Transformers: Age of the Primes toyline discussion || update: Toy Fair 2025: Vortex, Onyx Prime, Alchemist Prime, Excellion, Sideways, oh my


Another babka?
There's no way Star Convoy's only 7.5 inches tall


Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Grimlock's original releases included Wheelie, so it's no shock a repaint would too.
Also they're doing Grimlock again because people like G2 repaints. This ain't a hard nut to crack, chief 🤷🏻‍♂️
It was a bit surprising to me simply because we just got the mold in the Toxitron set which omitted him. Given general “cost concerns”, it would NOT have surprised me if Hasbro had opted not to include Wheelie.

But let’s be honest here:
G2 Grimlock is being done because he’s a popular character in a simple alteration in a higher margin segment with high sales potential. I don’t feel out of line saying that more effort probably went into the glorified accessory Wheelie than in the complex leader-class figure :p
I almost wonder if the decision to release him in a mass retail assortment (instead of Selects where his “wave mates” are scheduled to be done) didn’t come about due to some of the “pullbacks” Hasbro has been doing with the brand this past year (more package refreshes and fewer new products or waves per year).


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
Star Convoy looks amazing still. My onky real nitpick is the ‘base’ mode. I know it’s on og Star Convoy thing, and that they look like they tried valiantly to make it not just ‘exploded Prime doing the splits’. I guess I’d have just preferred they put that budget into something else, since the whole ‘Micromaster style interaction’ just isn’t’t A thing at the moment. Shame we didn’t get a Trailer unit instead. Though getting Micro Hot Rod And a Micro Trailer is pretty cool. Also, I kinda like his Matrix Blade and the inclusion of the Zodiac.

Still not a fan of Optimus being the Thirteenth Prime, but ah well.

Red Alert looks great and will go nicely with Prime and Hot Shot to complete my Armada game trio. :) However, now Hasbro REALLY needs to crank out a Mini Con boxset or something to give all these bots and cons their partners.

Prima and The Fallen are instant buys. Solus looks pretty good, but I’m on the fence for now. And while I’m actually really liking the Aerialbots (I do like Silverbolt booster pack use of the Combiner kibble), I’m a little cautious of them, because i’m kindof expecting an eventual redeco(ish) boxset like Menasor.


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
Regarding the argument that Star Convoy's micromaster play features seem out of sync with what's being released in the line:
The line is about the Thirteen Primes and "their descendants". Micronus is one of the Thirteen Primes. It stands to reason that more micro Transformers might be coming down the pipeline in the near future in some form....
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Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
It's just fun. This is Optimus Prime's ultimate form. It's fun that Roller didn't get left out of the big upgrade. It's fun that the trailer is still usable despite turning into legs now. I've never bought any additional Micromasters to go with my reissue Star Convoy but it's still fun.


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
Fair point. It is fun in the goofy way every ‘base’ mode is. Star Convoy is going to look damn good next to Victory Saber.

Maybe new MiniCons and newer Micromasters could be rolled in together.


Continuity Nutcase
I have no problem with the design of the robot or vehicle mode. What I found baffling was the strict adherence to replicating play features of the original toy (the “meh” base mode, the mini Hot Rod, the micro trailer) which was EXPLICITLY designed to interact with stuff that the current product line does not offer. The Base mode was for Micromasters; those aren’t a regular part of the Generations line. The base mode was designed to interact with other large ”base bots”, which isn’t really available outside of legacy purchases.
It's obvious Hasbro is aiming this Star Optimus release at people who have been at this long enough to have already bought and still own the Siege toys.

So what exactly is fifteen inches for Star Convoy because he looks like he stands 7.5 inch tall leader class to me, standing next to the Micromaster Rodimus. For comparison Siege Jetfire is 11 inches tall, Combiner Wars Ultra Magnus is 8.4 inches tall, Combiner Wars Devastator is eighteen inches tall and Legacy Tidal Wave is nineteen inches tall.
Dude's clearly Armada Unicron-sized, at least!


Well-known member
That's the only design Star Convoy has. What else could they do with it?
I have no specific qualms with the design, but… it’s okay to redesign things. Classics revamped lots of character visuals, while still being reconcilable as those characters. I love the G1 Star Convoy aesthetic, but I would hope for at least a slight stylistic update for a Generations version.


Continuity Nutcase
I have no specific qualms with the design, but… it’s okay to redesign things. Classics revamped lots of character visuals, while still being reconcilable as those characters. I love the G1 Star Convoy aesthetic, but I would hope for at least a slight stylistic update for a Generations version.
We already got that from the Takara Selects version.


Another babka?
I have no specific qualms with the design, but… it’s okay to redesign things. Classics revamped lots of character visuals, while still being reconcilable as those characters. I love the G1 Star Convoy aesthetic, but I would hope for at least a slight stylistic update for a Generations version.
Meh, if they're going for Star Convoy go for Star Convoy. For every Classics Optimus that reinvented a design in a good way you have stuff like RtS Perceptor that falls flat. As someone who lived through the Classics, Universe 2.0, RtS, and T30 years... sometimes you just need to hit the nail on the head, ya know?

It was a bit surprising to me simply because we just got the mold in the Toxitron set which omitted him. Given general “cost concerns”, it would NOT have surprised me if Hasbro had opted not to include Wheelie.
I think this goes to show you that whatever we fans think we know about how these are budgeted, we don't know anything except what we're told.
We think we know because of the Toxitron capsule but there could be any number of factors we're just not aware of re: why Wheelie is included here and wasn't there.

I almost wonder if the decision to release him in a mass retail assortment (instead of Selects where his “wave mates” are scheduled to be done) didn’t come about due to some of the “pullbacks” Hasbro has been doing with the brand this past year (more package refreshes and fewer new products or waves per year).
I think you may be overthinking things a tad.
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Well-known member
Rodimus looks to be between core and the smallest deluxes of late. He threw me off when I saw what he looked like in the official pics in that he resembles a much smaller figure. This is yet another adherence that is annoying but fortunately I can replace that figure with the Kingdoms and Legacy one.
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Onyx Prime looks amazing. Superion looks terrible, the Aerialbots were always one of my favorite, but this looks more like a homage to the Gobots power suit combiner than the scramble city design. I will stick with Combiner Wars.


Well-known member
It's just fun. This is Optimus Prime's ultimate form. It's fun that Roller didn't get left out of the big upgrade. It's fun that the trailer is still usable despite turning into legs now. I've never bought any additional Micromasters to go with my reissue Star Convoy but it's still fun.
Something just hit with Star Convoy the moment I saw him that just "hit" better as the big upgrade to G1 Prime. Like I love Powermaster, don't get me wrong, but Star Convoy just hits the marks more on what I imagine "Optimus Prime but better than ever". Maybe it's the sweeping lines and more prominent attenae. Maybe even just having those gentle baby blue eyes. Either way, I'm such an easy mark for Star Convoy.


NOT a New Member.
Solus Prime.
“The goddess of the 13 primes, the forge master, the beautiful yet deadly, Solus Prime . The deluxe class will never be quite the same in terms of the female figures we’ve released before her. Please make some room in the toy room for the queen!
A gorgeous design I got to work on with Yuya san from Takara Tomy. The TT team is out there at Cybertron Con with our Asia Hasbro team revealing our entire 1st wave of figures from the Age of the Primes toyline. More info soon to come!
Lemme break it down fa ya, her ancient powerful and mystical artifact is the Forge Hammer. Although the forge has been made in shapes and styling toy forms before, this styling has never yet been made, and is the official first creation look. Any and all connections are compatible sizing with all our other figures. The bottom hilt can be detached and utilzed as a extremely powerful grenade. THICC tires, purple tastic colors, green optics, and a articulated front skirt will give any bot a kink in their neck rotor
Her cybertronian finned armored race mini truck alt mode was something I arrived to after completing her robot look, obviously bot mode was highly based on the power of primes aesthetic but with some extra ughff! With Yuya’s keen sense in articulation and transformation design, this figure just smashes into ur chest and erupts the energon within ur tcog module.
Seriously though, placing her next to her counterpart Megatronus leaves me with kremzeek tingles. A lovers quarrel or a powerful partnership, your shelf will decide how you would like to display these amazingly articulated figures. But don’t forget, are all cybertronian females bloodlines traced back to this creative skillfull Prime??? Like always, all of you already know, sound off!”
Solus Prime.jpg

(Source: - Instagram)

And a video below featuring redundant names ("Prima Prime"), possibly incorrect models (Powermaster Star Convoy anyone?) and the new term "Transformers bots". Hasbro at its finest!

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The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
It's the Brave-adjacent aesthetic. The early 90s were the peak of super robot design.


Hehe. Thinking of Selects Super/Ultra Megs going up against this Star Convoy is very funny. Actually, a new Titan class Super/Ultra Megs designed with modular parts so you can have one or the other could (hypothetically) be an awesome figure to go up against this guy. You know, when he isn’t fighting bigger guys like Scorpy/Black Zarak or any other Titan.

My hopes if they do get to Grandus and Sky Garry. Dai Atlas and his squad. But mostly, a new take on New Rodimus. So he can go from Micro to bulk again.


Kaiser Dragon
SS86 Grimlock with Wheelie was a retail-budgeted release. Toxitron Grimlock with swords was an exclusive-budgeted release. AotP Grimlock is a retail release, so it uses the retail-budgeted version. I think it's really just that simple.

We can speculate all we want about how much each accessory is worth, but like LordGigaIce pointed out, we really don't know how it works. I doubt they can just swap stuff around, or especially mix and match, as simply as we'd like to believe they could.


Not dead
Liege Maximo's feet in the Age of the Primes image look suspiciously similar to the Skullitron/Steelbane/Crimson Flame mold. Hopefully not, I can't say I'd be particularly happy with a deluxe. I wasn't expecting G2 comics eldritch-horror-huge, but not small.



Maybe he shares parts with some currently unrevealed Studio Series Voyager or Leader class Guardian Knight? Or it's just the artist pulling random stuff to cobble together placeholder art? I dunno, I was just really hoping for a Liege Maximo with shelf presence.

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