoot pics on a Transformers board, but then I saw the clearer ones that just popped up, and thought "Oh, wait, never mind, they're ALIEN pictures, got it..."

Also, that 'base' mode is weird, both the old one even though I know why it was there, and the new one which I can only assume is the back of the jet?

-technically the alien thing is true...

Edit: Oh, it looks like Micromaster Hot Rod may be making a comeback...I did NOT expect that since so many minicon and similar characters have been missing lately.
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Another babka?

Platypus Prime

Well-known member
And worse, even in robot mode his Princess was in another castle...

Odd thought, back in original G1 days my first Transformer was Thundercracker. So when I heard about the Aerialbots, I was thrilled. Till I saw the actual toys and how tiny they were compared to the Deception jets. I wonder how the limbs will look next to the Earthrise jets this time?

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Is that a Micromaster Hot Rod with Star Optimus Prime?

If so...
1. that surprises me, Hasbro's been a bit tight on secondary figure budgets.
2. Why aren't we getting more Micromaster stuff?! Dust off those WfC Trilogy boys and give Hot Rod some micro-buddies!

Platypus Prime

Well-known member
It looks like Star Convoy does NOT have the smaller Optimus inside a lot of us speculated on for a PowerMaster pretool. So it may be taking budget from that.


Well-known member
The Constucticons apparently gave me false hope that they'd learn how to do Combiners without a frame. Guess they really are just being as lazy as possible with these. Don't bother actually figuring out how to make it work, just make Superion and seperate thing and then just have the Aerialbots just peg onto him for the illisusion of combination.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Seeing actual figures, it confirms my earlier suspicion/theory that the core "gimmick" for Age of the Primes seems to be the ability to "forge your own relic". Each of the Primes we've seen (even Star Convoy's dildo-saber) seem to break down into parts for you to customize. It also looks like a renewed interest in the inclusion of ports to connect stuff to the figures.
We know Prima's Matrix can be stored in his chest, I wonder if we'll see other, similarly styled, relics with other figures (like the Enigma of Combination or Emberstone)

Not bad, all said. All look solid, and the Primes DO intrigue me. Prima's head looks better than in the leaks (even if I'm still not a fan of it), and I kind of dig the disparity they've created between the "ancient" characters and the more modern characters. Love me some Star Convoy and the Micromaster Rodimus just sweetens the deal, for me.
Waiting on pics for Grimlock, just because he was a "definite buy" for me from the listings. But again, the Primes are tweaking that "easy custom" angle in my brain.

Imagine a character weilding a staff with The Fallen's Spark Fuser on one end, the Star Saber on the other? Or connecting a matrix or enigma to super charge the Requiem Blaster?

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator

Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
more like 'they're putting g1 toon accuracy' first which is fuckin dumb as jive

i want my scramble city mfers to mfing scramble city, i don't give a toss if it's not accurate to the poorly animated cartoon meant to shill toys to kids in the friggin 80s

They already did that with combiner wars. These are going to something different.

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