Transformers: Age of the Primes toyline discussion || update: Toy Fair 2025: Vortex, Onyx Prime, Alchemist Prime, Excellion, Sideways, oh my


Well-known member
Looks like Star Convoy comes with a Thirteenth Prime bauble. You can see it tucked away in his chest compartment. (Titan Master for comparison.)


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Maystor missspelur

Im still unsure if I like the added bulk or not that white does not inspire confidence


Kaiser Dragon
I'm really surprised to see Onyx being all orange. I know his Prime Master was, but I wasn't expecting any of those to be used as a color guide. He's always been primarily black otherwise, right? I mean, it's right there in his name.


Well-known member
Well he is the ancestor of all Beast TFs maybe they wanted to connect him visually to the G1 Predacons?

-ZacWilliam, at the very least he should have black as an accent color you would think...

Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
I just realized the reason they used the G1 head for Prima might be because they used the Dreamwave head for the Fallen.

Also, Prima gives me G1 Megatron color scheme vibes now.


NOT a New Member.
I think I might give Superion a miss. I don't really like the "aeroplane trailer" (used to make the main combiner torso) as that's not really how it was in the G1 cartoons or comics. Besides, I've already got the Unite Warriors version with the upgrade kits.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Well he is the ancestor of all Beast TFs maybe they wanted to connect him visually to the G1 Predacons?

-ZacWilliam, at the very least he should have black as an accent color you would think...
In fairness, his beast mode may have more black elements that we aren’t seeing with that piece of art.

Not sure if reported in this thread, but preorders go up next Tuesday, 12/10. Worth remembering that Star Convoy and Silverbolt may ship a little later than the rest of wave 1.

My full thoughts/buying plans?
I understand why Hasbro is taking another stab at the Aerialbots, especially since Menasor upped the “toon accuracy” game for the Combiners, but…they aren’t something I feel I need at this point. If I come across a really good deal on Silverbolt, maybe? But having gone through Combiners Wars, they aren’t offering me anything really compelling.

Truthfully, a LOT just isn’t really sparking much in me. I skipped most of the Armada guys, so I don’t have a big pull for Red Alert. Wasp wasn’t anything I wanted back in Animated.
I’m really engaged by the Primes, but I also know Hasbro well enough that wave 1 for deluxe and Voyager will be well distributed and there ALWAYS remains possibility for weird/interesting alternate takes. Again, I actually liked the TFOne take on Prima, with the white and gold with “plateless Optimus” type head.
Solus is a likely get, but not at first.

The leaders are the ones that have really got me, ahem, primed. The Fallen is really interesting design and I love the attention to detail with flame effects and the extra weapons. G2 Grimlock is big play to my nostalgia, so he was ALWAYS a firm get. I will say I’m surprised at the inclusion of Wheelie given the Toxitron version omitted him. Might be the first time in YEARS I actually just up and order a case of Transformers toys for these two.

I remain mixed on Star Convoy: My take on the reduced price is more to the fact the $200 Titans have struggled to find footing at retail and sell at those prices (Cybertron Metroplex is still available, while Black Zarak was available for a LONG time). Regardless, I feel a touch more comfortable at $150 that $200. The slavish devotion to the G1 toy remains a touch baffling in places, but I remain surprisingly interested. The fact we got a modern Micro Hot Rod is a nice touch.

From a brand/lore perspective? I‘m digging Age of the Primes. It feels like there is a more “cohesive“ narrative direction by focusing on the 13 Primes and descendants of them (for whatever THAT ultimately matters). The initial slate of Primes have won me over (despite broad disinterest in the lore of them) and I’m eager to see how Hasbro interprets the others.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
That's the only design Star Convoy has. What else could they do with it?
I have no problem with the design of the robot or vehicle mode. What I found baffling was the strict adherence to replicating play features of the original toy (the “meh” base mode, the mini Hot Rod, the micro trailer) which was EXPLICITLY designed to interact with stuff that the current product line does not offer. The Base mode was for Micromasters; those aren’t a regular part of the Generations line. The base mode was designed to interact with other large ”base bots”, which isn’t really available outside of legacy purchases.

I wonder what they might have been able to do by making the the front cab a smaller Optimus figure and put more resources into stronger features of the robot or trailer modes.


Somehow still sane
With the toy reveals so far, the fallen is all I want out of this line. Maybe blue Grimlock. Solus’s bland gray sucks so if they make a recolor with a less derpy head, I’ll get that. Looks like I’ll be saving money next year.


Well-known member
So what exactly is fifteen inches for Star Convoy because he looks like he stands 7.5 inch tall leader class to me, standing next to the Micromaster Rodimus. For comparison Siege Jetfire is 11 inches tall, Combiner Wars Ultra Magnus is 8.4 inches tall, Combiner Wars Devastator is eighteen inches tall and Legacy Tidal Wave is nineteen inches tall.

Also we just had a Grimlock with swords including his own and yet they throw Wheelie into this one?

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
Oh, I forgot to address some other stuff when replying last night...

So, yeah. I'm interested in several of these, but Heatwave is the only one I'm knocking your grandmother out of the way for.

That said, I'm digging what I see of Star Convoy. Interested to hear what his localized name will be. (Edit: Oh, "Star Optimus Prime". Simple enough.) That would be one I'd love to get, and hey, maybe I can convince my wife of a smaller "Titan".

Having a Micromaster Hot Rod just sweetens the deal, and I had considered this for a time to be Optimus's final/ultimate form, so...

I have a soft spot for Superion, and didn't get any of the CW guys for various reasons (not the least of which being Slingshot being such a pain to get), so this one interests me. And I don't mind the frame thing for the legs, since, as shown before, that's how he looked in the cartoon. And if it helps with stability? Even better.

That said, I find it odd that the panels when they're plugged into the legs don't look like the cartoon. Weird.

Anyway, I hope to get Slingshot, at the very least. Loved him as a kid, he was my first Aerialbot, and I think like my second Transformer, after Twin Twist.

Air Raid would be nice, since someone stole mine in First Grade. I eventually had to have Strafe occasionally sub in to form Superion, but play pattern be damned, it just wasn't the same.

Silverbolt, I had to get a second one after a friend accidentally broke my first one's leg and his mom glued it back into place, but it would only be able to be in jet formation or robot formation. I picked the latter.

Yeah, I loved the Aerialbots when I was a kid. Still do on some level, but I they were really the ones that started to finally get me more into the franchise than I was before Season 3 hit. Being the first Autobot Combiner helped, and I loved their episodes.

And I clearly have not had good luck with them over the years. XP

Sigh. I'm probably going to try to get these guys, aren't I?

Fingers crossed I have better luck with money than I have the last several months when these come out.

Oh, and Grimlock looks neat, but I think I'd rather they did him in teal. Really, they should just mix the color assortments, like they did back then.


Well-known member
Star Convoy reminds me I need to pick up that expensive Reprolabels set for the vintage/reissue, because the actual sticker sheet on the reissue get all speckled over time even MISB. I assume the Reprolabels won't have the same issue, anyway.


Well-known member
My thoughts:

-Will Get-
Megatronus looks great.

Prima looks cool with the blue and dark accent colors. Like that they got creative with the head choice.

Solus - Love that she has the long pieces that invoke a blacksmiths apron. Vehicle mode is not my favorite but the robot mode is nice enough that I don't mind it.

Silverbolt, Air Raid and Slingshot - My favorite Aerialbots are the two not here but I got and liked the new Menasor eventually so of course I need the matching Superion.

- Might Get -

Star Convoy - Only a might cause of the price, he looks very cool.

Sonic and Tails - The early pics felt off to me, but the official Hasbro shots make what looked like flesh color on Sonic Gold and made both the head sculpts look a lot better. If I see them and have the money and they look good in person, sure.

-Probably won't get-

Red Alert - Doesn't look bad I'm just purposely staying away from the Armada redos because I have the original and am trying to lower my spending.

Wasp - The above again but for Animated. Still being a character I don't have makes me want him a bit more and he might be a "maybe"

-ZacWilliam, waiting to see Carnivac and hoping he's awesome...


Another babka?
I'm getting all the Primes. Star Optimus looks amazing, and will be my first Titan.

As for the non-Primes...

Not an Animated fan, but I've wanted Wasp from Bumblebee since Animated so he's a get. And my inner Armada kid needs that Red Alert.

So what exactly is fifteen inches for Star Convoy because he looks like he stands 7.5 inch tall leader class to me, standing next to the Micromaster Rodimus. For comparison Siege Jetfire is 11 inches tall, Combiner Wars Ultra Magnus is 8.4 inches tall, Combiner Wars Devastator is eighteen inches tall and Legacy Tidal Wave is nineteen inches tall.
He does not look 7.5 inches what are you smoking? He's talker than Superion's combined mode.

I'll say it again... never trust someone's eyeball guestimations, only trust comparison pics.

Also we just had a Grimlock with swords including his own and yet they throw Wheelie into this one?
Grimlock's original releases included Wheelie, so it's no shock a repaint would too.
Also they're doing Grimlock again because people like G2 repaints. This ain't a hard nut to crack, chief 🤷🏻‍♂️

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
So what exactly is fifteen inches for Star Convoy because he looks like he stands 7.5 inch tall leader class to me, standing next to the Micromaster Rodimus. For comparison Siege Jetfire is 11 inches tall, Combiner Wars Ultra Magnus is 8.4 inches tall, Combiner Wars Devastator is eighteen inches tall and Legacy Tidal Wave is nineteen inches tall.

Also we just had a Grimlock with swords including his own and yet they throw Wheelie into this one?
Because I’m on a tablet and can’t like directly to the images…In this TFW2005 post, there are images from the panel reveal, including “on hand” images of the new figures. CS 53, 54, 55, 59 and 60 are all images from a display table showing the new figures. From Grimlock and Wasp, we have actual released figures as comparison points. And Superion is probably pretty close to Menasor, in height.

TO ME, Hot Rod looks slightly bigger than a normal Micromaster. Maybe not full Core size as it appeared in another images (perspective, and all), but maybe not true “classic” Micromaster/Minicon, either. Given we’re coming a good 5 years removed from the last round of significant Micromaster releases…maybe Hasbro is playing with scales? It would allow Micronus to be a more meaningful figure, and, presumably, the only future Micromasters that are foreseeable are going to be partner figures to the other Battlestars. There isn’t a HUGE need to keep to a set scale if they aren’t an ongoing concern. Then again, maybe Hot Rod or Micronus end up bigger than normal because of their status as “special characters”. We’ll see.


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